Recast youth

Chapter 1362

Chapter 1362
Shanghai Stock Exchange.

A place where countless outsiders come with dreams, this international city does have a special charm. When other cities are dark, here, even in the early morning, the city center is still brightly lit and people are coming and going on the road.

Caolu Town.

In a relatively densely populated town in Pudong New Area, Gao Xuan took half a day off and slept in a hotel until night. She drove here alone and stopped at the intersection of an urban village.

When Gao Xuan graduated from school in 2000, her first stop was to come to Caolu Town with her dreams in mind. I remember that at that time, this was not Caolu Town, but Caolu Town, which was established after the cancellation of Gulu Town and Gonglu Town. town.

Now 6 years have passed.

This urban village where I once lived has changed a lot. Across the river are neatly planned mid- to high-end commercial residential buildings, and across the road is the modern campus of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.

The only thing that remains unchanged is that the night market in the urban village here is still cramped and dilapidated, but it is also equally lively. Dangerous old houses and small western-style buildings coexist, and black agencies, black Internet cafes, and unlicensed vendors are hiding among them. A large number of immigrants live here. rent.

Although it was shabby, Gao Xuan felt that it was so familiar. She was doing nothing in the hotel, and she suddenly thought of this urban village where her dream had begun. Occasionally, she would pass by groups of girls nearby, and Gao Xuan would also think about it. Suddenly looking back, he seemed to see his own shadow in them.

But the changes are still big.

Colleagues I once knew are no longer in contact.

Gao Xuan smiled and shook her head, and then returned to the night market. There were stalls everywhere, including fried rice and noodles, cold noodle jelly, salamander, and squid. However, Gao Xuan's goal was not here, but an ice porridge stall.

The proprietress of this ice porridge shop is a woman in her early forties, wearing an apron. In 2000, Gao Xuan's favorite thing was to come here to eat ice porridge, but her salary was limited at that time, so she couldn't afford it.

Gao Xuan also knew that maybe she couldn't afford it at the beginning, and now that she had some free time, she suddenly wanted to come over and try it. Rather than trying the ice porridge, it would be better to recall the feeling in her memory.

But she came anyway.

Gao Xuan came to the stall, looked at the ice porridge in the glass cabinet happily towards the proprietress, and said enthusiastically: "The proprietress gave me a bowl of ice porridge."

Because there were too many people on the roadside and it was too noisy, the proprietress didn’t hear clearly and asked again: “Is it a bowl?”

"Two bowls, please."

Gao Xuan changed her mind after hearing the boss lady's question, and said with a smile: "Eat one bowl here and take one bowl away."

While speaking, Gao Xuan looked at the landlady with a smile and expectantly, hoping that she would recognize him, the little girl who was once young but full of longing for this big city.

The landlady misunderstood Gao Xuan's smile. She felt a little embarrassed when she saw such a beautiful girl smiling at her. She smiled and said, "Beauty, don't keep staring at me. I'm embarrassed by you." Can I give you some more ice porridge?"

"Haha, thank you sister."

Gao Xuan couldn't help but laugh out loud. She had never felt so happy before, and she didn't explain why she was staring at her. Then she found a table and sat down, and then leisurely looked at the night market where she had often come.

As the saying goes.

What kind of people come from where.

Caolu Town is one of the few places in Shanghai where the foreign population exceeds the local population. Even if there are locals staying, they are only old people. As for those who can come out at night, basically 80% are foreigners.These outsiders kept up the noise in Caolu Town.

Gao Xuan herself is an extremely eye-catching woman among intellectual workers. She is not only beautiful, but also very elegant. When she sits there, she has the aura of a female elite in the workplace. It is natural for her to come to this place where most of the workers are. It stands out from the crowd.

pretty face.

Excellent figure.

Somewhat stunning clothing.

Smiling slightly remembering the smile of the past.

All of this made Gao Xuan sit at some tables nearby. The young man who had just finished work in the factory and was wearing factory uniforms looked as beautiful as a fairy in his eyes and felt that it was very decent. However, most of the young people were embarrassed to look directly at her and only dared to look at her occasionally. Look up, and then discuss with your colleagues and friends around you how beautiful this woman is, how good her figure is, and how elegant she is.

One of the tables.

There were three people sitting at the table, wearing Shengli Precision factory uniforms. One of them, a boy in his 20s, was obviously the focus of the small group. His hair was very long, a bit similar to Nicholas Tse's early hairstyle, [-] points, and dyed. A handful of yellow rice noodles, fried rice noodles, sitting on a long bench, half of the buttocks, one foot on the bench.

If Gao Xuan glanced this way, he would involuntarily shake his hair with a "cold" look on his face, feeling in his heart that he was so handsome and cool.

The other two colleagues also thought he was handsome, and secretly thought that when their wages came down on the 15th, they would also spend money to dye him. However, the three of them were currently discussing the beautiful woman who suddenly appeared at the ice porridge stall like the other tables.

One person suddenly looked at the cold young man and said in a low voice: "By the way, Huang Zhifei, aren't you the only one who chases after women? If you have the ability, go get that beauty's QQ number."

"Yes, yes, you go and have a look."

Another person also started to heckle the cold boy.

The cold-hearted young man Huang Zhifei lowered his head and peeked at Gao Xuan at the ice porridge stall. He hesitated for a moment and felt that the difficulty level was too high. But if he didn't go, he would feel very shameless.

"Okay, today I will let you two cowards open your eyes." Huang Zhifei, a cold-blooded young man, was greatly moved.

When one person saw that Huang Zhifei was really going, he laughed in disbelief: "Just brag, can you get QQ from someone else?"

"Who the hell is bragging to you? You know what it means to have a 20% chance or a [-]% chance of making a move, but if you don't make a move, you don't even have a chance? You deserve it. You two are in your [-]s and you can't even figure out what an aunt is. "

The cold boy cursed, and then bravely walked towards Gao Xuan who was sitting at the ice porridge stall. The cold boy didn't know why, but the closer he got to this beautiful and overly beautiful woman, the more nervous he became. I felt as if my heart was going to beat out.

Gao Xuan was still sitting, eating the ice porridge in small sips.

The cold boy became even more nervous. She should have noticed that she was coming, right?At this time, the cold-hearted young man suddenly wanted to retreat, but when he turned around, he saw two colleagues paying close attention to this area. It would be too embarrassing to give up halfway, and it might be regarded as a joke and spread throughout the mold department.


The cold boy's heart skipped a beat. He sat down and looked at Gao Xuan with his heart pounding. He had a really good figure. However, the cold boy didn't dare to stare at the particularly good parts of Gao Xuan's figure. He only dared to look at Gao Xuan's body. Face, for fear that she would regard him as a pervert, and his original sharp tongue would be gone, so he stuttered slightly and said:
"You, hello."

(End of this chapter)

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