Chapter 671 Dwarf Brewer Bill, apprentice
Bill looked at Ross angrily, and said, "Why did you cancel the rest of this year's order?"

"It's very simple, we have found a better supplier!" Ross replied.

"A better supplier? Huh, I don't believe that there is anyone in the Dwarf Kingdom who can brew beer better than me!" Bill stared at Rose with his angry eyes wide open.

Ross shook his head and didn't speak. Instead, he opened a bottle of beer and poured Bill a glass.

Immediately, the aroma of beer flooded into Bill's nose.

"This is..." Bill's eyes widened, full of shock!
"Try it!" Rose said.

Bill immediately took a sip of the wine glass in front of him, looked at Rose after a while and said, "Who brewed this, tell me where he is?"

"A winemaker on an outsider's island." Rose replied.

"Take me to him!" Bill said anxiously.

"I haven't made any arrangements yet, don't worry!" Ross replied slowly.

"Arrange a fart, hurry up!" Bill pulled Ross and rushed to the teleportation array.

Ross had no choice but to take Bill to Xiao Yi's island.

When Xiao Yi received the news that Ross had come again, he was very surprised: "Did you go back on your word? Or is there something wrong with our drinks?"

Hurrying over, he found another stranger appeared beside Ross.

"Who is this?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Bill, the winemaker of our dwarf country, wants to meet the winemaker on your island!" Ross introduced.

Xiao Yi frowned, and instantly understood the reason for this. Probably the influx of alcohol from their island had affected Bill's business!

Bill looked at Xiao Yi curiously, and said, "I just came here this time to meet your winemaker, there is no other meaning!"

Xiao Yi nodded and greeted, "Come with me!"

Xiao Yi brought the two of them to the bar: "Du Kang, come to pick up the guests!"

Du Kang had a dark look on his face and walked over: "Island Master, these words are really confusing!"

"Come on, let me introduce you. This is Bill, the brewer of the dwarf country, and I want to chat with you." Xiao Yi said.

Du Kang looked at Bill in surprise, and said, "Is this here to mess things up?"

"I don't know, let's see what he wants to do!" Xiao Yi shook his head.

No one can understand Xia Guoyu and Dwarf Mandarin at the same time, so Xiao Yi can only act as an interpreter.

"How can you brew such delicious beer at such a young age?" Bill said in shock.

This sentence made Du Kang very uncomfortable: "Does the ability to make wine have anything to do with age?"

"Of course, how can you make good beer without enough experience?" Bill retorted.

Du Kang snorted coldly: "That's because you only rely on experience to brew, while we rely on strict craftsmanship to brew. This is a completely different thing."

"Craft?" Bill heard such a name for the first time.

"Yes, as long as the standard process is formulated and the operating procedures are followed, many people can participate and produce delicious wine!" Du Kang replied.

"Is it okay?" Bill asked in shock.

"Otherwise? How do you think we can produce so much?" Du Kang asked rhetorically.

Bill pondered for a while, and after a while, he said: "Can I become your teacher? Learn your craft!" After hearing Bill's request, Los was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Drunkard, you are going too far. !”

Du Kang didn't feel anything, he just glanced at Xiao Yi.

Although this thing is said to rely on craftsmanship, experience is also indispensable, and craftsmanship was rotten in the previous world.

Who knew that Xiao Yi said with a smile: "It's okay, we won't cherish our brooms, but learning is naturally conditional."

"Tell me, I'll pay as many cornerstones as you want!" Bill said excitedly immediately.

"Besides the cornerstone, I have other requests. If you agree, you can stay and study there!" Xiao Yi said.

"On what terms?" Bill asked.

"First of all, the tuition fee is [-] cornerstones, and secondly, after completing the studies, he needs to work under Du Kang's staff for two months!" Xiao Yi said.

Ross's eyes widened. He didn't expect that Xiao Yi would actually let Nabiel study here. Could it be that he wasn't worried about the leakage of wine making technology, so he didn't buy wine from him?
Regarding this point, Xiao Yi was not worried at all.

Because the mainland does not brew as fast as the island, and there are not many high-grade grains, so even if Bill learns, he can only brew the most ordinary beer.

It has little impact on the sales of Xiao Yi Beer, but it can free up their energy to focus on high-end alcohol.

What's more, doing so can also establish a good relationship with the dwarf country, which is more important.

A trade officer can use 20 billion cornerstones, so how many cornerstones this country has in stock is unimaginable.

Bill didn't hesitate at all, and responded directly: "I agree!"

As a dwarf obsessed with brewing technology, if he can get in touch with advanced brewing skills, he can give up almost everything.

What's more, these two requests from Xiao Yi didn't make him give up much.

"In this case, there is no problem, Du Kang, please greet me here." Xiao Yi said.

Du Kang nodded and said, "Since the island owner has no objections, then you can start learning Xia Guoyu!"

Speaking of language, Xiao Yi also said: "In order to facilitate the communication between the two sides, you should arrange some talents to come and teach your language."

Ross nodded and said, "That's right, you can't come over and be our translator anytime, I'll go back and arrange it."

"In that case, thank you very much!" Xiao Yi cupped his hands.

"We are friends, don't be so polite!" Rose got up and left.

And Bill was arranged in a guest room to start learning Xia Guoyu.

After dealing with the affairs of the Dwarf Kingdom, Xiao Yi came to the side of the teleportation formation, and Shi Kong was talking to a few apprentices beside him.

Seeing Xiao Yi approaching, Shi Kong let the apprentices move freely, and walked towards Xiao Yi by himself.

"Island Master!" Shi Kong spoke in an excited tone.

Xiao Yi asked with a smile: "Judging from your tone, it seems that there is some happy event!"

"A great happy event!" Shi Kong replied, "However, thanks to the island owner, if you hadn't given the high-end drinks to the teleporters from the Dwarf Kingdom, they probably wouldn't have known all about my questions."

Xiao Yi looked at him and asked suspiciously, "Did they teach you something?"

"It can be regarded as, I feel that if I study for a while, I will be able to break through soon!" Shi Kong said excitedly, "At that time, our island will be able to freely transfer the teleportation array. This realm!"

(End of this chapter)

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