Chapter 618 animal riots, extortion Jie coins

Jiang Yuntian nodded: "It must be, if this matter is known to everyone, there will definitely be survivors who will take the risk!"

"There's no rush, we'll talk about it later!" Xiao Yi said, "How many people know that there is a cornerstone in Autumn Wind City?"

"No one. After they discovered this treasury, they notified me directly. I came over to check, and no one has touched anything here." Jiang Yuntian replied.

"Don't reveal this for now!" Xiao Yi warned.

"Understood, what to do with these cornerstones?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

"Of course it was shipped back. It's useless to keep it here!" Xiao Yi said, and then he personally brought the ten boxes of cornerstones back to the island.

"Tomorrow at six o'clock in the afternoon, I will give Jiebi a chance to teleport to the New World. At that time, there may be a lot of foreigners pouring in. Let's explore as soon as possible!"

"Ah, so soon? There are less than 24 hours."

"Our alliance team has already found 50 C-level treasure chests and 6 B-level treasure chests. If it weren't for the low level of our team, we would all want to explore deeper!"

"Lying on the grass, your alliance has had a great harvest!"

"Our alliance seems to have more than them."

"How many teams did you send out, and how did you gain so much?"

"We are not many, just over 30 teams!"

"Fuck, are there so many survivors in your alliance?"

"It's quite a lot, but our team is composed of one or two survivors, with three or four natives! Only in this way can we maximize the benefits!"

"Oh, there's no other way. We have few captives and low ranks. I can only envy you!"

"Lying on the grass, help!"

"What's going on upstairs? Will you die if you miss opening a few treasure chests?"

"Made, the forest on the island is rioting!" the ID said again.

"Will the forest riot?"

"He should be talking about the animal riots spawned in the woods!"

"Huh? Will there be riots here?"

"Of course, just like in the game, you built a resident and occupied the living space of the animals in the woods. They will always attack your resident. I think the reason for this should be that they did not control the forest well. Refresh!"

"Damn, our team has been sent to the New World these two days, there won't be riots too! I have to tell the team on the island to deal with the spawning in the forest!"

"The animals in the woods on our island seem to spawn faster than ever!"

"It should be soon. The frequency of our cleaning has not changed, but now there are animal riots, which means that the refresh must be faster!"

"And this matter, I was so scared that I hurriedly took a look at my island with only one hundred square meters!"

"One hundred square meters? You can see through it at a glance, and you're still worried!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yi immediately reminded each island in the alliance group.

"Someone in the group reported that the speed of animal spawning has become faster recently. Everyone pay attention to the spawning of animals in the woods on your island. If you find any problems, please ask for support in time!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded one after another.After thinking about it, Xiao Yi sent another message to Xiong Di. Although he didn't know whether the refresh rules on the new continent were the same as those on his own island, there was nothing wrong with giving him a heads up!
"Island owner, the animals on Xuanyuan Island show signs of rioting and need support!" Qiu Sheng quickly sent a message.

Xuanyuan Island is Xuanyuan Wuwei's island, and the two brothers Qiu Sheng and Qiu Feng used to manage the alliance there in the past two days.

At the beginning, everyone didn't want to name the island over there Xuanyuan Island, mainly because what Xuanyuan Wuwei did was too disgusting.

But Xiao Yi resisted all opinions and stated his reasons.

Xuanyuan itself is Xia Guo's surname, why can't it be used?
He still has a Xuanyuan sword in his hand. If it is because of Xuanyuan Wuwei, do he have to change the name of the big sword in his hand?
At the same time, a surname cannot be rejected just because of the corruption of a person's moral character.

In the end, everyone had no objection, and the island of the Xuanyuan Alliance still used the name Xuanyuan.

"What is the level of rioting animals?" Xiao Yi asked.

"According to preliminary encounters and observations, it's about A-level!" Qiu Sheng replied.

"Okay, I'll arrange for Wangcai and Huafeng to go over here to help you deal with the animal riots." Xiao Yi thought for a while and said.


At present, Wangcai and Huafeng are both S-level pets, and the two S-level pets deal with A-level animal riots, which is double-layer insurance!
And the two of them have also been at the S level for a while, hoping to pierce that layer of window paper through fighting.

Wangcai and Huafeng immediately teleported to Xuanyuan Island, where they brutally slaughtered the violent animals.

Among the islands under Xiao Yi's current control, only Xuanyuan Island has a beast tide.

The islands of the Yiranpin Alliance are controlled by high-level ferocious beasts, and the Black Monkey Nation Alliance is controlled by the polar wolf family, so there will be no beast tides, only the Xuanyuan Alliance does not!
After arranging for Wangcai and the others to pass by, Xiao Yi received a message from Jiebi.

"Yiranpin, can you trade one day in advance? I can increase the price."

Xiao Yi smiled slightly, he really couldn't wait for this Jiebi, he must have learned about everyone's rich harvest in the New World through the spies in Yitian Group!
"No." Xiao Yi resolutely refused.

"Yi Ranpin, I think we can talk!" Jiebi was still fighting.

Xiao Yi thought for a while, then suddenly said: "It is indeed possible to talk about it. I have some information. I don't know if it is useful or not. As long as you take out [-] cornerstones, I can tell you. No one knows this information yet. !"

The corner of Jiebi's mouth twitched, and he wanted to exchange a piece of information that he didn't know would be useful or not for [-] crystals?

But Jiebi thought for a moment, and said: "I will give [-] first, and you tell me what information, if I think it is worth [-], then I will pay another [-]!"

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that this Jiebi would really use one hundred thousand cornerstones to buy a piece of information that he didn't know was useful or not!
"It seems that this Jiebi is really fat!" Xiao Yi thought secretly, and then replied a word to the other party.


"[Cornerstone] * 5 transactions None."

Xiao Yi immediately agreed to the transaction, harvested [-] cornerstones, and then continued to send messages.

"My message is about new races in this world, such as dwarves!"

"Dwarves? Are there really these races? Do you have a way to go to the dwarves?" Jiebi asked hastily.

"Yes, but it won't be open now!" Xiao Yi replied.

"If it is open, please let us know as soon as possible!" Jiebi said, and then initiated another transaction, "[Cornerstone] * 5 transaction no."

Xiao Yi resolutely agreed, and then said, "Aren't you afraid that I won't talk about it after taking the cornerstone?"

(End of this chapter)

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