Recast youth

Chapter 1363 The boy who wants to make money

Chapter 1363 The boy who wants to make money
Gao Xuan could tell that this cold boy was here to strike up a conversation, and she could also see that he was very nervous. She felt funny and wanted to laugh, but she pretended to be cold and still ate the ice porridge in small bites.

She was interested to see how he struck up a conversation with her.

Seeing Gao Xuan not speaking, the cold young man felt a little embarrassed and had nowhere to put his hands. However, there was no other way to do this, so he looked around, looking for something to say: "Are you eating ice porridge?"

Gao Xuan finally responded. She raised her head, her delicate face and the corners of her mouth slightly curved into a smile: "Guess."


It is indeed eating ice porridge.

The cold boy was a little frustrated. He felt that he had said nonsense. Then he shook his flowing hair, took out a 5-yuan pack of red poinsettias, smoked, and pretended to be cool. He felt that the way the men smoked in the movie was so handsome. .

But before the cold boy put the cigarette in his mouth, Gao Xuan suddenly looked at him in surprise: "You actually smoke?"

The cold young man froze for a moment, then put the cigarette back into the cigarette case, and said to Gao Xuan calmly: "Actually, I don't smoke much. I still know that smoking is harmful to health. I will buy this pack of cigarettes." It’s been almost a month and I still haven’t finished smoking it. I mainly use it to relax when I’m socializing with my colleagues in the factory.”

Gao Xuan looked regretful: "You don't smoke?"


The cold young man looked at the beauty in front of him and was a little confused. What do you mean?So should I smoke or not?
Gao Xuan stretched out her hand, revealing a small section of her snow-white arm. She held her chin and looked at the cold young man. She said regretfully: "I think men are handsome when they smoke. It feels very masculine. I originally thought I could see you smoking." Well, I didn’t expect you didn’t smoke.”

"No, I smoke one occasionally."

Hearing this, the cold young man quickly lit up his cigarette, and then puffed away puff after puff. Since the beauty wanted to watch the man smoke, he had to smoke for her to watch.

Gao Xuan suddenly coughed twice, covered her mouth and said, "'s a bit choking."


The cold young man was stunned for a moment, then he threw the cigarette that he had only taken a few puffs on the ground and sat upright: "Then I won't smoke anymore."


Gao Xuan couldn't hold it back any longer and suddenly laughed out loud, happily.

The cold young man was confused and didn't know what Gao Xuan was laughing at.

Gao Xuan finally stopped smiling. She no longer teased this big boy who had just been out of society for a few years and was still in the handsome stage. Instead, she looked at him with a smile and asked with a slight hook on her lips. : "Do you want to chase me?"

The cold young man was originally just coaxed by two colleagues to ask for his QQ account, but when he heard Gao Xuan say this, he felt as if he had a chance, so he nodded quickly, with a solemn and serious look on his face: "Yeah, I think so."

Then the cold young man looked at Gao Xuan's beautiful face and body, and felt guilty for a while, then added: "Are you willing to give me this chance?"

Gao Xuan said, "I'm seven or eight years older than you."

Cold boy: "I don't mind."

Gao Xuan: "I am very good at spending money."

"I can make money!"

The cold young man said something immediately, and then he was afraid that Gao Xuan would not be able to do it, so he quickly said: "I am now in the mold department, and my salary is not much for 8 hours a day. I will tell the master later that I will be transferred to the workshop and follow the production for 12 hours. The overtime pay for a month can be more than 2000 yuan, and by the way, I still have a provident fund. Those operators don't have a provident fund. Only our technicians have a provident fund."

Gao Xuan stopped her smile, took a serious look at the cold boy, and then chuckled. This time her smile was much simpler. She asked, "Then are you willing to treat me to two bowls of ice porridge?" "No problem. .”

The cold young man quickly stood up, then ran to the landlady, took out the money, and gave it to the landlady in high spirits. Then he sat back happily. This time he was not so nervous, but excited, and looked at Gao Xuan happily: " By the way, if you want to eat anything else, tell me and I’ll treat you to it.”

Gao Xuan didn't say anything and finished the rest of the ice porridge.

The cold young man looked at Gao Xuan who was silent and couldn't figure out what she was thinking.

After Gao Xuan carefully finished the ice porridge, she then looked at the cold boy, and then at the five-dollar red poinsettias on the table.

"It's not forbidden for men to smoke."

Gao Xuan picked up the cold young man's Yipinmei and lit a cigarette with an elegant gesture. The smoke gently came out from her red lips. She looked at the young man and said, "But those are things done by men with heavy hearts. You It’s better to smoke less at this age, it also costs money.”

After saying this, Gao Xuan took out the keys to her Mercedes-Benz.

The cold young man was stunned for a moment. He had never seen a Mercedes-Benz key, but he recognized the Mercedes-Benz three-pointed star logo on the Mercedes-Benz key, and suddenly he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"in addition."

Gao Xuan smiled softly and stood up. She was tall and even seemed to be slightly taller than the cold boy. Coupled with Gao Xuan's unique temperament, it brought oppression.

"It's not impossible to chase girls. You must first have money."

Gao Xuan picked up the packed ice porridge with one hand and picked up the Mercedes-Benz keys with the other hand. She left her seat and planned to go back. She also planned to say a few words to the big boy who was chatting with her. She looked at the boy and said with a smile: " Maybe it's a bit too realistic and too early to say this to you at your age, but I still want to say to you, make money first. In this extremely exclusive city, you can only pursue others if you have money. capital."

For a moment, the cold young man looked at Gao Xuan speechless.

Then Gao Xuan looked at the neighborhood, a place she had visited countless times at night, and then pointed at the mid-to-high-end residential areas built in recent years not far away, which were also brightly lit.

"Don't you want to live in those high-end residential areas? Don't you want to stand on the rooftops of those high-end residential areas and see how beautiful the surrounding scenery is?"

Having said this, Gao Xuan looked back at the dirty urban village with crisscrossed wires everywhere, and said to the cold-blooded young man: "Or do you want to stay in a group rental house with others, even if you catch a girl? Can you bring me to a group rental house that is so dirty and doesn’t even have a private bathroom?”

"So, go ahead and make money, young man. Only when you have money can you have the confidence to refute others loudly."

Gao Xuan patted the cold boy Huang Zhifei on the shoulder, and then walked towards the white Mercedes-Benz parked not far away. When she was about to cross the road, Gao Xuan suddenly looked back at the cold boy who was still looking at her, and signaled to herself With the ice porridge in his hand, he smiled brightly: "By the way, thank you for the ice porridge."

The cold young man watched Gao Xuan leave in despair, feeling a huge shock in his heart.

At this time two colleagues came over.

"What have you been talking about for so long?"

"Do you want to get her QQ account?"

Two colleagues asked the cold boy.

The cold young man came back to his senses, ignored his two colleagues, and looked back at the brightly lit high-end community not far away. The idea of ​​making money was so strong for the first time. He said in a lonely but firm tone: "I want to make money, and then Buy a house there!”

(End of this chapter)

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