Chapter 617 more information, 20 cornerstones

"Now?" Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Shi Kong to be so urgent, and then said with a smile, "Of course."

Xiao Yi took out the city return stone from Yuan Shi and handed it to Shi Kong.

"Such a small stone has such a powerful force of space!" Shi Kong said in shock when he saw the city stone.

"Huh? Haven't you seen it? Your city lord and wizard should have it!" Xiao Yi said curiously.

Shi Kong shook his head, and replied: "I'm only in charge of the teleportation array, and they won't tell me anything else."

Xiao Yi nodded, explained the usage of the city return stone, and then teleported to the square at the entrance of the resort with Shi Kong.

The patrol team on the square saw Xiao Yi and immediately saluted: "Hello, Island Master!"

Xiao Yi responded, and then took Shi Kong to the resort.

Shi Kong was not too surprised to see that building that was completely different from Autumn Wind City.

Because the Dwarf Kingdom, even the Frostleaf City, has a somewhat different architectural style from the Autumn Wind City, which is nothing surprising!

He brought Shi Kong to the smart chip machine and implanted a chip into Shi Kong.

Xiao Yi explained to him how to use the chip, and Shi Kong was shocked.

He has never seen such a high-level item.

Xiao Yi took him into the resort, and the resort was still full today.

Because the weather is not so hot anymore, some people are resting on the beach with the sea breeze.

Seeing so many people chatting and laughing leisurely, Shi Kong felt that the fatigue of years of work day after day slowly dissipated!
Walking into the bar, Shi Kong's nose began to move hard, he smelled all kinds of wine, many of which he had never drunk before!
"Du Kang, serve all the wines, all must be B grade!" Xiao Yi ordered.

"Okay!" Du Kang replied, and immediately served all the drinks.

Shi Kong had to savor every kind of wine he drank.

Finally, Shi Kong picked up a glass of wine that was the same as boiled water and asked, "What kind of wine is this?"

"Baijiu, brewed with grain, is more spicy, so drink it slowly!" Xiao Yi replied.

Shi Kong took a sip cautiously, a burst of pungentness burned directly from his mouth to his stomach.


Shi Kong made a sharp voice, but his eyes were extremely bright!

"This is the wine that men drink! Can I drink this in the future?" Shi Kong looked at Xiao Yi with burning eyes.

"Of course, I've already explained that your salary is enough for you to drink!" Xiao Yi replied, "But I need to remind you that you can't drink while you're at work. If you're caught, you're prohibited from drinking!"

"Ah?" Shi Kong frowned, and then replied, "Okay, absolutely no drinking at work!"

Xiao Yi looked at Shi Kong who was still thinking about it, and suddenly thought of a question: "Do you have a unified currency on this continent? For example, what do you use in Qiufeng City to buy beer from the Dwarf Kingdom?"

Shi Kong was slightly taken aback, and then replied: "Basically, it's all in the form of barter, but we have an item that everyone recognizes, and any item can be measured by that item."

Xiao Yi watched Shi Kong waiting for his next words, and couldn't help but think of gold.

Because gold was a hard currency in the previous world.

Shi Kong paused and two words came out of his mouth, making Xiao Yi's eyes widen! "cornerstone!"

Seeing Xiao Yi's reaction, Shi Kong thought he had never heard of such a thing, but was surprised why they took a stone as hard currency, so he continued to explain.

"The cornerstone is a small black stone. Its quantity is limited, and its attributes remain unchanged throughout the ages. It is relatively stable to use it as a constant to measure the value of an item. It is said that it has other functions, but we don't know it yet!"

Xiao Yi gasped, feeling extremely shocked.

How big a game of chess was played by the manipulator behind this scene, and what was the purpose of playing this game of chess?
"I understand!" Xiao Yi let out a long breath, "Are you staying here for a while, or are you going back to Autumn Wind City?"

"Can I stay here?" Shi Kong said.

"The teleportation array is not open yet, you are on vacation, you can decide where you want to stay!" Xiao Yi replied.

"That's right here! Little brother, serve me another pot of white wine!" Shi Kong said bluntly.

But Du Kang on the side couldn't understand what he said, and looked at Shi Kong stupidly.

Shi Kong was also a little puzzled: "What does this mean? Don't you give it? I seem to have money on my chip!"

Xiao Yi said, "You'd better ask for a translator. I can understand your language, but they can't."

Shi Kong suddenly realized, and then asked: "Is there an interpreter on this island?"

"Of course, Du Kang, go to Su Wan and ask for an interpreter who understands the language of Autumn Wind City!" Xiao Yi ordered.

"Yes!" Du Kang replied, and then directly called Su Wan.

After a while, a young man rushed over, it was the interpreter arranged by Su Wan.

After the translation was in place, Xiao Yi left.

He just saw Shi Kong drinking the expired beer, and wanted to promote his beer in front of this spatial ability user on a whim, but he didn't expect to get so much information.

"Since the cornerstones on this continent are hard currency, shouldn't there be cornerstones in stock in Autumn Wind City?" Xiao Yi thought so, and then teleported back to Autumn Wind City.

As soon as he walked into the City Lord's Mansion in Autumn Wind City, Jiang Yuntian happily walked up to him and said, "Island Lord, guess what I found in the treasury?"

"Cornerstone? Not a lot!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Um, how do you know?" Jiang Yuntian was stunned.

"I just chatted with Shi Kong and learned that the cornerstone is the hard currency of this continent. I guess there should be cornerstone stocks in Qiufeng City!" Xiao Yi replied, "With the development level of this city, other things should not be as good as it. What is on our island is not enough to make you so excited, only the cornerstone that is very important to us will make you so happy."

"Um, am I so obviously happy?" Jiang Yuntian was speechless.

"It's not very obvious, but very obvious!" Xiao Yi said as he walked towards the treasury.

In the treasury there are Autumn Wind City's own currency deposits, as well as some gold and silver treasures. Although it is not considered a hard currency on the entire continent, it still has a place in human cities.

Stacked in the middle are ten sandalwood boxes, one of which has been opened.

Xiao Yi walked up, aiming at the neatly arranged and densely packed cornerstones.

"I counted, one floor is a thousand cornerstones, this box has about twenty floors, and one box is about [-] stones!" Jiang Yuntian followed and said.

"A small Autumn Wind City has 20 cornerstones. Is this to lure survivors to conquer this continent?"

(End of this chapter)

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