Chapter 666 Walk slowly, Los Cadel arrives

"It seems that you haven't prepared the cornerstone yet!" Wizard Frostleaf said with a smile, "That's just right, the price of these three bottles of beer today is not the same as yesterday's price!"

Ross frowned: "Huh? Are you trying to raise the price?"

"Of course, my beer is worth the higher price, isn't it?" said the Frostleaf Wizard confidently.

Ross shook his head with a smile, and replied indifferently: "I don't think so."

Wizard Frostleaf froze for a moment, frowned and said, "Loss, what do you mean, don't you want this beer?"

"Of course we do, but it's too expensive, we need to think carefully about it!" Rose replied.

Wizard Frostleaf squinted his eyes, looked at Luo Si's expression sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, snorted coldly, and said: "Hmph, if this is the case, then we will leave, and when you think about it, the price of this beer may change again! "

"Slow down!" Ross said with a smile.

Wizard Frost Leaf stood up angrily, and led the team to leave the dwarf kingdom.

As soon as they left, Kadel came over, looked at those people, and asked, "The magic stick of Frost Leaf City?"

"Well, he still wanted to raise the price, so I just drove him away!" Ross replied.

Kadel said with a smile: "Aren't you afraid of offending them to death, and my friend doesn't have a source of beer?"

"There are only three bottles in Frostleaf City, no matter how you look at it, your friend doesn't only have three bottles!" Ross also replied with a smile.

Kadel gave him a thumbs up and asked, "Are you ready here?"

"Of course, everything has been arranged, let's go!" Ross couldn't wait!

Kadel looked at him and said maliciously: "Okay, let's go, but you have to hold your breath for a while later!"

"Hold your breath?" Ross looked at Kadel suspiciously.

But Kadel did not continue to explain out of mischief, and led him to the teleportation circle.

Xiao Yi had already told Shi Kong to let the teleportation from the Dwarf Kingdom go straight away!
So Kadel and Ross successfully teleported to the teleportation array in Autumn Wind City.

As soon as he appeared from the teleportation array, Ross choked on water unexpectedly. Seeing Ross choked on water, Kadel laughed loudly, and then pulled him to swim to the surface of the water.

After a long while, Ross lying on the wooden boat yelled at Kadel!

"You/uncle/, why didn't you tell me that the teleportation array in Qiufeng City is underwater!" Ross scolded.

"Because the first time I came here, I also choked on water, so I want you to try it too!" Kadel said with a big smile.

"I'm xxxx!" Ross continued to exhale fragrantly.

"Okay, I'm here, I won't drown you!" Kadel said with a smile.

Ross' complexion was not good, but he quickly realized a problem: "How can your water skills be so good?"

"My friend gave me a water-repelling bead, as long as I eat it, I can walk, breathe and talk freely in the water!" Kadel said proudly.

"You're cheating on me!" Ross complained helplessly, "However, your friend is really a good enough friend! I'm willing to give you such a good thing!"

"That's right, don't you look at whose friend it is!" Kadel said.

Ross looked at the sea thoughtfully!
Soon they came to the big ship where Xiong Di was stationed, and after reporting to Xiao Yi, the two of them teleported there immediately.

After Kadel and Ross teleported to the island, Xiao Yi went up to meet him and said, "I'm really too busy today, so I couldn't go over to welcome you!"

"We are all friends, so there is no need to be so polite!" Kader said with a smile.Xiao Yi's eyes brightened slightly, and he immediately agreed: "Yes, friends really don't need to be so polite."

"Come on, go to the bar, sit and chat!" Xiao Yi took the lead and walked to the bar.

Ross whispered in surprise: "It seems that he doesn't speak the language of our dwarf country, but we can understand it?"

"How? My friend can do it!" Kadel replied.

Rose gave a thumbs up.

After arriving at the bar, Kadel introduced: "This is the trade officer of our dwarf country. He came here this time to talk to you about the wine business!"

"Here we come!" Xiao Yi thought secretly, and then said with a smile, "Great, I'm about to promote our drinks to you!"

"Since this is the case, then there is no need to be polite, serve all the wines here, and let me see which ones are more suitable for our dwarf country!" Ross said directly.

"Well, no problem!" Xiao Yi immediately asked Du Kang to serve up all the drinks.

Smelling the aroma of the drinks served, Ross was completely intoxicated, and then began to slowly appreciate them.

Xiao Yi saw that Kadel and the two of them would not be able to finish for a while, so he confessed: "Taste slowly first, if it is not enough, let Du Kang give you some more, I still have some urgent matters here, I need to deal with them!"

"Okay, you are busy first, just come and find us when you are busy!" Kadel said.

Xiao Yi left in a hurry and rushed to the villa.

After being woken up by Du Kang this morning, Xiao Yi got a system prompt.

"Trigger double harvest, the effect lasts for one day!"

To take advantage of the double, you must earn more cornerstones, so the entire island is operating crazily again.

This time level food is not so popular. After such a period of development of our islands, many islands can produce a lot of level food.

So every day in Yitian Group, and on the trading floor, there are graded foods listed, and you can buy them anytime you want.

In the double state this time, level food can only be used as a little bit of extras, and the main products are S-level artillery and shells!

When Yi Tian heard that Xiao Yi was going to sell the high-end artillery and shells, he immediately became overwhelmed.

"Boss is so awesome, even such advanced weapons are willing to share!"

"Great, with this artillery, I am more confident when facing the natives!"

"Stop talking, hurry up and put it on the shelves, I've already prepared the cornerstone!"

"Although the weapons are high-end, the price is also very expensive. A cannon costs 500 yuan cornerstone, and a shell costs ten cornerstones."

"Excellent value for money. You must know that all the equipment that the big boss brings out is S-level equipment. Do you have S-level equipment in your hand?"

"That's true. Fortunately, we have been exploring the New World for several days, otherwise we really don't have so many cornerstones!"

"Cut, it can only be said that your alliance is useless, our alliance has obtained nearly 4000 yuan of cornerstones from the New World!"

"Boss upstairs, how did you get so many?"

"Just arrange enough teams!"

Xiao Yi ignored the discussion in the group, but was a little excited looking at his reward for signing in today.

(End of this chapter)

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