Recast youth

Chapter 1167 One Multiple Choice Question

Chapter 1167 Two Multiple Choice Questions

I am!

Jiang Ming had relied on his junior high school education to reach the position of sales team leader. He was kicked to the ground by Ye Feng. He still couldn't figure out what was going on?

Ye Feng has been pretending!
However, Ye Feng's kick was extremely hard, and he almost lost his breath. However, he still gritted his teeth and stood up ferociously. No matter what, he must stab Ye Feng to death.

However, just when he stood up, he found that Ye Feng had run out more than ten meters away and was standing motionless at the entrance of an alley. At this time, Jiang Ming already felt bad.

Ye Feng is calling for someone!
Sure enough, within two seconds, two men came out of the alley. One had a slightly sloping leg, and the other was tall and strong. At first glance, he looked like a fierce fighter.

Then the two men chased him in his direction.

Jiang Ming didn't hesitate, turned around and ran, not daring to look back. He ran with all his strength. After a few steps, he felt as if his lungs were going to explode.

The footsteps chasing behind him seemed to step on his heart, making him terrified.

Jiang Ming ran wildly and waited until he reached the intersection. Jiang Ming vomited out. He turned around and saw that the two people did not continue to chase him, so he slowed down, did not take a taxi, and kept walking along the road. When walking in the countryside, go wherever you want.


"It belongs to his grandma. This grandson can run quite fast."

Feng Sande chased after him for a few steps. He was so tired that he returned to Ye Feng and began to curse.

As for Pan Kun, he also came back, panting slightly. He looked at Ye Feng in confusion. It was Ye Feng who asked him not to continue chasing. If he continued to chase, with his physical strength and endurance, he could definitely catch up.

"He has a knife in his hand. It's quite dangerous. Forget it."

Ye Feng said calmly, and then asked Pan Kun to go back with Feng Sande. Pan Kun followed Ye Feng, glanced at Ye Feng's back, and said nothing. At this time, he had already guessed that the person who mailed the anonymous courier to Ye Feng should be It's the person who ran away just now.

Back to the rental house.

Pan Kun looked at Ye Feng and asked, "Boss, is that the person who just sent you the anonymous express delivery?"

"Well, most likely yes."

Ye Feng nodded, sat down and said, "He has some misunderstandings with me now, so he regards me as his enemy."

"You still need to be careful." Pan Kun said with lingering fear: "If you hadn't called me, something might have happened."

"I didn't expect that he would actually be touched by me."

Ye Feng said helplessly that when he went out alone just now, he wanted to see if he could run into Jiang Ming, and he took Pan Kun's dagger to defend himself.

I have to say that some things are really coincidences. Whoever you want to see or who you are afraid of meeting will really appear in front of you, and Jiang Ming also really appeared.

And he's the one who wants to cause trouble for him immediately.

Will Ye Feng risk his life with Jiang Ming?
of course not.Now that Ye Feng has everything, he is really out of his mind to come here to risk his life with a desperate person like Jiang Ming. He and Jiang Ming should not have even the slightest concern.

So at the beginning, Ye Feng and Jiang Ming pretended to be confused and ignorant, which was also taking advantage of people's psychology. There is no doubt that Jiang Ming is a very smart and capable person. If there was no Ye Feng three years ago, He should be able to do well in the Shanghai stock market. After three years, he might even be able to buy a house in the Shanghai stock market.

Jiang Ming also believed in his heart that he had paid Gao Xuan to dig a hole for him to jump in. Logically speaking, he should have felt guilty the first moment he saw him and had to either fight for his life or run away.

But he didn't run away. Instead, he walked over to say hello as if he were an acquaintance. Under such circumstances, Jiang Ming was bound to have doubts in his heart as to why he didn't feel guilty at all when he saw him.

In addition, Jiang Ming had a knife in his hand and there was no one around him, so Jiang Ming must have a mentality of being in control of the overall situation, and it is normal thinking logic to not be in a hurry and want to ask a few more questions to clarify things.

Ye Feng took advantage of Jiang Ming's mentality to buy himself some time, and then told the truth and lies. First, he said that he knew he had committed a crime and was in jail, and then acted like he was thinking about him. Unfortunately, he said that it could be solved with 150 yuan. Things are not worth spending three years in jail.

At this time, Jiang Ming is bound to be even more confused and even doubt what Gao Xuan said. This is also a very simple thinking logic. Why is Ye Feng so tough and confident in speaking?

Gao Xuan has admitted it, but you still have the confidence not to admit it?
But Ye Feng refused to admit it, and mixed the truth with lies. He took out his mobile phone and complained about Jiang Ming's injustice. He wanted to help him find legal counsel and help him file a lawsuit. Jiang Ming had already threatened Gao Xuan again beforehand. Being wanted on the Internet for committing crimes, calling the police or filing a lawsuit are all self-defeating. It is definitely impossible to accept Ye Feng to help him find a lawyer.

So Ye Feng took advantage of the situation and put away his mobile phone. However, when he put away his mobile phone, he unknowingly dialed Pan Kun's mobile phone number. Then, even if Ye Feng didn't say anything, Pan Kun and Feng Sande were on the other end of the phone. You should also know that you are in a dangerous situation and then come out to find someone.

At this time, Jiang Ming's move to ask Ye Feng to use his mobile phone to read the communication records just helped Ye Feng.

It’s a simple logic of thinking. If a normal person does something harmful or has something harmful on his phone, he will definitely hesitate to take it out. But Ye Feng is calm and takes it out without resistance. Jiang Ming’s psychological defense will definitely relax. At one o'clock, the moment Ye Feng took out his phone and opened it, that was when his guard was relaxed to the limit.

And this was when Ye Feng got angry. He kicked Jiang Ming down, and then ran back to the alley where he came out before without any further entanglement. He happened to see Pan Kun and Feng Sande coming out of the house after hearing the noise.

One to three.

No normal person would do such a mentally retarded thing.

Therefore, Ye Feng was sure that Jiang Ming would escape immediately, and Jiang Ming's escape was what he expected, and he had no intention of Feng Sande and Pan Kun chasing Jiang Ming.

First, it is not a law enforcement agency and has the right to call the police but not law enforcement.

Second, according to the original setting, he was not familiar with Jiang Ming, let alone had anything to do with him, so why should he conflict with him?The meeting should be that of strangers.

That's just the case now.

It’s just that Ye Feng can’t speak too clearly. Some things and some ideas are only suitable for him to know. Feng Sande and Pan Kun are two people. Needless to say, Feng Sande’s physical strength is definitely not as good as Jiang Ming’s. Pan Kun’s physical strength can catch up. After all, I have been an armed policeman for so many years, it is not a joke.

But Ye Feng couldn't let Pan Kun catch up. He had to let Jiang Ming continue to run. As long as Jiang Ming continued to run and was not caught, Jiang Ming was destined to go further and further on this road of no return and eventually commit an irreversible crime. Blunder.

Of course, the consequences of this big mistake may be something Ye Feng himself cannot bear.

Ye Feng accepted it completely. Since the person has been offended, then don't hesitate to offend him to death. It is best to press him in the pit without being able to lift his head until he has no worries. After all, it's not that he didn't give him a choice, he gave it to him. The first time was if he didn't want to touch Li Jia, he would be fine. The second time was if he changed cities and found a job after he was released from prison, and he would be fine.

But he got both of these multiple-choice questions wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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