Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 953 Sharing intelligence, counterattacking, borrowing fishing nets

Chapter 953 Sharing intelligence, counterattacking, borrowing fishing nets

Xiao Yi continued to introduce: "Because this island is most likely left behind by the previous survivors, their island monuments were buried by weathered buildings."

"Ah, isn't it that we have to dig out a little bit? This is even more unrealistic!"

"Yeah, it's already very difficult for us to stop the undead invasion on the defense line. If we need to go up and dig things, it will definitely not work!"

"It's definitely unrealistic for you to go up, but you can use a hot air balloon, throw cannonballs on the hot air balloon, and blow up the sand, so that you can find the island monument!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Good idea!" Everyone said one after another.

"And most survivors should put the island monument in the center, so everyone only needs to look for it in the core area!" Xiao Yi continued to remind everyone!
"Boss, you've told us everything about how to do this. If you can't finish copying homework like this, then it's really our problem!"

"Yeah, I'll let them find the island monument!"

"Boss, after finding the island monument, how do we get rid of the dead energy on the island monument?" Someone asked.

Xiao Yi continued: "Actually, there are two options for finding the island monument. One is to smash the island monument directly, and the other is to remove the dead energy from the island monument."

"Speaking of this, I just remembered, will throwing shells blow up the island monument?"

"Are you stupid upstairs? During our sea battles, which were so fierce, have you seen any island monuments smashed by shells?"

"That's right, but why do we have the option to occupy or smash the island monument when we touch it?"

"You have to ask the rules of the world, how do I know, stop talking, listen to the boss, how to get rid of the dead energy of the island monument?"

Xiao Yi saw that they had already discussed the results by themselves, so he stopped explaining and continued: "To get rid of the dead air, you must use a fungicide that can kill the microorganisms on the island monument, pour it on the island monument, and it will be absorbed automatically. , to maintain the supply of potions, and at the same time not let the undead bury the island tablet."

"The undead will bury the island monument?"

"Yes, just like we will protect our own island monument." Xiao Yi replied affirmatively.

"After pouring the potion, what else should I do?"

"Wait, it takes a day and a night to repair the island monument!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Do you want to maintain this state? This is too difficult!"

"Yes, then I'd better smash it directly, I think it's more convenient!"

"That's right, it's more convenient to smash, but in this case, wouldn't we lose a lot of island monuments?"

"If it is less, it will be twice as small. Even now, it can reach one island monument per person!"

"I'm a little worried that these island monuments will be useful in the future."

"Since you have this concern, then go get rid of the dead energy. According to the solution provided by the boss, it should not be a big problem!"

"Well, then I'll try to get rid of the dead air!"

"No, there is another question. We are only talking about fierceness here, but what about potions?"

"The big boss must have it, we can just pay the cornerstone to buy it!" After Xiao Yi saw everyone talking about bactericidal agents, he actually called the laboratory and asked: "How many resources does this bactericidal agent require?"

"Going back to the island owner, we only need some power supply. We use equipment to synthesize these chemicals, and the amount is very small!" The robot in the laboratory replied.

Electricity is not a cost at all to Xiao Yi, and now the power generation of the nuclear power plant is completely surplus!
Since there is no need for any cost, Xiao Yi said directly in the group: "Two tons of medicine, one hundred foundation stones, two tons can remove the dead energy of an island monument."

"Great, I bought 18 tons, and I have nine undead islands here! I'm going to purify them all!"

"I want 8 tons here, it's too troublesome to purify all of them, so let's keep half!"

"Boss, I want 6 tons first, and I will buy it when it runs out!"

Xiao Yi handed over this matter to Su Wan and asked them to contact Su Wan!
However, many foreign forces have started to buy from Xiao Yi one after another. Yi Tianqun's internal purchases are restricted, and they cannot buy a lot at present.

Those foreign forces could only ask Xiao Yi to buy it themselves.

Xiao Yi directly increased the price by ten times and bought it. Although it felt a little expensive, but there is no chemical industry in those foreign alliances, and it is impossible to manufacture this kind of fungicide, so he can buy it with gritted teeth.

Looking at the bactericides that were constantly being sold, Xiao Yi said with emotion: "Business without money is delicious! No wonder the chemical industry makes so much money, just like the cosmetics, it is probably some natural or chemically synthesized substances packed in a small bottle Li, and then you can sell it at a high price, what a huge profit!"

Of course, it is undeniable that the research and development of these things takes time and money, and they need to spread the cost of research and development to the final price.

Soon night fell, and all the island monuments of the Yiranpin Alliance were in a state of self-repair. Although new undead creatures will not continue to be refreshed at midnight today, the ones that were refreshed yesterday are still there!
The pressure on the defense line was much less, and they were still in the mood to chat while attacking the undead creatures.

These undead creatures are being beaten less and less. By midnight, the undead creatures were completely wiped out by them.

After receiving the news from Jiang Yuntian, Xiao Yi immediately ordered: "All teams enter the undead island and search, and don't leave any corners. Make sure that no undead creatures continue to exist!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

The Yiranpin Alliance blew the clarion call for a counterattack!
At this time, other alliances are being attacked by underwater creatures!
The previous torpedoes had wiped out most of the underwater creatures, but there were still a few fish that slipped through the net and began to attack the cornerstone on the Survivor Island.

"Didi, please note that the cornerstone of the island is being attacked, please protect the island!" The island tablet immediately began to prompt.

Seeing the location being attacked, they acted immediately.

A group of several people, holding long metal spears in their hands, rushed to the position where the cornerstone was attacked!
There is someone holding a fishing net on the side. Although the fishing net may not be able to catch those high-level undead, at least it can entangle it!
"Made, fortunately, the boss provided us with torpedoes during the day, which killed most of the underwater undead. Otherwise, we are really besieged now!"

"Yeah, these undead are completely irregular and attack everywhere!"

"Let's not talk about it, they are almost going around our main island from my side!"

"It's not easy to do, is there a better fishing net for rent!"

"I need a better fishing net too!"

Before Xiao Yi put the fully automatic fishing net on, a private message came over.

"Island Master Xiao, do you have high-level fishing nets here? The underwater undead creatures on my side are S-level!" Di Lintianxia actually sent a message asking for help.

(End of this chapter)

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