Recast youth

Chapter 130 Repeated History

Chapter 130 Repeated History

Enter October.

After changing to a driving school, Li Pinghe and He Chongxin both got their driver's licenses, and Ye Feng also got his own driver's license. By this time, w5173 had grown into a leading game trading website.

Trading volume is increasing day by day.

Ye Feng also paid special attention to similar websites on the Internet. 5173 has not appeared yet. His impression seems to be that it was launched in November 2001, which is still one month away.

In this life, due to the emergence of Ye Feng, w5173 was the first to go online. Whether 5173 will go online has become an unknown question. At the very least, the name change is certain. In addition, regarding game websites, the only big one is 17173 It is a game portal, but it is a little different from w5173. 17173 is a consulting website that publishes information about various games. w5173 is a trading website that is used to trade various virtual props and accounts. The ways of making money are also different. The former charges advertising fees, and the latter A handling fee will be charged.

What Ye Feng likes most is the handling fee, because the operating costs are very low and the rate of return rises quickly. The main reason is that w5173 is a cash flow company. Ye Feng, who has a vision that is more than ten years ahead, knows very well how valuable a cash flow company is. .

The most famous company in the past life was Apple.

Domestically, Tencent and Alibaba are used as benchmarks. As for some real estate companies, they seem to be making money, but in fact they have extremely high debt ratios, high costs, and high operations, and they are easily controlled by others.

For example, the bank's credit rating is lowered and the loan is terminated.

This is a terrible method, which means that you have to sell some profitable properties at a loss to repay the bank loan.

Ye Feng doesn't like to be controlled by others.

As for the Nasdaq market in country m, Ye Feng has also looked at NetEase's stocks. They are currently rising steadily. It is not yet clear how much potential there is, but Ye Feng is not in a hurry. He will wait until January 2003. NetEase's stock is about to become the best-performing stock on the Nasdaq market, which also means that in three months, Ye Feng's invisible wealth will begin to increase dramatically.

However, Ye Feng deliberately forgets this aspect, and does not do things to the best of his ability, and does not reveal his wealth in vain.

Ye Feng wants to keep some trump cards for himself, not to mention that he is not short of money now. The business of Fengxing Studio has entered a stable stage. Although the private server version of the Chinese Zodiac has been copied, the money earned has not decreased, but is still there. Rising steadily.

The reason is very simple, because there are more and more Internet cafes now, and more and more people are exposed to online games. If it weren’t for the arson attack at the Yanjing Blue Speed ​​Internet Cafe in June, which led to the Ministry of Five’s rectification of the Internet cafe industry and the suspension of business licenses , Fengxing Studio’s profits will reach a higher level.

The Internet cafe arson incident also gave Ye Feng a rude awakening.

In 2002, online news was not as developed as it would be in later generations. It was so fast that reports would appear on the Internet an hour after something happened. Ye Feng knew about this news because he heard someone complaining about the suspension of the Internet cafe business license. Then we talked about the arson.

As a reborn person, he knew about the fire at the Yanjing Blue Express Internet Cafe. Then Ye Feng woke up. What woke him up was not the fire, but the astonishing repetition of history. The first thing Ye Feng did was to turn on his computer and search for information about this incident. All the news about this incident also matched up with the trajectory of what happened in his memory.

At No. 20 Xueyuan Road, Yanjing City, the arsonists were all four minors. They maliciously set the fire in retaliation for being refused access to an Internet cafe on the grounds that they were minors.

How could Ye Feng not wake up?Because in his opinion, some things, as long as they change just a little bit, will lead to changes in the subsequent development. For example, a person who was about to have a car accident on a certain road suddenly met an acquaintance and said hello to him, and it was so delayed. Even for a second, this person might be able to escape.

This incident made Ye Feng think deeply for several days, and he kept thinking about what kind of changes his rebirth would bring to the world, whether it would be good or bad.

Events that should have happened outside Dongzhou City are still happening.Ye Feng understood this, because without the interference of external incentives, people would still subconsciously make choices based on their first thoughts. Even if the time node was adjusted back hundreds or thousands of times, the result would still not change.

But what about within Dongzhou City?

Ye Feng has done a lot and sorted out a lot. For example, he took the first share of the plug-in market. For example, he met his old classmate Yu Lili in advance and had a slight ambiguity. For example, he returned to Dongzhou City to give the bus to the city a few years ago. That suggestion from the driver.

Another example is Li Jia, Li Man, Zhang Lan, Lin Rui, and Wang Xiaoqiang.

These people have all changed their original life trajectories.

In the end, Ye Feng stopped thinking about it. There was only one thing he could do. On the basis of not being arrogant or impetuous, he did his best, obeyed fate, and tried not to interfere with the life trajectories of others except himself, and let it go. Still following the original script.


The eldest sister Ye Yun called and said that she had opened a clothing factory and currently hired twelve people. There was not much work on hand and she did not dare to hire too many people. She wanted to ask Ye Feng what he thought.

In Ye Yun's opinion, if Ye Feng can make so much money by building a website, he must have a much better business acumen than her.

Ye Feng knew that the eldest sister was engaged in clothing processing for large companies and earned piece-rate price differences. However, he did not understand this aspect. Some people did well and made brands, while some even made cloth and exported it to island countries. Or abroad, some people lose everything.

There was no way to give advice at all, so Ye Feng had no choice but to tell the eldest sister, "You think it's done." Ye Feng knew that it was her first time doing business when she made this phone call, so she felt unsure and was afraid of losing the 20 she gave.

But Ye Feng's idea is also very simple. What he owes his eldest sister in his two lives cannot be measured by money. As for the eldest sister's 20 yuan, he can just pay it off. It doesn't matter.

Just think of spending money to buy experience.

To use that famous saying, who makes you my sister?

This sentence also illustrates Ye Feng's wealth. Kali's number has once again surged to over 200 million. He is thinking whether he should buy another house, or renovate the house in Xinlong Mansion and complete it. There are some dreams that I wanted to complete in my previous life but were never completed.

Shen Yu was a little excited during this time.

Because it's October, the NBA preseason is about to begin, which means he can see the little giant Yao Ming appear on the NBA court as a Chinese.

Ye Feng is quite looking forward to it.

Because he is very curious about one thing, that is, history will repeat itself. What will Yao Juli's first show in the NBA be like? Will it be the same as in the previous life, still ending with 0 points.

Or will there be different changes, such as 20 points?
(End of this chapter)

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