Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 528 Increase the price, double the happiness, artillery

Chapter 528 Increase the price, double the happiness, artillery
After Xiao Yi read the previous chat records, he was stunned.

"Could it be that the natives have learned the art of war and still know how to attack in the east and attack in the west?" Xiao Yi thought to himself.

"How's the situation now?" Xiao Yi asked on the island tablet.

"The boss finally appeared, and our alliance lost one person and one island!"

"Is the opponent still attacking?" Xiao Yi asked.

"I haven't retreated, I don't know if I will come again! Boss, you should hang up the master key. I won't wait any longer. I will open all five boxes in the alliance immediately."

"That's right, boss, our alliance has also figured it out, and we must open the treasure chest immediately."

"So do we, boss, hurry up! I'm willing to pay an extra 20 yuan cornerstone!"

"Me too, even if we don't want the cornerstone in the treasure chest, we are willing to rent the master key!"

This sneak attack by the natives made them frightened, and they even took the initiative to raise the price to rent it.

With the return stone, even without Xiao Yi's charging tool, some soldiers can be sent to the island where the war is tight in a short time.

Instead of being beaten passively without any resistance at all like the current situation!

If you can also use the charging tool, it will be even more perfect!
Xiao Yi was still thinking about how to maximize the benefits and allow more survivors to survive.

I didn't expect these people to take the initiative to raise the price, so there is no problem.

"Well, I understand everyone's urgency. I'll hang the master key on it right now. The 50 yuan cornerstone can be used once. If you are confident in your own defense, you can wait until you get the key!" Xiao Yi said in the group Said.

At the same time, other alliances in the world have also encountered such a situation, and now all survivors are not calm.

After all, there are too few islands that can capture the natives and use them for their own use. Coupled with communication problems, it is impossible to transform them into effective defense soldiers.

Twenty people on the nine islands in the alliance are already holding up the sky. If they encounter the indigenous coalition, almost all of them will be needed to defend it.

Now that the natives are able to attack the east and the west again, the role of the return stone has been infinitely magnified!

The master key on the trading floor became even more popular.

At this time, Xiao Yi revised the price of the master key in the trading hall again.

The internal prices have all increased, and the trading floor will naturally increase accordingly!
"[Master Key] (SSS level) 5-second usage authority transaction [Cornerstone]*88."

Now each survivor should have about 40 to 50 cornerstones in their hands, and 38 yuan can be found in the pirate treasure chest, and the extra [-] yuan should be able to maximize the flow of cornerstones in their hands!
"God, is this man a vampire? He raised the price again!"

"Don't talk about it, after a while he will be unhappy and improve a little bit, we won't be able to use it anymore!"

"Yes, yes, use it quickly sometimes!"

"Oh, there is no way, who told us not to issue such high-level items!"

Xiao Yi didn't pay attention to their opinions. Instead, he checked the appearance of the previous five and a half hours, and hung the master key on the trading floor for his harvest!

It was rented a total of 3968 times, with 70 corner stones each time, and a total of 277760 corner stones were obtained!
"Comfortable!" Xiao Yi said happily as he looked at the harvested quantity.

Now that the rental price has been raised, there are still many people queuing up to rent master keys.

"This wave can harvest a lot of cornerstones, but it's a pity that there is no double bonus!" Xiao Yi felt a little regretful.

Now those survivors who came to play have gone back. Although there was a wave of boasts about the resort, they were drowned out by the attacks of the indigenous people from east to west!

Time slowly passed zero, Xiao Yi hadn't rested yet, and the system prompt sounded on time. "Hey, trigger the double harvest state, which lasts for one day!"

Xiao Yi's eyes lit up slightly, then he picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Tomorrow's harvest, to be precise, is today's harvest, let me come!"

"Received!" Everyone responded one after another before falling asleep.

Now that it was past midnight, Xiao Yi immediately signed in.

"Sign in successfully, get a reward: Artillery template (level A)*1."

"Trigger double harvest, get supplies: Artillery Template (A-level)*2."

Two days ago, Xiao Yi was envious of someone in the envy group who created a cannon manufacturing map, and now the system directly rewards him with an A-level cannon template!

"The one who knows me is the system!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Cannon template (A-level): After using it at the island monument, provide raw materials to manufacture A-level artillery without limit!"

Looking at the two cannon templates in his hand, Xiao Yi pondered.

Logically speaking, one template is enough, and only one can be used on the island monument, and if the second one is used, it will prompt that this template already exists.

But no one should be able to afford this template now, and Xiao Yi felt that it was a loss if it was sold cheaply!

What's more, Xiao Yi doesn't want others to have such a leading weapon.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Yi secretly said: "System, if I use the super synthesizer to directly synthesize this template into a higher-level template, is there any difference in synthesizing it after I manufacture the real thing?"

"Yes, synthesizing templates can save raw materials, but synthesizing with manufactured things will waste some raw materials!"

The simple understanding is that making two A-level cannons and then using a super synthesizer to synthesize them into an S-level cannon is more wasteful of raw materials than an S-level cannon made directly from an S-level cannon template!
Hearing the system's reply, Xiao Yi no longer hesitated, and immediately synthesized the two artillery templates with a super synthesizer.

"The synthesis is successful, and the materials obtained: artillery template (S-level) *1."

Using it at the island monument, Xiao Yi can see the raw materials needed in the artillery template.

"[Cannon template] (S-level) required materials: Iron*2, Copper*10, Tin*1, Zinc*0.1."

Looking at the materials needed for the cannon, Xiao Yi was a little stunned, because last time someone in the group issued a cannon manufacturing plan, and they needed stones and wood, so they don't need this?
"It seems that it should be because his level is too low!" Xiao Yi thought to himself, "The ore veins of the Wuna tribe can finally come in handy!"

Iron and copper veins have been discovered on the island of the Wuna tribe, and the mining has basically come to an end, so they can be used now!

The two master keys are still creating wealth for Xiao Yi, and it is double wealth.

Xiao Yi lay back on the bed, recharged his batteries today, tomorrow will be another busy day!

At this time, everyone was non-stop opening the pirate treasure chest obtained in the alliance, and suddenly someone said a word in the group, which detonated Yi Tianqun again.

"Have you noticed that the boss actually has two master keys!"

"What! Does this still let us live!"

"Go and see for yourself, there is one in our group, and there is also one in the trading floor!"

"Lying on the grass, it really is! The boss is too much!"

(End of this chapter)

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