Recast youth

Chapter 1162 Cruel Ye Feng

Chapter 1162 Cruel Ye Feng

You did do these things.

Don’t you remember what you did?

Ye Feng's cold and mean voice echoed in the living room, and like a sharp blade, it pierced into Gao Xuan's heart, making her stand unsteadily, her blood surged, and her cheeks turned red.

Tears couldn't help but well up.

"Yes, I did."

Gao Xuan stood there, looking at Ye Feng with tears welling up in her eyes: "I admit, I have done all these things. I threw away my self-esteem for money, but I regretted it. Do you know that I regretted it?"

"Obviously it was you who gave me money to do these things for you. Why is it that the blame now belongs to me alone? If Jiang Ming comes looking for me, he is looking for me. You also think that I am dirty and despicable. ,nausea."

Gao Xuan didn't understand and asked Ye Feng angrily: "But since you look down on me, why do you give me hope? Why do you tell me that as long as I negotiate a quick payment project, you will let me stay?"

"I tried every means to establish relationships with ordinary employees of the Bank of Communications, make friends, spend my own money to entertain them, slowly get to know people, and finally get to know Li Zhedong. Am I wrong?"

"I have worked very hard to clean it up, but why am I always having trouble with you?"

Gao Xuan looked at Ye Feng with tears on her face and didn't understand: "If you don't want me to stay, tell me, I can leave. It's not that I can't leave. Why do you want to give me hope of staying? Then I will try my best." Now that you’ve finished it, you’re going to trample on my dignity again and try every possible means to pick on me and let me go?”

At this point, Gao Xuan suddenly calmed down, but tears were still falling silently on her face, and she looked straight into Ye Feng's eyes: "Or, am I the only one who can completely hide you if I die with a secret?" That dark psychology in your heart?"

Ye Feng felt refreshed, lowered his head and lit a cigarette. He also avoided Gao Xuan's eyes and said, "I never said I wanted you to die."

"But you're already doing it."

Gao Xuan said: "I am not a person who is afraid of failure. I have failed many times, but I am very afraid of the way you gave me hope with your own hands and then shattered my hope."

Ye Feng said quietly: "I haven't forced you, have I?"

"Yes, so I can't blame you. I can only suffer by myself. I brought it all on myself. With a sense of luck, I deserve to go to Dongzhou to find you. With a sense of luck, I let go in front of you. I deserve it if I take off all my clothes due to my pride, and I deserve it if I kneel down in front of you with a sense of luck and express my surrender."

Gao Xuan nodded and said with an ups and down tone: "But you can totally give me no hope at all. You gave me hope like this, and then stepped on it, and I was really desperate. In a year's time , I wasted it.”

Ye Feng reflected on himself.

It seems that he really has this kind of psychological situation. He not only wants Gao Xuan to disappear in front of him, but also wants to control her in his hands, so that Jiang Ming's incident will never happen unexpectedly.

This is a very contradictory mentality.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng felt that he did have a problem. After thinking about it, could he forget Jiang Ming and what Gao Xuan did?It seems that it is not possible, as long as I see her, I will think of what I did in the past.

That's how people are. When they have nothing, they fear nothing and don't care. But when they have enough things and stand high enough, they will care about more and more things.

And people are the ones who are most afraid of looking into the mirror with their own dark side.

So Ye Feng thought about it and said to Gao Xuan: "Then you go. I will explain to Li Zhedong. If he knows that you are leaving your job and is unwilling to change jobs, I won't say anything."

"So my year's hard work has been in vain, and my dignity has been in vain?" Gao Xuan looked at Ye Feng, the unwillingness in her heart was like a seed, constantly itching and fermenting, so that she became very emotional. But while he was excited, he was also suppressing himself.

She wanted to see what Ye Feng said and whether he was really so cruel.

But she guessed it right, and Ye Feng's heart really softened. He raised his head and looked at Gao Xuan, who had tears on his face. He looked calm and said in a calm tone: "Go back to Dongzhou to go through the resignation procedures tomorrow. I I will talk to the finance department and give you compensation for your work during this period. The figure should be enough to satisfy you."

"Mr. Ye, do you think you can buy anything with money?" Gao Xuan looked at Ye Feng and asked.

Ye Feng asked back: "Can't I buy it?"

Gao Xuan gave up.

"Okay, I will take care of the resignation procedures."

Gao Xuan looked at Ye Feng and said while holding back her anger and grievance: "But I want to tell you one thing. I don't want your subsidy. What I want now is not money!"

Ye Feng smiled and asked, "Then what do you want?"

"What I want is to pick up the dignity I left behind."

Gao Xuan said coldly, then turned back to the room, and began to collect the clothes, preparing to move out now. During the process of collecting the clothes, Gao Xuan could not stop her tears from falling.

Sure enough, this society is cruel and realistic. It will not let go of a person who has made a mistake. It will only be more harsh on the person who made a mistake. No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, it will be useless.

At this time, Gao Xuan felt extremely regretful. If she had known today, why would she have lost her head because of money in the first place? Why would she let Ye Feng trample on her dignity again and again just to stay with Ye Feng?
Gao Xuan!

You think you're smart, but you're really stupid, don't you know?
At this time, the effect of the antipyretic drugs had passed, making Gao Xuan's body temperature higher and higher, and her head became heavier and heavier. However, she did not feel uncomfortable. Instead, she felt that she deserved it and that God had given her a bad fate. punish.

You asked for it, didn't you?

Gao Xuan laughed at herself, wiped her tears, and walked out with her suitcase. Ye Feng and Feng Zheng were still sitting on the sofa watching TV, their expressions indifferent without any change.

open the door.

Gao Xuan carried her luggage, but at this moment, the luggage became very heavy, and the temperature outside was also extremely high. When Gao Xuan stepped out with one foot from the air-conditioned living room, her eyes suddenly went dark, and her whole body Fell down.

The sound is very loud.

Ye Feng had been paying attention to Gao Xuan going out. At this moment, he naturally heard the sound of Gao Xuan falling. It was very loud and startled him. He thought to himself that this woman is really cruel. Not only is she cruel, she is also cruel to herself. It was so hard that if he fell like this, his skin would probably be broken and he would bleed.

But Ye Feng didn't move, still sitting on the sofa. He wanted to see how long Gao Xuan could play scheming, pretending to be honest at the beginning, then pretending to be wronged, crying, and pitiful. Now it's better to just pretend to be sick. Pretended to fall.

Five minutes later, there was still no movement at the door, the door was not closed, and Gao Xuan was lying on the ground.

Ye Feng got a little impatient and shouted at the door: "Gao Xuan, stop pretending in front of me. Get up and get out. If you want to pretend, go somewhere else. The door is open, and the air conditioning and electricity bills are free?"

(End of this chapter)

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