Recast youth

Chapter 1395 Corporate Culture

Chapter 1395 Corporate Culture
End of the meeting.

Li Ping returned to her office, turned on her computer and searched for the website Lanshan Weibo on Baidu. She felt strange when she heard Ye Feng mention Lanshan Weibo before.

Lanshan Weibo and Lanshan Company are the same.

Now Li Ping searched and found that Lanshan Weibo was indeed the word "Lanshan" of Lanshan Company. In other words, this Lanshan Weibo should also be a company founded by Mr. Ye and others.

First, Jingke Pictures.

It's Lanshan Company again.

There are also rumors circulating within the company some time ago that Mr. Ye is spending nearly 2000 billion yuan to acquire a well-known hotel called Hilton abroad. At this point, Li Ping no longer knows how many properties Ye Feng has outside and how much money he has. .

There was such an unfathomable feeling.

And forget about Jingke Pictures and Lanshan Weibo, but it costs 2000 billion yuan to acquire a hotel. How much is that?You probably can’t put that much money into a house, right?

Thinking of this, Li Ping couldn't help but think of four years ago, when she was still working as a sales lady at the Xinlong Mansion Sales Center. At that time, Ye Feng came to buy a house. At first, it was not she who received her, but her colleague Yang Li.

But because Yang Li felt that he couldn't afford a house, she was the one to receive Ye Feng. Unexpectedly, because of her patience at that time, she actually achieved where she is today.

Li Ping glanced at her desk and her office, and couldn't help but wonder, what would Yang Li think if she knew all this, and would she regret everything she had done?

He must be desperate to please Mr. Ye, right?

Then Li Ping shook her head to get these thoughts out of her mind, and then looked at the page instructions on Lanshan Weibo to start registering an account. The registered name was Maple Leaf Pay.

Fill in the page information: Maple Leaf Financial Services Company, Maple Leaf Payment official number.


the other side.

After Ye Feng and Wang Xin finished their meeting, they returned to their office. Wang Xin sat down and boiled tea. Then he casually communicated with Ye Feng: "How sure are you about the payment security of Maple Leaf Payment?"

"Not sure at all."

Ye Feng sat on the boss's chair, lowered the seat to a comfortable position and was half-lying down. He tapped his feet on the desk and said, "I don't know much about technology. At this point, I can only trust the company's technical engineers." .”

Wang Xin looked at Ye Feng and said, "I'm not throwing cold water on you. The risk of full compensation is indeed a bit high. Once a problem occurs, it is likely to be a large-scale financial security problem. The amount will not be low, so you must be mentally prepared. "

Ye Feng said with a smile: "The soldiers will come to cover up the water and the earth. If there is a problem, I can only hope that my customers' bank card balances are not so sufficient, and then I will pay less compensation."


Speaking of this, Ye Feng paused for a moment: "And now is the critical time for whether fast payment can be implemented. All the technical engineers in the company have to keep an eye on it, 24 hours a day. If there is a loophole, fix it immediately. If so, If it can also cause heavy losses to the company, then they don’t have to do it anymore, they all have to pack up and leave for me.”

Wang Xin nodded.

At this juncture, she and Ye Feng had no choice as managers. It was similar to Lanshan Company being a Noah's Ark, and she and Ye Feng were the two helmsmen, responsible for steering the ship.

If there is a problem with the ship, it is not she and Ye Feng who are responsible first, but the boatmen, because they serve this bowl of rice and do this job. Therefore, Ye Feng said that if there is a major problem, the engineer in charge of the loophole will have to leave. It doesn't make sense.But at this time, Wang Xin had to go against Ye Feng.

It’s not about talking against each other, but it’s about discussing and arguing with each other, and then coming up with results in the debate, and slowly improving possible loopholes.

Wang Xin pondered for a while, then looked at Ye Feng and said: "Let's put aside the occurrence of fraud and loopholes. What if someone clearly said that his account was not stolen, and then deliberately said that his account was stolen and the money was gone? Do we have to pay compensation too?”

Ye Feng said: "Pay compensation."

"Is this also compensation?"

Wang Xin crossed her legs and looked at Ye Feng in astonishment.

"Yes, compensation."

Ye Feng leisurely lit a cigarette, and then said: "If there is someone with malicious intent who wants to pay compensation, let the engineer check the backend, carefully screen, and select a person with a relatively large amount to compensate."

As he spoke, Ye Feng puffed out an eye socket and said without any fireworks: "Then let Chen Xiao's legal department sue him for fraud and blackmail, sentence him to a few years in prison, pull him out as a model, and then find the news media to publicize it. "

Wang Xin felt the chill from Ye Feng's words and sighed: "Killing chickens to scare monkeys, your move is cruel enough,"

"There is no other way. If you don't have poison, you won't have a husband."

Ye Feng chuckled and said: "Didn't Wang Jingwei also say at the emergency enlarged meeting of the Central Committee of the Kuomintang that he would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go? Now online payment is still a blank space in the financial field. There is a lack of relevant regulations. Countless People are waiting for us to make mistakes, or to induce us to make mistakes. In troubled times, heavy rules are used. If someone really goes through evil ways and wants to extort money from the company, then the company will sue him and put him in jail. He will not be unjust. When there is an avalanche, there will be no snowflakes. Innocent? It’s all self-inflicted and doesn’t deserve sympathy.”

Hearing this, Wang Xin smiled and looked at Ye Feng, who had his legs crossed and was cynical, and said, "You are becoming more and more like a company founder now, acting vigorously and decisively."

"That is."

Ye Feng nodded and looked at Wang Xin triumphantly: "Do you think I'm particularly cold and handsome?"

"I didn't notice how handsome he was, but I did notice his shameless spirit."

Wang Xin became very interested. In fact, in her opinion, Ye Feng was indeed quite handsome. Not only was he handsome, he was also standing at the top of the pyramid at a young age. Not to mention the outside world, even within the company, no one knew he was there. Many female employees regarded Ye Feng as a male idol and discussed Ye Feng in private.

It's just that Wang Xin couldn't get used to Ye Feng's arrogance, and she couldn't help but want to hit him when she saw him arrogantly.

Ye Feng doesn't know what Wang Xin is thinking. If he knew, he would definitely say, senior sister, we are a bit alike. I can't stand others being arrogant, but I can't stand others bragging...

The two chatted for a while.

Then he talked about the corporate culture of Lanshan Company. Now Lanshan Company has become a company with an increasingly larger team. As we all know, when the company was small, the boss could recognize every employee in the company.

But when the number of employees in the company exceeds one hundred or even one thousand, the boss, no matter how good his memory is, cannot recognize everyone in the company.

Ye Feng doesn't know many employees, and he doesn't even know some of the company's middle and high-level leaders. However, Lanshan Company, including employees from Maple Leaf Financial Services and other departments, now has 1500 employees.

At this time, the company must pay special attention to corporate culture.

(End of this chapter)

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