Recast youth

Chapter 1396 You are the corporate culture

Chapter 1396 You are the corporate culture

What is corporate culture?

Corporate culture refers to the general term for the values, business philosophy and corporate spirit that are gradually formed in the production and operation practice of an enterprise and are recognized and adhered to by the entire team, as well as the behavioral norms formed on this basis. Corporate culture is the soul of the enterprise and permeates it. In all business management activities of an enterprise, it is an inexhaustible driving force for the sustainable development of the enterprise.

Ye Feng knows about corporate culture.

But he became a monk halfway and had no formal training in business management, nor did he study MBA management. In fact, he didn’t really understand what corporate culture was.

Ye Feng said helplessly to Wang Xin: "Actually, I know the corporate culture, but it doesn't know me. It mainly depends on you to build the corporate culture. Counting on me is useless."

"Why do you expect everything from me?" Wang Xin was speechless.

"There's nothing you can do about it. Who made you a top student at Stanford and who made you the CEO of a company?"

Ye Feng suddenly sat up straight, looked at Wang Xin and said seriously: "Comrade Wang Xin, you have to know that with great power comes great responsibility. Come on, I admire you."

Wang Xin sneered and said, "Keep hating me."

Ye Feng had no choice but to resort to a trick, and continued to say seriously: "Then there is no way, who made my senior sister look good-looking? Is there anyone better-looking than you? A good-looking person can stand up to the five mountains."

Wang Xin looked at Ye Feng, and then said seriously: "What you said seems to make some sense."


Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief. As expected, women lose their IQ when they are praised. From now on, if Wang Xin accuses him of being lazy and not caring about the company's affairs, he will use the words about her beauty to block her.

"Do you really believe it? I'm not a [-] or [-]-year-old girl. Will these compliments you say in front of me work?"

Seeing Ye Feng's expression, Wang Xin was speechless, so she teased him, and he took it seriously. However, Wang Xin said so, but she didn't intend to let Ye Feng change. He was just a lazy person.

Um, lazy.

Wang Xin thought of this and glanced at Ye Feng. No wonder the company's name is Lanshan Company. Lanshan is lazy. This guy has already planned it. However, Wang Xin is also starting to build corporate culture.

Proceed in both directions.

Regarding the company, it is also simple. First, the corporate culture must be positive, otherwise it may cause employees to lose confidence and identity in the company, and the company lacks cohesion and competitiveness.

Second, there must be pioneering innovation, teamwork and risk awareness, otherwise it may be difficult to achieve corporate development goals and affect sustainable development.

Third, we must have an honest and trustworthy business philosophy, otherwise fraud may occur, causing corporate losses and affecting corporate reputation.

Fourth, when conducting corporate mergers and acquisitions, we must pay attention to cultural differences and ideological conflicts between enterprises, otherwise the merger, acquisition, and reorganization may fail.

In fact, regarding the first and second points, Ye Feng had already achieved it invisibly when he divided the department's responsibilities last month. Lanshan Company is not lacking in pioneering and innovation. As for positivity, Lanshan Company is not lacking in it.In the past two months, Lanshan Company has made headlines almost every day. Not to mention small news such as Lanshan Video and w5173, the game Zhuxian and Quick Payment have repeatedly occupied their respective places. headlines of the news section.

Everyone has seen visible room for improvement in Lanshan Company's system.

There is no need for the HR department of Lanshan to dig out the potential. There are countless management elites from all walks of life who have submitted their own resumes. Of course, problems will arise as a result.

Coincidentally, at this time, Ye Feng saw that Wang Xin did not take advantage of his sugar-coated bullets, and said nonchalantly: "Right now, the company's HR department is looking for experienced managers. Just let them manage small departments. Let's keep the general direction." Just change.”

"There is a problem with this." Wang Xin saw that the tea was boiling and poured herself a cup of tea.

Ye Feng rarely pays attention to the personnel changes in middle and high-level management. Hearing this, he said in confusion: "Whoever doesn't do well, just lay them off and find someone else to replace them. What's the problem?"

"The problem doesn't mean they didn't do a good job."

Wang Xin shook his head: "But as the company gets stronger and stronger, there are more and more managers. Now the company's management is divided into two camps, the old and the new. The old camp is the old man who first followed you to make a fortune. Since he joined the company early, Holding heavy power, most of the new camp are people with three to five years or more management experience. People who came from large companies originally had their own set of management systems. Therefore, when the old and new camps come into contact with each other, due to With different management styles and cultural styles, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts and mutual disapproval.”

Speaking of this, Wang Xin was afraid that Ye Feng wouldn't understand, so she explained it to Ye Feng in an easy-to-understand way. She looked at him and explained: "The old and new camps are just like the difference between our generation and our parents' generation. It’s not that anyone is wrong, but there is a generation gap between each other, they are used to each other, and their ideas conflict, and then the management has formed two camps, the old and the new. Do you understand what I mean?”

Ye Feng understood what Wang Xin meant.

It means that the old and new camps of management each have their own management habits, and it is not that who is wrong, but that they simply have different ideas. If anyone is said to be incapable of working, Ye Feng can replace him.

But it wasn't that he was incapable of working. Ye Feng really didn't have any good solutions, and he couldn't just leave it alone, because the company was a big aircraft carrier, and actions required the cooperation of various departments.

If you come to me, I will ignore you.

I looked for you, but you ignored me.

Another example is the comedy movie "The Lost Road". The results were paid by Jingke Pictures, Lanshan Video, or Maple Leaf. All three can benefit, one gets the box office, and the other two get users. However, Other departments can't get anything. If you ask him to help with publicity, what should you do if he doesn't like it?Or just say that you are busy and don’t promote it in time. What should you do?
Can't everything that happens require Wang Xin, the CEO, to personally coordinate the cooperation between departments?
So, this is also problematic.

At this time, Ye Feng didn't have much choice. After all, he didn't major in management and didn't have much experience. So he looked at Wang Xin: "Then how do you deal with this situation?"

"In fact, it is also a good thing to have competition between departments."

Wang Xin thought for a while and said: "The construction of corporate culture is divided into two parts. The first part is carried out slowly over time. In the end, the management will be stamped with the mark of Lanshan. The other part is you. If you come forward, the problem will almost be solved." It’s solved.”

Ye Feng was stunned for a moment: "How can I show up?"

“Business leader, do you know what that means?”

Wang Xin looked at Ye Feng with a smile: "What I mean is that if you are promoted as part of the corporate culture and you are the head of this aircraft carrier, the company can keep the same direction and move forward. It's a pity. You don’t like to be interviewed by the media. If you are willing to be interviewed and find someone to polish the interview script, your brand image can even be more important than Lanshan Company’s brand image. It can also be said that you are the company’s corporate culture.”

(End of this chapter)

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