Recast youth

Chapter 1209 The Power of Capital

Chapter 1209 The Power of Capital

"Let them defend their rights."

Wang Yitong laughed and said nonchalantly: "I didn't spend the money from the planning bureau in vain. It was all given in cash. I just need to complete a change procedure on the planning and design drawings. Adding floors is reasonable. Who can say anything about rights protection? Is it up to me? Those ignorant scoundrels are going to waste their time with me. I can also hire a lawyer to slowly fight with them. Anyway, in the end they will lose the case and they have to bear the legal fees themselves. "

"Mr. Ye."

Wang Yitong poured tea for Ye Feng and said with a smile: "Brother, I'm not bragging to you. I don't know as much as you about the Internet, but I know much better than you about real estate and the humanity of Chinese people. You have to know how Chinese people are. What is human nature? Is it selfish? It has nothing to do with oneself. My balcony, bay window steals the area, and increases the floor area ratio. Are they happy? They are also happy. Who doesn’t want a larger area in their house and more space? Two square meters? If I say adding floors, is it any of their personal business? Those on the bottom won't care. They originally bought this floor. Those on the top will be unhappy, but they can't complain alone. What effect can a few of them have? Really? Want to fight me to the death? Have they ever fought?"

"No one will really fight with me."

Wang Yitong poured tea for Ye Feng, put down the teapot, and continued with a slightly crazy smile: "If you lose one square meter of theirs, they will be jealous of you and jeopardize their interests, but they will not care about adding floors." , everyone feels that it has nothing to do with them, so it is basically a foolproof thing. If it doesn’t work, I will give them some furniture coupons, and they will happily run to the mall to pick out furniture with the furniture coupons."

"So, as long as I do these things well before they take the house, no one will take advantage of my lack of temper. The money that should go into my pocket will still go into my pocket. The money has already gone into my pocket, and I can still Can you spit it out? It’s simply unrealistic.”

Wang Yitong said with a smile. As for the deeper tricks, Wang Yitong didn't say anything. What he just said was enough to impress people, and he made hundreds of millions more profits in vain.

No one will be unmoved.

Wang Yitong was sure that even Ye Feng would be tempted and want to come in and get a share of the pie. As long as Ye Feng stretched out his hand, it would form a good foundation for the opening below him.

It's inappropriate not to reach out.

Then I give it to myself first, and then reach out, is this always appropriate?
Hou Yao and Zhou Yihang were sitting next to them. They had wanted to get into real estate before. They knew that real estate is now a hugely profitable industry, but the real estate market was too deep, so they wanted to use Wang Yitong's relationship to get a share of the pie. But there was one thing. They know that real estate can make money, but they don’t know how to make money and how to make more money.

Now after hearing what Wang Yitong said, both of them felt as if they had entered a new world. So it turns out that real estate can still be done like this?With a little bit of manipulation, hundreds of millions of profits can be made.

How much does it cost?

No wonder those real estate companies are hoarding large areas of land and developing real estate across the country. This is not making money, it is no different from robbing money. Hou Yao felt itchy in his heart when he heard this. If Ye Feng hadn't been caught in the middle, he would have been... There are thousands of people who want to raise money to invest in it and then wait for dividends. Anyway, the land Wang Yitong said is not remote, so there is no need to worry about selling it.

Thinking of this, Hou Yao couldn't help but glanced at Zhou Yihang without revealing any trace. This time, Zhou Yihang was drinking tea with no expression and didn't look at him. Hou Yao felt like a cat in his heart, thinking, what a dog. If you really can pretend, I don’t believe you won’t be tempted.

What Hou Yao didn't know was that Zhou Yihang was now similar to him, feeling like a cat scratching his head. Only now did he realize that compared with Wang Yitong's real estate development profits, the national highway reconstruction projects he had undertaken in Jiangnan were nothing. Dawu, not only is the profit not that high, but there are also many people watching. If something goes wrong, the higher authorities may initiate accountability procedures.

But it was precisely because Zhou Yihang felt that he was too tempted that he ignored Hou Yao's eyes, because he knew that he was already tempted. Hou Yao, who has a rough and generous personality, must be even more tempted. If he looks at him, he will cause trouble to him. If there is any misunderstanding or if something is said that shouldn't be said, it will be difficult. Otherwise, Ye Feng will be offended.What are partners used for?
Not only for the one who sings the white face and shouts to kill, and the other who sings the red face and shouts to save the person under the knife, sometimes it is also necessary to strengthen the heart of another person when he cannot control his heart when facing temptation.

Because human nature is like this.

The nature of human nature is greed, and it is far more difficult not to reach out than to reach out, too much.

So Zhou Yihang said to himself that when Hou Yao was unsteady, he must be steady. The line on Ye Feng's side must not be loosened or alienated.

Ye Feng did not have the experience of Zhou Yihang and Hou Yao often running around in society, so he was not as deep as they thought. What Wang Yitong said also deeply touched him.

Real estate itself has huge profit margins.

Now what Wang Yitong said is that on the basis of the existing profits, more than 2 to 4 million yuan were added out of thin air. Ye Feng also thought about picking a thorn in Wang Yitong's fairy tale.

For example, people who buy houses protect their rights and petition.

But after Wang Yitong explained it, Ye Feng couldn't find any thorns in it, because it's really like what Wang Yitong said, basically Chinese people have the character of not caring about themselves, even if there are some passionate people. You were defeated in front of the powerful legal team of Wang Yitong Company, and all your enthusiasm was gone. After all, they couldn't afford it, but Wang Yitong and the others could afford it. You spent all your energy on defending your rights and litigating, and it was business as usual. Playing songs every day and night, the only one who accompanies you is their legal department.

After a few months of this, can you still afford it?You don't go to work anymore?Don't you make money to support your family?
These are very real problems.

Coupled with the complacent character of the Chinese people and the increasing housing prices around the Fourth Ring Road in Yanjing, there are even less people who want to defend their rights. Even if you want to take back their houses at the original price, they will not be happy.

Then Ye Feng thought about it and felt that it was the case. Wang Yitong had his father Wang Chengzhi sitting behind him and making suggestions. How could they not consider these issues that normal people could consider?

"Now it seems that real estate is really profitable."

Ye Feng retracted his thoughts, raised his head and sighed to Wang Yitong: "And there are too many ways here. Before, I would never have thought that you could still make money like this."

Wang Yitong was very proud when he heard this. In fact, if Chen Yiming hadn't talked to him many times, he wouldn't have taken Ye Feng seriously. He smiled and said, "It's not a strange thing, Mr. Ye, I Let me tell you, in fact, when doing business or real estate, nothing else is important. The most important thing is the relationship. Once the relationship is in place, you can make any money."

(End of this chapter)

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