Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 952: Selling information, foreigners should give you the foundation first and then talk abou

Chapter 952: Selling information, foreigners should give you the foundation first and then talk about it

"Everyone should be careful. What the island owner just said means that there should be some fish that have slipped through the net!" the person in charge said.

"Yes!" Everyone responded, and then slowly explored the island.

Soon the soldiers who landed on the island encountered attacks from skeletons, but there were only a few of them.

Xiao Yi had also taken off his jumpsuit at this time, put it back into the system space, and then started walking around.

The island was still full of death, which made Xiao Yi feel very uncomfortable. He shook his head, took out the return stone, and returned directly to his bedroom.

I haven't been back all night, and I really miss my bed.

High temperature can kill the microorganisms that cause plant death, so wait until you are sure there are no skeletons before setting fire to it.

After that, Xiao Yi is going to spray it with bactericidal agent, which should completely solve the problem of microorganisms.

But the dead air probably still needs to be restored to greening.

Whether this is the case specifically will have to wait until subsequent experiments to know.

Jiang Yuntian received a report from Bai Qi and learned that one of the undead islands encountered in the Alliance's West Island had been taken care of. He hurried over to learn the specific situation.

"The repaired island monument can be occupied, and it also eliminates the problem of the undead being refreshed. This is indeed a complete solution to the undead!" Jiang Yuntian said.

"Yes, I really don't know how the island owner thinks, but he can find this method!" Bai Qi said with emotion from the side.

"Island owners always think more than us, I'm used to it!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "Okay, you can finish it here. If it's done, go and support the northwest islands!"


Xiao Yi sat in front of the island monument, thought for a moment, and said to the Yi Tian group: "Here I have a way to completely solve the current undead attack. I know that there are many foreign informants in the group. I told them that as long as they pay Give me the cornerstone and I will share this method.”

"Is the boss so awesome? You know it so quickly?"

"Boss, we also pay, teach us!"

"Yeah, don't just tell foreigners, Xia people help Xia people!"

Xiao Yi said calmly: "No rush, let them pay first!"

"The boss is awesome! This kind of monopoly business is definitely profitable!"

"Yes, yes, but the boss's operation is very beautiful. How much foreigners have harvested in our Yi Tianqun before, we should pay back a little now!"

"That's right, in the past, the big boss never asked for money for the information he provided!"

After receiving the news, the foreign survivors looked disdainful.

"I don't believe you didn't tell you about Xia Guo's own people, we can just wait!"

"Haha, yes, as long as he tells others, we have a chance to get this information. It doesn't matter, let's see who can afford it!"

"Man, we can't afford it this time. The survivors in Xia Kingdom are stronger than us now. If we delay like this, we probably won't be able to hold on!"

At this time, Jie Ji, the game strategy master of the Free Country, had already started chatting with Xiao Yi privately.

"Yi Ranpin, how many cornerstones are there? I'll buy it!" Jie Bi said succinctly.

"Don't worry, there are still more than 5 IDs in the World Channel ID. My goal is an ID with 100 yuan foundation stones, a total of 500 million foundation stones. If I get enough, I will announce it. If not, forget it. Anyway, Our Xia Kingdom alliance should be able to hold on!" Xiao Yi replied, and at the same time sent this request to the Yi Tian group.

"Big Brother, this is a good method. It doesn't matter how foreign countries do it. Anyway, I'll give you the total amount. If you collect enough, I'll share it. If it's not enough, forget it. We can handle it anyway!" "Haha, yes, I'll just watch. Whoever can hold on, we have the advantage now!"

"Yes, I would rather not know this solution and support the boss's decision!"

At this time, various countries began to discuss it in their own small groups.

"Can you get out the cornerstone?"

"If you don't come out, someone will definitely come out. Let's just sit back and enjoy the success!"

"The big alliances in our country will definitely bring us together. If we refuse, we are likely to face attacks from the big alliances!"

"Yi Ranpin's move is too cruel. It forces us to take out the cornerstone!"

At this time, Jie Bi spoke: "If no one is willing to come up with the cornerstone, then all of our alliance will be gone, and the information will not be shared with you. It's up to you to decide!"

Considering that the attacks of the undead creatures had become more and more fierce recently, they hesitated.

After a little tangle, everyone finally decided to exchange the cornerstone for information.

Xiao Yi quickly received the cornerstones from foreign ID transactions, and the total number even exceeded 500 million.

"Okay, you have made a very right choice." Xiao Yi said in the public channel, "I will announce the method to completely eliminate the undead creatures in the Yitian group later. Just go and see for yourselves!"

Returning to the Yitian group, this issue is being discussed in the group.

"We can't let the boss keep giving for free like this. The boss's ID is 100 yuan of foundation stones to the outside world. How about we give ten foundation stones to each ID in our group as the fee for us to get this information?"

"Good idea, I agree, we can't just keep having sex for free!"

"Agree, let's initiate the transaction directly in the group, ten cornerstones are not much for one ID!"

For a time, many exclusive transactions were initiated within Yi Tianqun, all of which were to Yi Ranpin.

Xiao Yi was not polite to them and said: "Thank you all very much! This time the undead are constantly refreshed entirely because the undead island bordering us is actually a cornerstone island!"

"What? Is that Keystone Island too?"

"I can't see it at all. How is it possible?"

"Everyone, please stop talking for now. Let the boss finish his words. Then you can discuss it later, okay?"

"Okay, okay, the boss will talk first."

Xiao Yi continued: "Because we have discovered their refreshing properties before, I guessed that this island is a cornerstone island and has refreshing properties, so there must be an island monument, so we found the island monument on the island. After finding the island monument, I found that the island monument had been invaded by death energy, so it kept spawning undead creatures!"

Everyone suddenly realized.

"If you want to completely solve this refresh problem, you can directly solve the problem of the island monument's dead energy, and that's it!" Xiao Yi said simply.

"This thing seems difficult to do!"

"That's right, first of all we have to find the island monument. This island is not big or small. It will be really difficult to find the island monument for a while!"

"That's right, we've been around the undead island several times, and we haven't seen the shadow of the island monument at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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