Chapter 975 Survival rate, Naga shocked, meet elves

Since the island tablet cannot be taken away, destroying and recovering the cornerstone is a normal reaction of survivors!
What Xiao Yi was worried about now was that the next stage of the test might require an island monument.

Because they found that although there were some island monuments left by the previous survivors, they were very few.

Although it was not ruled out that they destroyed the island monument when they left, Xiao Yi preferred that they take the island monument away.

As for those left over, it may be redundant.

Xiao Yi shook his head: "This feeling of a completely unknown future is really uncomfortable! I hope there will be a reminder on the island monument today!"

Today is the 98th day since Xiao Yi and his group of survivors came to this world, a full 14 weeks, this week is over, I hope there will be some reminders on the island monument!
Xiao Yi looked at Yi Tianqun on the phone again, everyone was still discussing the number of survivors.

"I don't know how many foreign survivors are there?"

"Let's take care of ourselves first, and care how much he has left!"

"I'm just a little curious. There is limited support from Yiranpin big bosses in foreign countries. It is estimated that the survival rate should not be too high."

"It's simple, let's go to the big group and ask if we don't know!"

The conditions for joining the Yi Tianqun group are relatively loose, and you can join without an island tablet certificate.

Therefore, there must be foreign personnel in the large group silently watching the screen.

Someone really asked about this matter in the crowd.

"I'm Jiebi from the Free State. I just finished counting the situation of the various alliances in the Free State. According to the population of the previous world, our survival rate is only about one in [-]."

"Lying on the grass, it's really low! The survival rate of our Xia Kingdom is four times that of his!"

"Now you know the value of the boss's existence. The boss can not only keep himself alive, but also keep his compatriots alive. This is the real boss!"

"Fortunately, the development of my island is so poor. If it wasn't for the boss, I guess I would be one of the eliminated ones!"

Hearing that the survival rate abroad was so low, the survivors of the Xia Kingdom became even more grateful to Xiao Yi.

At this time, on the three alien islands connected to the Yiranpin Alliance, all the aliens are in a state of excitement.

On Naga Island, Medusa still couldn't believe it when she saw the S-grade food in front of her.

"Are those people giving us these?" Medusa asked with a frown.

"Yes, they said it was a gift for us."

"Okay, that's great, with these levels of food, the strength of our group can be raised by another level!" Medusa said happily.

"But, is there any fraud in this?" The Naga soldier on the side asked with a frown.

Medusa shook her head and continued: "If they really want to harm us, they don't need to use such high-grade food at all. It's too wasteful. The weapons used by their wounded soldiers can completely wipe us out, and that Xiao Yi Leader, he is stronger than any of us here!"

"What? Wang, aren't you his opponent?" the Naga soldier asked in shock.

Medusa shook her head: "I can't feel his level, but the sword on his back, even though it has not been unsheathed, I have already sensed a suppressive force. If I really fight him, I will only He is invincible with that sword!" The Nagas around him were completely stunned. In their eyes, the king who was very powerful couldn't beat a human?
"Okay, everyone, don't be dazed, and share the food." Medusa ordered.


Medusa looked at the southeast island of the alliance, and thought to herself: "Is this alliance so powerful? How could it have given so much high-end food?"

And on the elven island bordering the Alliance West Island, those elves were even more surprised.

One is because of those high-level foods, and the other is because they really met their companions, and they are also an elf queen.

Before Xiao Yi said that there were elves in the alliance, they thought it was just a few elves, but they didn't expect it to be a family of elves!
Hill, the queen of the bright elves on the main island of the alliance, heard that there were other elf islands connected to the island of the alliance, so she immediately asked Xiao Yi to meet the elves on the west island of the alliance.

Xiao Yi naturally didn't have any objections, after all, it's easier to communicate with people of the same race!
"Hello, I am Hill, Queen of the Light Elves!"

"Hello, I'm Phyllis, Queen of the Prairie Elf!"

"Welcome to help our alliance fight against the undead!" Hill chatted with Phyllis completely as the master.

Phyllis was very surprised: "Why do you light elves mix with humans?"

Hill fully understood her experience, so she replied: "Our alliance emphasizes the equality of all things, and our elves are just one of all things, that's all."

"Equality?" Phyllis shook her head, "Humans are greedy by nature. When we supported humans last time, we helped them repel the undead, but they even attacked us. Are you sure you are not deceived by the humans here? "

Hill was slightly taken aback: "Have you ever supported other humans? When was the last time?"

"I remember the last time I supported humans, it was the last time!" Phyllis replied, "But they look a little different from the current batch of humans. The biggest difference is that those humans have six fingers on their hands."

Hill nodded: "You're right, our island owner Xiao Yi, you should have met him, and he also said that human beings do have a lot of desires, but they can be restrained by external etiquette. .”

"He actually admitted human greed?" Phyllis was surprised now.

She really didn't expect that a human being could bravely admit his own inferiority?
Haven't all the human beings I met before been beaten to death and refused to admit their mistakes?
Is it really different this time?
Hill nodded and said, "That's right, in fact, our alliance is not limited to our two races, elves and humans."

"Anything else?" Phyllis asked, frowning.

"Well, there are werewolves and dwarves!" Hill replied.

"They can all coexist peacefully?" Phyllis felt it was impossible.

In Phyllis' view, there will always be friction of one kind or another between different races, and it is absolutely impossible to coexist peacefully.

"I'm just saying that, and you won't believe it. If I have a chance, I'll take you to the main island of the Alliance!" Hill replied with a smile.

Now Phyllis will definitely not trust Hill too much, and it is impossible to follow Hill to the main island of the alliance alone.

What if Hill was just a bait released by Xiao Yi, and if he caught him, his group would probably become Xiao Yi's slaves.

Seeing Phyllis' vigilant expression, Hill shook his head helplessly: "Actually, you don't have to worry at all. With the strength of your island, if the island owner really wants to attack you, you won't even have a chance to resist. "

(End of this chapter)

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