Recast youth

Chapter 1300 Naive Post

Chapter 1300 Naive Post

When Ye Qing landed in Dongzhou, Zhang Lan also landed at Lijiang Airport. However, Ye Qing's arrival in Dongzhou meant he was home, while Zhang Lan was still more than 400 kilometers away from his destination.

The place where she is going to teach is in Yubeng Village, Deqin County.

The so-called support education.

It refers to the education and teaching management work of supporting primary and secondary schools in rural areas in backward areas, also known as poverty alleviation and teaching support. Zhang Lan is different. She is a "voluntary service" teacher. What is "voluntary service"? That is, she is neither a government stationed teacher nor a volunteer teacher. A rural volunteer teacher is not a charity worker dispatched by a private organization to help the poor, so she will not receive any salary or any subsidies.

She came to this impoverished place with only her passion and beautiful ideals of teaching and educating people. There was no exaggeration, no purpose, no interest, just that she wanted to do it.

Since there are very few trains from Lijiang to Deqin County, there is only one bus at 8:20 every day. When Zhang Lan arrived in Lijiang, there were no trains to Deqin County, so she stayed in Lijiang for one night. For Zhang Lan, she She really likes places with bridges, water, and trees, so she walked along the places with bridges, trees, and water that night. She didn't go back to the hotel to rest until she was tired.

8 am the next morning.

Zhang Lan got on the bus to Deqin County with his heavy suitcase. On this day, Zhang Lan, who did not want to be pretentious, did not wear a skirt anymore. Instead, he wore a peaked cap and a ponytail. He was clean and without any clothes. A high-quality cotton T-shirt with any pattern, simple jeans and the same simple and refreshing canvas shoes. After sitting in the seat, Zhang Lan kept looking outside the car.

At this moment, Zhang Lan cherished the scenery along the way.

Although the distance from Lijiang to Deqin County is only 400 kilometers, it takes more than 10 hours to travel. By the time we arrive in Deqin County, it is already 18:[-] in the evening. Fortunately, Yunnan belongs to the south, and it gets dark relatively late at this time. , the sky is still bright.

At this time, Zhang Lan's phone rang.

It's Ye Feng's phone number.

"Ye Qing told you everything?" Zhang Lan asked with a smile.

Ye Feng asked: "Do you really want to be a volunteer teacher?"

"Yeah." Zhang Lan responded softly.

Ye Feng asked tentatively: "Isn't it okay if I don't go?"

Zhang Lan said with a smile: "I'm already on the way, you want me to give up halfway?"

"This is not a shameful thing, Zhang Lan, you don't know, teaching as a support teacher is very hard, why are you leaving the good life behind and become a support teacher?" Ye Feng asked in a suppressed tone.

Zhang Lan laughed and asked slyly: "Haven't you heard the saying that only by enduring hardship can one become a master?"

"That's all the poisonous chicken soup that the ancients used to comfort themselves. Just like supporting education, if he endures hardship until he is full, he will not become a master." Ye Feng said in a very rude tone.

Zhang Lan smiled and said: "I'm not that ambitious. I just suddenly want to do something meaningful, and I don't teach to get anything."

"But I'm worried about you..."

"Why are you worried about me? Are you worried that I will be abducted?"

Zhang Lan interrupted Ye Feng and then said: "Okay, don't worry about me. I'm not a child anymore. Do you still remember what I told you in Yanjing?"


Ye Feng thought for a while and couldn't think of anything Zhang Lan said.

"Pawns who cross the river can only move forward, not backward."

Zhang Lan softened his voice and said to Ye Feng: "My parents don't support me when I come out to teach. Ye Feng, please stop holding me back, okay?" "But..."

"No buts, I want to hear you support me."

"Okay, then when I have some free time, I'll go find you."

"Well, let's talk about it later."

Zhang Lan nodded, and then suddenly heard a timid voice next to him: "Hello, are you Sister Zhang Lan?"

Zhang Lan turned around and saw a little girl with slightly dark skin, but still pretty, about sixteen or seventeen years old, and a man with age marks on her face and a slight stoop on her back standing next to her. The little girl was looking timid. He looked at her as if he was afraid of asking the wrong person.

"I won't tell you anymore. I'll hang up in advance."

Zhang Lan hung up the phone without any explanation, and then asked happily: "Are you Wang Li?"

"Well, it's me, it's really you. I'm afraid I made a mistake."

When the girl named Wang Li saw that it was really Zhang Lan, she jumped for joy: "Dad, it's really Sister Zhang Lan. Let me tell you that I didn't lie to you. Sister Zhang Lan said she would come if she promised me to come."

The man next to him, who is actually only in his early 40s but looks to be about 60 years old, is Wang Li's father. The way Wang Li and Zhang Lan got to know each other is also amazing. Wang Li is 16 years old this year.

My grades are very high and I am a freshman in high school in the county town.

She was also the only high school student in Yukan Village. She was able to pass the high school entrance examination. So when she came into contact with computers for the first time, under the guidance of the owner of the Internet cafe, she tentatively posted a post on the Internet to recruit supporting teachers.

Posts are private and unofficial.

And the words between the lines are very interesting and innocent. In the post, the salary mentioned is that after she finishes high school, she will drop out of school and go out to work and earn money as a salary for the teaching teacher.

As for now, I owe it first.

This is why the post is so naive, but Wang Li, who was born in the mountains, is different. She feels that she is sincere and her thoughts are serious. When she finishes high school, she will have a high school degree and can earn money by working as a volunteer teacher. As wages.

In fact, Wang Li also realized her naivety. Many people responded to her post, all in a joking and teasing tone, asking her how much money she could earn after graduating from high school and how much salary she would be given.

But just when she gave up, someone left a message asking her to contact her. This person was Zhang Lan. Zhang Lan gave Wang Li a promise that she would come to this place to support teaching before school starts in September.

In the past few months, Zhang Lan had been taking the teacher qualification certificate and reading relevant information on how to be a good teacher. Until today, Zhang Lan came as scheduled.

Wang Li and her father were both Tibetan. Zhang Lan couldn't understand what her father said, so she communicated with Zhang Lan through Wang Li. Before Zhang Lan arrived, her father thought that his daughter had met a liar.

The village is so poor and there is no salary. Who would come to a place like this to be a volunteer teacher?
It was only with Wang Li's persistence that Dad and Wang Li came out of the village and came to the county. When they saw Zhang Lan, Dad hesitated. He could tell that Zhang Lan was a girl from a big city.

Should still be a college student.

He couldn't help but wonder, could she be left as a teacher in the village?
Dad doesn’t think so.

But when my father saw Wang Li's joyful look, he couldn't bear to tell her about it. After getting acquainted with each other, he smoked a dry cigarette with his heart filled with worries, and then started to set foot on the road back to the village.

(End of this chapter)

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