Recast youth

Chapter 1168 Good Guy or Bad Guy

Chapter 1168 Good Guy or Bad Guy
While Ye Feng was reviewing his encounter with Jiang Ming, Pan Kun remained silent. He thought for a while, then suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said, "Boss, how about I come find him and cripple him."

Now that he had said it, Pan Kun simply continued.

He knew that he was different from Feng Zheng. Feng Zheng was Ye Feng's true confidant, but he was far inferior to Feng Zheng, both in terms of skill and trust.

have nothing to say.

Pan Kun was also angry with Feng Zheng. Feng Zheng was indeed powerful, not only physically, but also mentally. He was not afraid of power. No matter who you were, he would dare to kill you if you offended him.

It can be said that if Feng Sande and Ye Feng had not restrained Feng Zheng, Pan Kun could be sure that Feng Zheng, with his eccentric and unruly character, would definitely be a ruthless character who was willing to take risks, or he would be on the run and become a fugitive online from then on.

What should you do if your boss doesn’t trust you?
Then you have to rely on your own efforts to win the boss's trust. Things are done, not spoken. For a boss like Ye Feng, it is no longer useful to have all the hype in front of him.

Pan Kun wanted to be Ye Feng's true confidant. For example, who was Jiang Ming and what kind of conflicts he had with Ye Feng. Pan Kun wanted to know these, but he couldn't ask.

So Pan Kun had to do it. He sat on a stool, crossed his hands, looked at Ye Feng with a dark face and said: "Boss, it's been a while since I went to Shanghai to do express delivery. I'll do this." The matter will not involve you."

Ye Feng didn't speak.

Pan Kun continued: "I have a very close comrade in Shanghai. After he was demobilized, he mixed in society in Shanghai. He was doing well. It was not difficult for him to find someone. Once he found someone, I would find a reason to go there. Breaking both of that man's knees is a crime of serious injury. He is wanted online now. If I break both of his knees, there won't be too serious consequences. It will be 3 to 10 years. I estimate that he will be sentenced to about 7 years, including reduced sentences. , I will just sit in jail for 3 to 4 years, I can bear the price."

When Feng Sande heard Pan Kun's words, he couldn't help but glance at Pan Kun. He saw in Pan Kun's eyes that he was prepared to deal with all consequences.

"Need not."

Ye Feng shook his head and said: "If he doesn't come out, just ignore him. After a while, Feng Zheng will join the company to learn management. There is no one around me, so I need you to be with me."

Pan Kun said: "Guofeng is already training bodyguards."

Ye Feng looked straight at Pan Kun and said, "I don't trust them."

"it is good."

Pan Kun nodded under Ye Feng's eyes.

"You are going to a place with me now."

Ye Feng stood up.

Pan Kun said nothing, stood up silently, and followed Ye Feng. Although his body was not as tall as Feng Zheng's, it was still as indestructible as a rock in the waves.

The two got into the car.

Ye Feng was driving the car. After Jiang Ming ran away, Ye Feng had been thinking about the consequences. Now Jiang Ming must be hiding in a corner of Shanghai. He has little actual contact with him and knows very little about himself.

At this time, Ye Feng couldn't help but feel glad that he didn't have the habit of showing his family in the news media, and he never let his family appear in public. This meant that if Jiang Ming really wanted to take revenge on him, he could only do it to three people.

The first one is yourself.

The second one is Gao Xuan.The third one is Li Jia.

Ye Feng is not sure whether Li Jia will become the target of Jiang Ming's revenge. After all, Li Jia was unaware of the incident three years ago, but he can do anything in a hurry, so Ye Feng has to make first-hand preparations.

Although he said that he had broken up with Li Jia, Ye Feng did not want Li Jia to be harmed because of his suppression of Jiang Ming.

Soon, Ye Feng and Pan Kun arrived at the door of the community where Li Jia lived. It was already past 1 o'clock in the morning. Under the dim street lights, there were no people coming in or out of the community gate.

Ye Feng didn't say anything, and Pan Kun didn't ask. One of them sat in the driver's seat, and the other sat in the passenger seat and smoked. After a while, the cigarettes were gone, and Ye Feng asked Pan Kun to buy two packs of cigarettes.

Pan Kun looked outside. There was a shop at the door of the community. It closed very early. There were no shops around that were still open. The only way to buy was to go to the more prosperous part of the city center, where there is the convenience of being open 24 hours a day. shop.

"I'll go to the city to buy it. Just be careful."

Pan Kun saw that Ye Feng had no intention of driving, so he got out of the car.

"You don't have to go to the city. You can go to the Internet cafe to buy it. There are cigarettes in the Internet cafe."

Ye Feng said calmly to Pan Kun that the shops outside were closed and going to the Internet cafe to buy cigarettes was simply too easy for Ye Feng, a senior Internet user in his previous life.

When Ye Feng came over before, he saw the lights of a Great World Internet Cafe.

Pan Kun was suddenly awakened by Ye Feng, and then couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the boss is the boss, and his thinking is not comparable to that of ordinary people. At this time, shops everywhere are closed, who can think of going to an Internet cafe to buy cigarettes?Typical blind spots in thinking.

After Pan Kun left, only Ye Feng was left in the car. The surrounding area seemed even quieter. Except for the occasional chirping of cicadas, there was no other sound. At this time, Ye Feng also took out the dagger from before. .

At this time, Ye Feng suddenly understood why Lin Rui sighed when he was doing cheating and sharing money with Lin Rui in the hotel in early 2002, buying a small dagger and putting it on his body would make him less afraid.

At certain times, a knife can increase a person's confidence and sense of security.

But Ye Feng didn't wait long. Pan Kun came back with two packs of Xiaosu cigarettes in his hand. He told Ye Feng that this was the best cigarette in the Internet cafe. Ye Feng didn't care. For him, the quality of the cigarette was It's not too important, as long as it can smoke, not to mention Xiaosu smoke is also a very good smoke.

The two were smoking and chatting.

When it was almost dawn, Ye Feng was smoking a cigarette and suddenly looked at Pan Kun and asked: "Do you think I am a good person or a bad person?"

"Good man." Pan Kun said without hesitation.

"Answer so sure?"

Ye Feng looked at Pan Kun with a chuckle: "Didn't you hear people say, don't judge people's good and evil easily?"

Pan Kun did not answer in a hurry this time, but lit another cigarette. He and Feng Zheng were indeed different. Although they both talked very little, Feng Zheng was too lazy to talk, and there was no one who could ask him to talk more. In two sentences, Pan Kun has a reserved and delicate personality. He took a puff from his cigarette, smiled, and said: "I don't care about others. Treat me well, even if you are a good person. As for other things, I can't care about it, and I don't want to." Tube."

Pan Kun's words touched Ye Feng's heart and made Pan Kun get closer to Ye Feng. At this time, Ye Feng said to Pan Kun: "My girlfriend from college lives in this community."

(End of this chapter)

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