Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 974 Number of Survivors and Island Monuments in Xia Kingdom

Chapter 974 Number of Survivors and Island Monuments in Xia Kingdom

"For example, luck, who dares to compare luck with the boss?"

"That's right, the boss has released such advanced items as yachts a long time ago. Up to now, no one should have released such advanced items!"

"Let's not talk about yachts, I haven't even launched an iron-clad battleship yet!"

Xiao Yi watched everyone's discussion, and shook his head helplessly. In fact, Xiao Yi's luck was very bad most of the time.

If you only look at the things opened in the material box, Xiao Yi estimates that the position in the middle and lower reaches is not as good as everyone imagined.

Xiao Yi didn't bother to explain so much to them, but said: "Everyone should prepare well, I feel that the attack of the undead will come soon!"

"Yeah, the alien support has arrived, the undead island that came here before has been dealt with, and it's time for the next wave of undead attacks!"

"It sounds scary! Have the natives of our alliance managed it?"

"Our alliance has beaten the opponent away. With their strength, I really don't know where the confidence comes from to challenge us?"

"Brothers upstairs, you can't talk so big. If it weren't for the high-end weapons of the boss, it would be really difficult for us to fight them."

"Having a big boss is our strength. They are not convinced, so let them find a big boss!"

"Haha, I very much agree with this point of view!"

Xiao Yi shook his head, and then stopped looking at those flattering words that were completely devoid of nutrition.

As night fell, Xiao Yi came down from the bedroom, ready to finish his meal, and the rest of them rushed back.

"Island owner, those undead islands have been planted with green plants and sprayed with fungicide again, so far there seems to be no abnormality!" Jiang Yuntian reported immediately after seeing Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi nodded, and said, "Uncle An, arrange some people to keep an eye on those islands. If there is any abnormality, deal with it in time and give feedback!"

"Yes!" Anyue replied.

"I don't know what happened to the giant beast that the Ji family encountered today?" Xiao Yi muttered.

"With the torpedoes you provided them, there should be no problem!" Anyue said with a smile, "If there is a problem, I would have traded more torpedoes with you!"

"That's right!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

Jiang Yuntian continued: "Island Master, now we have a super disintegrator, those obsolete weapons, or equipment, should we disassemble them all, which can be regarded as recycling resources!"

"Well, let's dismantle everything, Uncle An, find some people here to take charge of this matter." Xiao Yi replied.

"Yes!" Anyue replied.

"How is the sales of high-grade food now?" Xiao Yi turned his head and asked Su Wan.

Su Wan replied: "Since you posted a post on the forum about improving your body level, the sales of level food have exploded, and people are buying level food almost all the time!"

"It seems that I have also written a good handwriting!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Everyone laughed.

"You can't say that. Now you are a gold-lettered signboard. If you sell any suffocating items, you will probably be regarded as stinky tofu!" Du Kang said with a smile.

"We're eating, can we not talk about such a disgusting thing!" Li Yan said, glaring at him.

"You didn't see me expressing that kind of thing euphemistically." Du Kang said helplessly.

Xiao Yi was speechless: "Okay, since it's a gold-lettered signboard, then we must protect this signboard."

Everyone nodded.

Du Kang muttered: "I didn't say I wasn't keeping it!" After dinner, everyone returned to their rooms.

Now everyone finally doesn't have to keep guarding the island monument, but all hold their mobile phones. Many people in the group are chatting, and they can finally participate in it!
In the past, only island monuments could be passed through, but island monuments are limited after all, and not everyone will have an island monument in their bedroom.

Xiao Yi looked at the lively chats in the group, thought for a while, and suddenly asked, "How many survivors are there in Xia Kingdom?"

The group paused slightly, and then said one after another.

"Who knows, there should be many more?"

"How about we count it! Each alliance reports its own figures."

"Good idea, this way we can also know how many people in Xia Kingdom are still alive!"

"Then what are you waiting for, let's start counting, there are still 72 people in our alliance!"

"We have 136 people!"

"Stop!" Xiao Yi immediately interrupted everyone's speech, and then continued, "Everyone, please don't talk, the leader of each alliance only sends two data, the format is: number of people + number of island monuments! No one needs to reply Received, just reply with the number directly!"



All of a sudden, a lot of numbers popped up from the Survivor Yi Tian group, Su Wan immediately came to An Ran's room, and called Lu Ping'er beside her, and the three girls started counting the numbers together.

They already have computers on their phones, so they just add them together.

For the convenience of statistics, Su Wan directly copied all the figures on a piece of paper.

After everyone reported the data, they only waited for a while, and asked impatiently, "Boss, how many people do we have?"

"Fuck, you really don't treat the boss as a human being. There is so much data and there is no computer now. I guess it needs to be added by hand!"

"That's right, anxious, wait, it will probably come out in a while!"

After a while, An Ran and others calculated the final data.

At present, there are still 136589 survivors in Xia Kingdom, but there are only 50718 island monuments!
The number of island monuments is also added to the island monuments obtained by each alliance on this undead island.

Xiao Yi put this data in the group.

"It seems that many of us Xia people survived!"

"A lot? In the previous world, our Xia Kingdom had more than 26 billion people? Now there are only 13 people left, and the survival rate is only one in [-]!"

"Yeah, if there were no bosses around, this statistic would definitely be even lower!"

"Yes, it will definitely be lower!"

"Fortunately, we have Yiranpin in our country Xia, otherwise I don't think I would be alive today."

Just when everyone was lamenting the low survival rate, Xiao Yi wondered if the number of island monuments was too small?
If it weren't for Xiao Yi, most of the people would have died within the first month, and a large number of island monuments would have been left behind.

If it wasn't for Xiao Yi, everyone might have to wait until later to find the dead survivors' island monuments. At that time, there might be enough ships to place these island monuments.

But because of Xiao Yi's existence, many people survived.

And the progress of the navigation has been advanced, and the consequences of the advance will cause everyone to not have enough ships to place the island monument. The first reaction of those who find the unowned island monument is to destroy it.

I can't take it away, and no one else can get it!
(End of this chapter)

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