Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 672 Thanksgiving, natives move, sky fortress dispatched

Chapter 672 Thanksgiving, natives move, sky fortress dispatched

Hearing Shi Kong's words, Xiao Yi was very happy, because he already regarded himself as a part of the island from the bottom of his heart.

"It's really a good thing!" Xiao Yi said happily, "However, this is so far away. I have very high expectations for you. I hope you can independently build a large teleportation array in the future."

"Build the teleportation array independently?" Shi Kong was stunned, "Do I really have a chance to reach that level?"

"Of course, you are only C-level now, and you still have a long way to go." Xiao Yi said, "There is definitely a chance!"

Shi Kong replied excitedly: "Well, thank you, Island Master!"

Since taking refuge with Xiao Yi, Shi Kong has been the key training object, and all kinds of high-grade food are supplied in sufficient quantities.

Since Shi Kong became a teleporter, he has been at C-level for a long time.

But in just a few days after joining Xiao Yi, he already felt that he was about to break through.

As long as he breaks through another level, he will have more time to improve himself.

Xiao Yi waved his hand and said, "You're welcome, your ability has improved, which is of great benefit to our island. By the way, how are these apprentices doing?"

"Their ability to accept is very strong, and they have made rapid progress, but I found a problem." Shi Kong said.

"What's the problem?" Xiao Yi asked.

"I don't know if it's my illusion." Shi Kong replied, "Although the teleportation array has just been transferred here for about ten hours, the learning speed of these apprentices has far exceeded before."

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "This shows that our island has an acceleration function, which is a good thing!"

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Shi Kong was also stunned for a moment, and then smiled wryly: "Because I don't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, so I still have to report it to you."

"Well, our outsider's island itself has this acceleration function!" Xiao Yi explained.

Shi Kong nodded in shock, and said, "No wonder all the forces on the mainland want to snatch your island monument and island!"

"This may be the point of conflict between us. If we can resolve this point of conflict, maybe we can live in harmony!" Xiao Yi replied, "Of course, maybe your so-called gods will create other conflicts. He It would be nice to see us fight!"

Shi Kong was stunned for a moment, and said, "Do you mean that the gods deliberately let us fight?"

"Of course, look, we are very peace-loving people, can't we coexist peacefully?" Xiao Yi said.

Shi Kong thought so deeply, and said, "Then what does the god want to do?"

Xiao Yi shook his head and said, "Maybe he is the only one who knows what he wants to do!"

At this time, Yuanshi ran over from the side and said, "Island owner, Xiongdi sent a message, saying that the natives of the New World have changed again!"

"Look, it's coming again!" Xiao Yi said helplessly, "Reply to him, I'll go right away!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yi directly activated the city return stone, and instantly came to the big boat stationed by Xiong Di.

"Island Master!" Xiong Di greeted him and said.

"How's the situation?" Xiao Yi asked.

"The opponent suddenly started attacking us, and nearly [-] hot air balloons rose up in total." Xiong Di replied, "The opponent is attacking us fiercely, as if they are going to eat us all at once!"

Xiao Yi walked onto the deck. Under the setting sun, a bunch of balloons were flying towards this side. At this time, the wind was already very weak, so the speed of those hot air balloons was very slow.

"Island Master, I suggest you retreat first and come back when you have an opportunity!" Xiong Di immediately suggested.From Xiong Di's point of view, the opponent must be well prepared for this large-scale attack. Maybe there is more than one SSS-level wizard on those hot air balloons.

Although Xiao Yi managed an SSS-level wizard last time, it was done by gathering the power of himself and three pets, plus the Berserk Pill.

And at that time, the wizard was stunned for a moment because his mental attack was ineffective against Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi caught Xiao Yi by surprise.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult for Xiao Yi and the others to beat the real SSS-level wizards with the SSS-level wizards who took drugs!

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yi shook his head and said, "No need! Today we will fight against them!"

"But we don't have air units, so it's not easy to fight at all!" Xiongdi replied.

"Who said we didn't have one!" Xiao Yi said with a smile, "Hurry up and organize your team and get ready to go into battle!"

Xiong Di was taken aback for a moment, then immediately responded: "Yes!"

Xiong Di quickly prepared the team and reported to Xiao Yihui: "Island Master, please give instructions when the team is assembled!"

Xiao Yi nodded, then with a big wave of his hand, he released the Sky Fortress from the system space.

In an instant, two aerial fortresses appeared beside the big ship.

Xiong Di suddenly saw the huge airship and the huge gondola under the airship, and he was stunned.

"Go up, the control is very simple, go and knock down all those balloons!" Xiao Yi ordered.

"Yes!" Xiong Di replied, standing at attention.

Then command the team to board the sky fortress, and after a little research, they figured out how to operate it.

As long as the items reach the SSS level, they all carry some intelligent operating system more or less.

The intelligent operating system means that it is a fool's operation, which is very simple and easy to understand.

In the balloons that lifted off from the indigenous continent, there were indeed three SSS-level wizards from the three major factions, but they all hid behind, allowing those SS-level wizards to rush to the front.

The wizard in Frostleaf City did not escape the fate of leading the battle. The hot air balloon he was riding was in the first echelon and slowly flew towards Xiao Yi's big ship.

"My lord wizard, look at what that is!" A soldier suddenly pointed to the front and shouted.

Wizard Frostleaf looked forward, where two huge airships were rising, and there were huge gondolas hanging under the airships!
"Not good, the other side also has air troops, slow down immediately!" Sorcerer Frost Leaf ordered immediately.

But the speed of hot air balloons is very difficult to control. They rely on the wind speed to move forward. If they want to slow down, they can only turn off the air heating device and let the hot air balloons land at a low altitude.

The SSS-level wizard who followed soon saw Wizard Frostleaf's movements, and immediately asked loudly, "Wizard Frostleaf, what are you doing?"

Sorcerer Frost Leaf replied immediately: "The opponent already has an air force, which is much more advanced than our hot air balloons. I suggest retreating immediately!"

"Hmph, the other party is just two air troops. We have so many hot air balloons, and you are scared. What a shame!"

"That's right, twenty to one can always defeat the opponent. As long as we defeat this outsider, we will have super rich harvest!"

"Yes, the cannons on his ship are better than those made by the dwarves!"

"Wizard Frost Leaf, when did you become so timid?"

(End of this chapter)

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