Chapter 667 SSS level air fortress, no business
"Sign in successfully and get a reward: Sky Fortress (SSS level)*1."

"Trigger double harvest and get supplies: Sky Fortress (SSS level)*2."

"Aerial Fortress (SSS level): Large air defense airship, jet-powered, with 500 heavy crossbows, can accommodate 60 troops, lift-off altitude can reach [-] meters, with built-in protection and air balance system, speed can up to [-] kilometers per hour."

When Xiao Yi saw those indigenous hot air balloons before, he was a little envious. He also thought about when he would be able to make a few hot air balloons.

I didn't expect the system to be so considerate, and directly rewarded him with a sky fortress.

The hot air balloons on the indigenous side look very high-end, but in fact they are average, because the hot air balloons only have upward momentum, and the speed of parallel movement depends entirely on the sky.

If the wind is strong, it will run fast, but if the wind is small, it may not move!

The reward given to Xiao Yi by the system is that he can move freely, and his speed is not low, at least much faster than ordinary boats!
"If the natives still dare to use hot air balloons to attack us, let them come and go!" Xiao Yi thought, and then placed this reward in the system space.

Looking at the artillery and ammunition currently in stock, Xiao Yi made some calculations, and said in the Yitian group: "Because steel is limited, each ID can only purchase two artillery pieces and ten shells at most!"

"Huh? Has the purchase limit started before it even goes on sale?"

"Yeah, even if there is no steel, I can provide some. There is still some iron that was ordered before!"

"That's right, we have one too. Everyone take it out and see if we can make up a little more so that the boss can build a few more cannons."

"If it's just two cannons, it's not enough at all!"

"Yes, I hope to buy more, so that it can play its due role."

Xiao Yi had already started implementing the method they were discussing.

Most of the high-grade food on the island and some other agricultural and sideline products are used to exchange various metals in everyone's hands.

A cannon does require a lot of metal. It is estimated that about ten cannons can be cast with all the metal in an alliance.

But there are at least nine islands in an alliance, and an average island has only one artillery, and the extra one is a mobile artillery.

What's more, the alliance also needs to have a certain amount of metal inventory, otherwise other manufacturing drawings will be issued and metals are needed, so we can only look at it.

As a result, the metal received was extremely limited, and the inventory on Xiao Yi's own island would still be consumed.

Fortunately, a lot of mineral deposits on those indigenous islands have been mined recently, otherwise one ID and two cannons would not be enough!
Jiebi knew through his eyeliner that Xiao Yi was going to sell that high-level artillery and ammunition in Yitian Group, so he immediately sent Xiao Yi a message.

"Yi Ranpin, I also want to buy a batch of those cannons from you." Jiebi said.

"I'm really sorry, we really don't have enough metal on hand, so we won't sell it to outsiders." Xiao Yi replied.

"Wait!" Jiebi hurriedly replied, "We can provide raw materials, as long as you help us make them, and the cost will be the same as the cost in your group, is that okay?"

This kind of no-cost business, it is a fool to refuse.

"No problem!" Xiao Yi replied, not to mention the double harvest today. The raw materials provided by the other party can be doubled in his own hands!Jie Bi immediately mobilized his entire guild to collect various metals.

At this time, I saw the background of a large guild, and in just two hours, Jiebi actually gathered [-] raw materials!
These raw materials, which can make [-] cannons, were directly traded to Xiao Yi.

In Xiao Yi's hands, it became the raw material for 20 cannons.

Xiao Yi immediately made all the raw materials into cannons and traded them to Jiebi for [-] pieces.

"[Cannon] (Class S) * 10 trade [Corner Stone] * 5000 million."

Jiebi doesn't have such a cornerstone in his hands, but Xiao Yi has set it to be sold in batches. Jiebi can sell a part of it first, and then sell this part of the deal, and exchange it for the cornerstone to continue trading.

How to operate it is Jiebi's business, Xiao Yi has already started to put up cannons in the group.

"[Cannon] (S-level) * 1 is traded for [Corner Stone] * 500, note: the same ID can only be purchased twice."

"[Detonation Explosive Bomb] (S-level)*1 is traded for [Cornerstone]*10. Remarks: The same ID can only be purchased ten times."

After these two products were put on the shelves in the group, they immediately started to sell like crazy.

Two cannons and ten cannonballs add up to 1100 cornerstones, which is not an astronomical figure for these survivors who have already explored the New World.

In an instant, nearly [-]% of the IDs chose the top purchase!
There are also some IDs who choose to buy a cannon and a few shells because of insufficient cornerstones.

"The transaction is successful, and the materials obtained: cornerstone * 6800 million."

"Trigger double harvest, get supplies: cornerstone * 1.36 million."

Looking at his harvest, Xiao Yi secretly said: "No wonder all big countries like to do military/fire business, the money comes quickly!"

At this time, Rose's tasting in the bar had come to an end, and he felt that the drinks on this outsider's island were very delicious.

Even those fruit wines should be sold in the dwarf country, suitable for the ladies of the dwarf country to drink!
Kadel looked at Los, who was intoxicated, and said with a smile: "Try this last one, I think this is the wine that men drink, and I think this season is also very suitable!"

Ross hurriedly picked up the last drink. If it wasn't for the strong aroma of wine hitting his nose, Ross would have thought he had brought a glass of plain water.

He poured the liquor into his mouth.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
He didn't expect this liquor to be so strong that he choked on it without noticing it for a while!

This is the second time today I was choked!
But the first time he choked on the autumn sea water, it felt cold, but now he really felt a fire burning in his mouth, esophagus, and even his stomach, making him feel warm all over!
"Good wine!" Ross said excitedly, ignoring to wipe away his choked tears, "With this, you can warm your body in winter!"

"Yes, it will be winter soon, and this white wine is a good thing. According to Xiao Yi, this thing can also reduce inflammation, that is, if there is a wound, wash it with this, and it won't be necrotic and smelly!" Kadel said fiercely. I hope I come one step earlier, so that I can be a teacher.

"Really? Then this is really a good thing!" Rose picked up the wine glass again, took a small sip, and his body became even warmer!
"Where's our friend Xiao Yi, I have a big deal to discuss with him!" Ross said immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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