Recast youth

Chapter 1163 The issue of care

Chapter 1163 The issue of care

After shouting, there was still no response.

Ye Feng frowned. In her mind, Gao Xuan was an extremely smart woman and would not do such childish things as pretending to be faint, so she stood up and came to the door.

At the door, the suitcase slipped aside, Gao Xuan fell to the ground, her arm was bruised, and she looked like she had lost consciousness.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng had a headache, so he touched Gao Xuan again with his foot: "Hey, get up, stop pretending, I can see it. We are all adults, can't we look good to each other?"

Gao Xuan still didn't respond.

At this time, Ye Feng was a little irritable, but he still squatted down and touched Gao Xuan's face first. It was very hot. Then he touched her forehead. It was even more hot. He could clearly feel the increase in her body temperature.

Have a high fever?

Ye Feng was speechless and had no choice but to turn around and call Feng Zheng, who was still sitting on the sofa watching TV: "Come here and help me, she has a high fever."

Feng Zheng walked over, glanced at Gao Xuan lying on the ground, and her hot figure that could not be concealed even in a skirt. He stood at the door without moving and said to Ye Feng: "It's not good for me to help you. hug."

"You can't hold her well, how about I hold you?" Ye Feng couldn't help but say.

Feng Zheng was unwilling to move. He stood inside the door and said, "You've made me angry, so why don't you hold her? It's okay, boss. She only weighs less than 100 pounds at most. You can hold her."

"You are great."

Ye Feng glanced at Feng Zheng in surprise. He had no choice but to help Gao Xuan and hug him up. He also observed her. Fortunately, she landed on her arms first when she fell, otherwise her face would be stained.

It was a bit difficult for Ye Feng to hold him.

Feng Zheng glanced at the side: "Boss, you need to exercise."

"Go away, we were arguing so fiercely there, and you were just sitting there like a deaf person, as if you didn't hear anything, and you didn't know how to persuade him to stop. I'll call San Dezi later and ask Ask him how he educated you."

Ye Feng cursed angrily, and then hugged Gao Xuan into the room. He could feel Gao Xuan's high body temperature through her clothes. Ye Feng really felt a headache.

It's more than just a high fever.

It was really a hot potato now, and he couldn't ignore it. As long as Gao Xuan walked out for a few dozen meters, he could sleep peacefully. It was just a high fever, and it wouldn't kill anyone anyway.

Feng Zheng followed with a look of gloating on his face. He knew Ye Feng's character, hard-spoken and soft-hearted, so he found it interesting. However, this person named Gao Xuan was also really crippled. She was probably the most treated person among the people the boss had ever met. A bad one.

When they arrived at the room, after Ye Feng put Gao Xuan down, he saw a bottle of Motrin, an antipyretic medicine for children, on the bedside table. He opened the drawer below and there was a thermometer inside.

Ye Feng first asked Feng Zheng to put an ice towel on Gao Xuan's forehead, and then took the temperature. Well, it was really a hot potato now, it hit his hand, the temperature was 41.1 degrees.

The human body's highest temperature tolerance is 40.6 to 41.4 degrees, which can cause permanent brain damage. Therefore, when the body temperature reaches this temperature, it is already very dangerous and life-threatening.

So Ye Feng had no choice but to let Feng Zheng look at Gao Xuan for a while, then he ran to the kitchen and pulled out the drawer on the bottom layer of the refrigerator, filled it with some water, and then wet the towel in it. When he came out again, the towel was extremely cold. .

Ye Feng didn't know if this would irritate Gao Xuan's brain, but stimulating the brain would be much better than burning out the brain with a high fever, right?
"Let's go to the hospital." After returning to the room, Ye Feng put a towel on Gao Xuan's head, then picked her up and walked outside. Feng Zheng also knew that Gao Xuan's condition was a bit serious. After Ye Feng told her to go to the hospital for the first time, When it was time, he immediately went downstairs to prepare the car. When Ye Feng closed the door, he would kick it with his feet. But the good thing was that after he went downstairs, Feng Zheng had already parked the car and the back door was open and waiting for him. .

Ye Feng sat in the car, and there was only so much space in the back seat. Ye Feng could only put Gao Xuan's head on his lap. Although Gao Xuan's posture was very tempting, Ye Feng didn't think about it at all. But very speechless.

"Aren't you being a rogue and hijacking moral sentiments?"

Ye Feng looked at Gao Xuan and said with a headache in his heart. He felt uncomfortable when he saw Gao Xuan and wanted her to stay away from him. But now that Gao Xuan fainted at the door of his house, he still couldn't do anything. Don't care.

If something like this happens now, it can only be said that fate has played a trick on people.

Ye Feng's heart was a little confused, and then he looked at Gao Xuan again, and then thought to himself, could this woman have a high fever because she knew I was coming yesterday, and then blew the air conditioner wildly without covering her with a quilt last night?
Then, Ye Feng felt a little strange again. Who could deliberately get sick and have a high fever of 41 degrees, and then just lose consciousness and fall at the door?If this is the case, Ye Feng can only bow his hands to Gao Xuan, and then say, you are ruthless, I have been tricked.

The hospital is very close.

In about 10 minutes, Ye Feng took Gao Xuan to the hospital. He first checked into the respiratory department, then followed the doctor's instructions to check blood routine, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, etc., and then checked the chest CT.

Ye Feng just hugged Gao Xuan and ran from department to department.

After the last lap, Ye Feng, who was exhausted, took Gao Xuan back to the ward. The doctor came and gave Gao Xuan antiviral and antibiotics, intravenous injection of antipyretics, rehydration and other things, and then said to Ye Feng: "Patient 41 is an extremely high fever, so I injected her with antipyretic drugs, and I will treat the rest after the test results come out."

"Thank you doctor."

Ye Feng thanked him.

While packing up the instruments, the doctor asked, "When did she have a high fever?"

Ye Feng thought for a moment and said, "It must have been during the day today. She bought Merrill Lynch and ate it herself."

"Motrin is a fever-reducing medicine for children, and it can be taken by adults as well."

The doctor nodded. After putting away the equipment, he turned to Ye Feng and said, "But I have to tell you two things. You must not drink alcohol next time you have a fever. The nature of alcohol is heat, and the body of a fever patient The heat in the body is relatively high. If you drink something hotter, it will aggravate the increase in body temperature and is not conducive to the loss of body temperature. Secondly, some functions of the kidneys are relatively weak when you have a fever. Alcohol is an irritating food. If you drink alcohol, it will stimulate the kidneys and further weaken some functions of the kidneys. After the patient wakes up, give her some light, easy-to-digest food."

"Okay, trouble the doctor."

Ye Feng expressed his gratitude, but felt helpless in his heart. He didn't even know about Gao Xuan's high fever, so how could he care about her drinking?If he knew this, he would not let Gao Xuan drink under any circumstances. At the very least, he would not have to be emotionally kidnapped and send her to the hospital.

Of course, complaining is all about complaining. Ye Feng still has to take care of Gao Xuan. After all, Gao Xuan has done a lot for the company, so he can't burn bridges too much.

Then, Ye Feng began to think again, when Gao Xuan wakes up, will it be embarrassing to see him sitting next to her?After all, the two of them had argued so fiercely before.

After thinking about it, Ye Feng looked maliciously at Feng Zheng, who was sitting on the family care stool. Isn't this a ready-made caregiver?

Feng Zheng also realized something and wanted to run, but he didn't have time because Ye Feng's voice was one step faster than his legs: "Wait a minute, I want to tell you something."

(End of this chapter)

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