Recast youth

Chapter 1301: Preempted

Chapter 1301: Preempted
Zhang Lan underestimated the difficulty of getting to Yubeng Village.

At first, she thought it was interesting because Xiaoli and her father came out with a mule. Zhang Lan thought what kind of transportation was this, but after embarking on the journey, she understood.

I couldn't help but feel glad that I didn't come here wearing a skirt, otherwise I would really make a fool of myself.

Yubeng Village is deep in the mountains. After Zhang Lan left, he learned that there is no road leading to Yubeng Village. There are two post roads in the Xidang direction and Ninong direction, and the Xidang Post Road is more convenient.

But despite this, you still need to hike or ride a mule uphill for 12 kilometers, downhill for 6 kilometers, and over the 3700-meter pass to reach Yubeng Village. Stones will fall from time to time on the post road on the edge of the mountain.

That is to say, it is not raining now. If it rains, the road will not only be muddy but also slippery. If you are not careful, you will slip off the cliff. Zhang Lan originally wanted to accompany Xiaoli and her father to walk together.

But in the end she couldn't resist, her feet were blistered, and she got on the mule. In the mist and night, she grabbed the reins in her hands with fear, fear and hesitation in her heart.

Do I really deserve to be in a place like this?

Can you hold on?
Finally, Zhang Lan grabbed a pawn in his pocket and persisted. Before coming, Zhang Lan brought a pair of chess with him, thinking that he could teach children to play chess in his spare time. She was the pawn. To prevent myself from retreating, I put it in my pocket alone.

By the time we actually arrived at Yubeng Village, it was already past eleven o'clock at night.

Zhang Lan was exhausted. Not only were there blood blisters on his feet, but his buttocks were also in severe pain. Different from Zhang Lan's exhaustion, Xiaoli was too excited to sleep.

There will finally be a teacher in the village.

My younger brother also needs to go to school.

"Sister Zhang Lan, thank you."

Xiaoli said excitedly to Zhang Lan: "I will be a sophomore in high school when school starts, and I will graduate in two years. By then, apart from giving part of my part-time money to my family, I will give the rest to you."

"Ok, I will wait for you."

Zhang Lan said with a smile.

There was not much room in the house. Zhang Lan and Xiaoli slept on the same bed in the main room, surrounded by a layer of cloth. Xiaoli's brother slept on a bed made of wooden boards.

After arriving at the place, Zhang Lan found that he was naive. Not only was this place closed, there were no roads or electricity, and even the mobile phone signal was intermittent. But seeing Xiaoli's excited smile, Zhang Lan couldn't bear to tell her You may not be able to hold on.

After all, Zhang Lan is only 27 years old. Although she is not as pretentious and squeamish as most girls from rich families, she is a girl who has not endured many hardships. The only hardship she endured was supporting her father's company in Yanjing. when.

What's more, it was different back then than it is now.

The current situation is that this place called Yubeng Village not only has no roads or electricity, but the mobile phone signal is also intermittent, which means that she has lost contact with the outside world when she arrives at this place.

Do you worry when your parents can't contact you?

Do you worry when your friends can't contact you?

These were all under Zhang Lan's consideration, so she stayed up all night, wondering if her decision was inappropriate. But when she backed down, Zhang Lan couldn't help but look at Xiaoli, who was already asleep next to her.

Finally, Zhang Lan took out the pawn from his pocket. Although there was no light, Zhang Lan could clearly feel out every trace of the pawn with his fingertips.


Zhang Lan didn't fall asleep, and neither did Ye Feng.

Is Zhang Lan short of money?

She has no shortage of money to spend.Not to mention how much money she made when she targeted Chen Yiming for shorting Qingshan Group's stocks, nor did she mention that his father ran a company, but her mother alone was the general manager of one of the top ten state-owned enterprises in Guangzhou.

To a certain extent, Zhang Lan's mother is more powerful and has a higher status than her father.

So why did Zhang Lan make a teaching support map?

Ye Feng didn't understand, and Zhang Lan's style of doing things was always so unexpected. As a girl, she actually gave him a mobile phone. Is she stupid? How can a woman buy a gift for a man in this society?
Then, within two years, in order to prevent Chen Yiming and his party from succeeding, under the noses of Chen Yiming and many senior executives of Qingshan Group, they divested the Chang'an Garden villa area in Yanjing Second Ring Road from Qingshan Group and transferred the property rights to themselves.

Then she chose to go to jail for ten years. Is there such a thing?She didn't do this, right?

Now she is working as a volunteer teacher again.

Ye Feng couldn't understand it. He was going to teach in the mountains despite having a good life. How could Ye Feng understand this? How could he not feel distressed?Originally, he thought that Zhang Lan was fine. After he completed the grand blueprint in his heart, he could come back to her and ask, "Do you still remember what you said to me at school?"If it's you, you must leave your mark on this world. Now that I have done it, a large part of my motivation comes from you, and I can give you all of me.

Ye Feng would sometimes think quietly by himself, if she did this, Zhang Lan would also be moved, and she would give Chang'an Garden worth hundreds of millions to herself without considering the gain or loss.

Then give her everything you have earned through hard work.

Between the two, giving regardless of gain or loss is the same emotion, right?
But now Zhang Lan is working as a support teacher.

She can become a volunteer teacher, so can she still care about money?

The reason why Ye Feng didn't go to the company from yesterday to today is because of this, because for him, money is his most lethal weapon, but now, the weapon has lost its original effect.

But yes, Zhang Lan is not a person who cares about money.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng couldn't help but feel that people are really interesting sometimes. When they meet women who like money, men will not like their silence and vanity, thinking that she is with him because she is rich.

But when you meet a woman you like and doesn't care about money, you will be worried that she doesn't like money. Why doesn't she like money? If you don't like money anymore, what else can I do to attract you and impress you.

I also have quite a double standard.

Then, Ye Feng wanted to find someone to drink with again.

After thinking about it, Ye Feng thought of one person, Lao Liu and Shen Yu. When he was a student at Dongcheng University, there were a total of 302 people in dormitory 6. Except for Wang Xiaoqiang, Li Bing, Wang Hao and Lin Rui, who had no contact with anyone, they all went to Yanjing. Only the rich second generation Shen Yu and Ye Feng still stay in Dongzhou.

But coincidentally, just when Ye Feng took out his mobile phone and was about to call Shen Yu and ask him to come out for a drink, Shen Yu called first.

"Third brother, are you in Dongzhou?"

Shen Yu's depressed voice came from the phone.

Ye Feng said: "Here, what's wrong?"

"I'm in a bad mood and want to die. Come out and drink with me." Shen Yu said depressedly.

Ye Feng felt something was wrong. Normally, Shen Yu was the most carefree person. He had just graduated and traveled around the world, which made him envious of him. But now Shen Yu actually said that he was in a bad mood and wanted to die. This How could Ye Feng not be confused?

I was still in a bad mood, but before I even said anything, this guy struck first.

Ye Feng was a little tired.

(End of this chapter)

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