Recast youth

Chapter 103

Chapter 103

In his previous life, Ye Feng's biggest dream was to buy his own house, even if it only had two bedrooms and one living room. However, the rising housing prices made him despair.

Buying a house has become a luxury.

He once heard his colleagues talk about the issue of housing prices. In this society, if you want to buy a house, it is impossible without the support of both parents of the couple. The down payment is more than 100 million, who can afford it.

There was nothing wrong with this sentence. Ye Feng agreed with this point of view at the time, but his colleague's next words suddenly touched him. At that time, his colleague turned his face and looked at him with a numb face and said: Ye Feng, do you know?Now even if the developer doesn't want my down payment and gives me the house, I don't dare to ask for it as long as I repay the loan. I can't afford to pay back the mortgage of more than 1 yuan a month even if I don't have food or drink...

Moreover, before Ye Feng was reborn, bank interest rates were being raised. From the original 93% off to 96% off, the interest rates increased by 15% or even 22%. This means that based on a 100 million mortgage loan, the original 93% off, The interest rate of 93 yuan directly increased to 115 million to 122 million yuan. One after the other, the interest rate increased by up to 29 yuan.

When Ye Feng returned home, he was thinking about these things in the past. Because of this, Ye Feng's joy in buying a house was more intense than others, and his mind was almost filled with the dream of decoration.

I want to decorate it like this.

I want to decorate it like that.

But after the joy comes emptiness.

Because there was no one to share it with, Ye Feng couldn't tell some of his former friends that he had bought a house, because at this point in time, Ye Feng didn't know them, and they didn't have such a deep feeling about housing prices at this point in time.

Nowadays, housing prices are like boiling frogs in warm water. When people around them realize that housing prices are rising, they find that housing prices have reached a point that they cannot afford.

As for the money earned from work, it is not even a fraction of the increase in housing prices.

Ye Feng originally thought that what he gained after his rebirth was joy and a sense of career accomplishment. At this moment, he realized that what he gained was loneliness. He is a reborn person, and he knows that there will be many changes in the future.

He knows too much.

He knows that today's semi-smart phones will be eliminated in the future and will be replaced by fully smart touch-screen phones with no buttons. He can design concepts for any company and his life will be worry-free.

The key is, are these useful?

No, Ye Feng can only keep this information in his heart, and cannot tell it to anyone, for fear of attracting the attention of interested people, which will be followed by various questions. How do you know this?
What else do you know?
Is it a lie to confuse the public or is it a prophecy?

Who are you?


It is undoubtedly a term that most people find ridiculous, but as long as there is such a high-minded person who believes in it, Ye Feng will be in trouble, and what awaits him may be various interrogations and questioning.

Even lying in the laboratory, having blood drawn, dissected, and experimented on like a guinea pig.

No one knows what it feels like to feel lonely, and no one knows that Ye Feng actually has a sense of isolation from the world, which is an unreal feeling.

This feeling is a bit like Ye Feng's soul and body are not harmonious, and it is easy to drift out.

At this moment, the cell phone rang suddenly. Ye Feng suddenly came back to his senses. When he saw that it was his eldest sister Ye Yun's number, he immediately answered the call.Ye Feng's hand held the phone very hard, and the knuckles were protruding and turning white, as if this was the only way to deepen the connection with this point in time.

"Hey, eldest sister." Ye Feng's voice was a little hoarse.

Ye Yun felt something was wrong with Ye Feng's voice and asked, "What's wrong with you? Are you sick?"

"No, why did you remember to call me?" Ye Feng shook his head. Hearing the eldest sister's voice, he suddenly felt the urge to cry. He had not met her eldest sister since his rebirth.

In his previous life, the eldest sister was also one of the people who sacrificed the most for him and his younger sister. Otherwise, with her grades, even if she could not get into a first-level university, she would still be able to get into a second-level university. In this era, college and high school are equivalent to drawing an indispensable line. The chasm beyond.

The eldest sister said on the phone: "I called back today, and my mother told me that you didn't go back during the summer vacation. Now that I just got off work, I wanted to call you and ask you what's going on. Did something happen to you?"

Ye Feng really wanted to tell his eldest sister that he had bought a house. He bought a 240-square-meter house for a total price of less than 140 million.

But he dared not.

He was afraid of scaring his eldest sister, so he suppressed the urge to tell and said on the phone: "I am working during the summer vacation."

"I said what's going on? Your voice sounded like you were about to cry. It scared me."

The eldest sister burst into laughter on the other end of the phone, and then said warmly: "Working is like this, it's quite hard. There is no hope for me. I haven't even finished high school. The only way out is working. You have to study hard for me in college." That’s it, I’ll try to sit in an office from now on.”

"Yeah." Ye Feng sat up and responded softly. It was only at this time that Ye Feng didn't act so mature.

The eldest sister said again: "By the way, give me your bank card number. I have saved a little money since I didn't go back during the Chinese New Year. I will give you 5000 yuan to pay your tuition. You can save the rest for yourself."

Ye Feng's nose felt a little sore again as he listened.

Five thousand is almost all the money that the eldest sister can save in a year after working 12 hours a day. The more he thinks about it, the more Ye Feng feels that he is so sorry for his eldest sister that he was kicked out of school in his previous life.

"Sister, I have money." Ye Feng said.

The eldest sister said: "Don't talk nonsense. It's just how much money you can make in two months during the summer vacation. It's good to have 1000 yuan left after eating and drinking. Tomorrow is Sunday. I happen to be off this month. I'll go to the bank and transfer the money to you."

Ye Feng hated iron for no reason, and suddenly said to the phone: "Sister, are you short-sighted? You work hard to earn some money, so you can't keep it for yourself to buy some nice clothes and better cosmetics. Why do you keep thinking about giving me money when you have nothing to do?"

"Who do you think is short-sighted, Ye Feng, I think you haven't been beaten for a year, and you are itchy."

Ye Yun was stunned for a moment on the other end of the phone, then she got angry and scolded Ye Feng. Then she thought that Ye Feng might have encountered something and was in a bad mood, so she softened her tone:

"You are my brother. It's my duty to take care of you. Be obedient and don't act like a child with me. Remember to text me your bank card number."

(End of this chapter)

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