Recast youth

Chapter 131 This is a war

Chapter 131 This is a War

It is getting closer and closer to Yao Ming's first game in the NBA. Shen Yu is a loyal fan of Yao Ming and one of the administrators of the Star Forum. Under his deliberate guidance, the topic of Yao Ming and the NBA in the Star Forum has become more and more popular. more.

Not just forums.

It should be said that both the domestic news media and the news media in Country M have paid a high degree of attention to this Chinese draft pick who has no American background. In particular, Country M pays more attention to Yao Ming. Regarding his arrival, M The Chinese people are also full of expectations and have various speculations. They don't know what this 2.26 giant can bring to the NBA. Of course, the vast majority of people judge that this big star from China will definitely do it, so there is a lot of publicity. Not only did he make the headlines in country M, but the famous sports magazine "Sports Weekly" in country M also printed his figure on its cover to promote it.

In the 2001-2002 season, what were Yao Ming's statistics in the CBA Finals?

God-like performance.

Therefore, Yao Ming's first game will not only be broadcast live across the United States, but CCTV will also broadcast the live game simultaneously. The momentum is unprecedented. Shen Yu has made an appointment with Ye Feng a long time ago. He plans to skip school and come to his home on October 10st. Go and see.

10 month 31 number.

Shen Yu came to Ye Feng's house early in the morning. Along with Shen Yu were Wang Hao and Lin Rui. These three people were all interested in basketball, but Lin Rui rarely touched basketball after he started selling plug-ins.

The three of them brought peanuts, melon seeds, chicken feet, and beer, saying that watching the live broadcast while drinking would be enough to create a mood.

Ye Feng looked at the three people with chicken blood, and thought of Zhao Tianhe and his friend Chen Feng. They also liked basketball, and wondered whether he should invest in a basketball-related business.

Such as an indoor basketball gym or something.

Making money is secondary, the key is that connections are very important. As the business grows bigger and bigger, Ye Feng is eager to build his own network of connections to become his own talisman.

The game officially begins.

Rockets vs. Indiana Pacers.

The Rockets started with Francis, Mobley, Norris, Taylor, and Cato, but Yao Ming failed to play.

Shen Yu was greatly disappointed and cursed angrily: "What a shameful coach! Why don't you let Yao Ming play? If Yao Ming plays, the Pacers will not be able to score minutes as an inside man."

"That's right, foreigners are squeezing out Yao Ming. Even if I were a coach, I would be better than him." Lin Rui also followed Shen Yu in scolding him.

Wang Hao became much calmer after what happened with Xu Wen. He stared at the TV broadcast and said: "You can't say that the coach is not good. Rudy Tomjanovich is quite good. He is the only two times the Rockets won the championship." I got it from coaching. Yao Ming is very good in the CBA, but you can't myth him. Who can gain a foothold in the NBA, who is not good?"

Shen Yu said nagging: "Then at least let Dayao go up and give it a try. How will you know if Dayao is not good if you don't try?"

"Really or not, what kind of Tom is so awesome?" Lin Rui didn't believe it.

Ye Feng wanted to laugh when he heard this. He thought that the cat in Tom and Jerry was named Tom.

Shen Yu still believed in Ye Feng, and turned to ask Ye Feng: "Do you think it's okay for Yao Ming to play?"

"He didn't play, how do I know?" Ye Feng rolled his eyes. He couldn't say that in his previous life, Yao Ming would play in the second quarter. In the end, he didn't score a point and only had 2 rebounds, 1 assist and 1 block. The performance of 3 fouls.

What if history changes and is slapped in the face?

However, his curiosity also aroused, and he stared at the NBA broadcasts intently. In his previous life, he was mostly in Internet cafes and didn't watch many live basketball broadcasts, so he couldn't recognize all these foreigners.

Before meeting stars such as Rose, Kobe, and Tracy McGrady, he thought foreigners all looked the same, either black or white. As for their faces, he couldn't tell at all.

It's similar to the lyrics in the song "Yuhua Stone".

Hi where are you
Hi I can't see


The main reason for curiosity is whether Yao Ming came on at the 19th minute of the second quarter, and whether he really scored 0 points. Finally, at the 19th minute of the second quarter, Yao Ming came on as Cato's substitute.The camera suddenly switched to Yao Ming, the big man wearing jersey No. 11, and the camera also panned around the auditorium. The audience was almost surrounded by Chinese people.

They are all here to support Yao Ming.

There are four people wearing a Chinese character on their bodies, and together they support Yao Ming.

Seeing this, Ye Feng was no longer calm, and the blood hidden in his bones was gradually boiling. This is the pride of the Chinese people, although Yao Ming's performance in this game may not be as good as the public expected.

But one thing Ye Feng is sure of is that Yao Ming is destined to shine in NBA games and become a person who plays an integral role in promoting the NBA to the world.

Well-deserved Chinese pride.

"Yao Ming, Yao Ming is on the court!"

When Shen Yu saw Yao Ming on TV, he was as excited as a child. He pointed at the TV and shouted excitedly.

At this moment, the door to Kong Jingke's room suddenly opened. With a tired expression, she glanced at Shen Yu, who could hardly restrain himself, and said, "Can you keep your voice down?"

His words were not serious and his eyes were not glaring.

But Shen Yu was like a quacking duck whose neck was suddenly strangled. He suddenly lost his voice and nodded desperately to Kong Jingke like a chicken pecking at rice.

Kong Jingke closed the door again.

Shen Yu was so relieved that he almost broke into a cold sweat.

Lin Rui and Wang Hao were crazy with joy when they saw this.

"Old Shen, why are you so frightened by a woman?" Lin Rui said jokingly.

Wang Hao also said happily: "That's right, he probably has never been so cowardly towards Chen Qingyin. She looks like a little daughter-in-law who has been yelled at by a man."

Shen Yu glanced at the closed door and retorted in a low voice: "You guys know nothing. This woman carries a knife with her when she goes to the bathroom in the middle of the night."

"Such a long knife." Shen Yu gestured with both hands: "It still has a blood groove. Last time I knocked on the door and asked her to come out for dinner, she held the knife in her backhand and put it behind her. Are you not afraid? I was scared at the time. My legs can no longer walk."

"Fuck, are you so cruel?"

Lin Rui's eyes widened, and Wang Hao also felt a little unbelievable. It was a bit exaggerated to carry a knife with him at home, but after Ye Feng confirmed it, he looked almost like Shen Yu.

The three of them sat at attention, watching Yao Ming's debut. They didn't dare to breathe. At most, they just sighed after Yao Ming missed the shot.

One game down.

Yao Ming came on the bench twice, playing 7 minutes in the first quarter and more than 3 minutes in the fourth quarter. He played timidly, missed one shot and scored 0 points. Shen Yu and others, who were full of expectations for Yao Ming's debut, were all excited. Full of frustration, the 20 points and 30 points that I imagined would show off my power did not appear.

"It's okay. He only made one shot. It'll be fine once he builds up his confidence."

It was expected and reasonable, but Ye Feng still felt it was a pity. At the same time, he also affirmed another thing, that is, as long as there was no intervention from him, the trajectory of history would not change, and the future was promising.

after the game.

Reporter Sun Zhengping asked Yao Ming how he felt about his first NBA experience.

Yao Ming said, this is a war!
(End of this chapter)

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