Chapter 527 Translation safety, the usefulness of returning to the city stone

Hearing Sun Gudao's explanation, the man sighed: "Okay, the boss is the boss, he can get anything! We can only be envious!"

"You can't say that, if the big boss offers something good, it will also benefit the public, won't it?" Sun Gudao asked back.

The man was slightly stunned, then nodded, and said, "That's right, it's better not to be too greedy!"

With that said, the man left here.

The time has come to 07:30 in the evening, Anyue and others finished their work and came to the resort.

"It just so happens that everyone is here, let's discuss how to develop the translation service next!" Xiao Yi said.

Speaking of translation, Su Wan spoke first: "I don't have too many thoughts on the price, but I'm still a little worried about the safety of the translators."

"Yes, we only have one return stone at the moment. Not only is it responsible for the transmission of the translators, but also the transmission of these tourists. It is really too much to take care of. Although there is no problem now, there is always a risk." Anyue agreed. .

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "Since everyone is worried, let's suspend the translators to go there first, and then send the translators over after we have opened up more return stones!"

While eating, Jiang Yuntian said, "Even if we have enough return stones, there is still a problem. How can we be sure that our translators are in danger?"

"Then broadcast it live, and we will arrange someone to watch it!" Yuan Nong suggested.

"That's a good idea!" Xiao Yi said, "Then ask them to vacate an island monument and live broadcast the lectures of our translators throughout the whole process. If any abnormality is found, someone can go to support it immediately!"

The crowd nodded.

As long as it is resolved safely, the rest of the price depends on how to maximize the disposable cornerstones in the hands of other survivors!

After all, everyone wants to develop, and the number of cornerstones left in their hands will not be too many. The previous pricing seems to be reasonable at present, so we will not make any changes for the time being!

"The weather seems to be getting colder!" Yuan Nong said, looking at the people on the beach.

"Well, the temperature has dropped significantly in the past two days. I guess it will be autumn after this week!" Xiao Yi said.

Yuan Nong thought for a while and asked, "Does this mean that there is a season every two weeks?"

Xiao Yi replied: "According to the current situation, there should be one season per week in the first four weeks, and now it is one season in two weeks. I don't know how to arrange it after the end of these eight weeks!"

Everyone shook their heads one after another. Even Xiao Yi, who had always known everything, didn't know, so how could they know?

"Tomorrow is the last day of the week. I don't know if there will be an update." Jiang Yuntian said.

"The league has just been updated, so we should let us play for a while before updating!" Du Kang also came over and said.

"Maybe, we'll know tomorrow. We can't control how the higher ups want to play, so we don't want to think so much!" Xiao Yi replied, "Have their rooms been arranged?"

Anyue nodded, and replied: "It's all arranged, and the guest room next door is for one person."

Since it was the weekend, Feng Menglong and the others were all planning to spend the night here, and everything on their island had been arranged.

In addition, there is now a telephone, and urgent matters can be notified in time, so it is not a big problem.

"Well, we can summon our interpreter back later. After the summoning, we will release the results of our discussion just now, and we will not send the interpreter out for the time being!" Xiao Yi said.


"You guys keep having fun, I'm going back first!" Xiao Yi finished finishing the food in front of him, and walked towards the villa.

Xiao Yi was here, and they were always a little restrained. Although they didn't say anything, Xiao Yi could tell, so he had no choice but to go back first.

Back in front of the island monument, there were actually five alliance sub-island transactions, all of which were pirate treasure chests.

"The number of pirate treasure chests obtained now exceeds the number of islands in the alliance, so the pirates must not be refreshed according to the number of islands!" Xiao Yi thought to himself.

Switch to the Yitian group channel, and the group is discussing pirate treasure chests!
"What's going on? Did we encounter a pirate nest today? Pirates are constantly appearing on the routes between the islands of our alliance!" "We are too, it feels like our alliance has been pulled to the former Mali Peninsula!"

"We have opened seven pirate treasure chests, when will the boss hang up the master key again?"

Xiao Yi replied: "Don't worry, just wait!"

Now the master key lease on the trading floor has been being sold, and Xiao Yi is too embarrassed to interrupt it.

"Yes, what's the hurry, maybe you can get the key out later!"

"That's right, as long as there is a city return stone in the alliance that can be used, don't worry."

"The problem is that none of our alliances are open!"

"Then you have to wait!"

Xiao Yi stayed in front of the island monument until eleven o'clock, then got up and walked into the bathroom, took a shower and got ready for bed!

As soon as Xiao Yi entered the bathroom, the group exploded.

"Help, there are natives attacking our alliance!"

"Those upstairs, don't panic, the natives are mediocre in strength, they can definitely be beaten back!"

"Now there is no defense on my island at all, can I not panic?"

"Huh? What about the defense on your island?"

"Just 10 minutes ago, another island in our alliance was attacked, and all of them were concentrated on that island, including personnel!"

"Then trade back quickly!"

"What's the use of trading back, how many defensive devices can he operate alone?"

"That's right, no one is operating, those machines can only watch!"

"Could this be one of the uses of the city return stone?"

"It must be, no wonder so many pirates are refreshed, this is to make it easier for us to mobilize, such a situation will not happen!"

"Don't hesitate, quickly release the poison smoke ball on the island!"

"It has been released, and the other party has landed on the island, what should I do?"

"Don't be afraid, the big brother's poison smoke ball should still be useful!"

After 5 minutes, the number of people in the Yitian group decreased by one, and someone @that person just now has reminded that there is no such person in the group!
"What's the matter? Are the poison and smoke balls useless?"

"Perhaps the natives already know how to deal with our poisonous smoke balls!"

"Wucao, how can this native be so smart and not let us live?"

"Seeing that we cover our mouth and nose with cloth, they can think of it as long as they are not stupid, it has nothing to do with whether they are smart or not!"

"What should I do?"

"What else can I do! Hurry up and ask the boss to hang up the master key, and quickly open a few return stones. If you encounter this situation, you can still struggle, or you will die!"

For a while, everyone in the group was @易然品.

But Xiao Yi couldn't hear it at all when he was taking a bath. After he finished washing, he walked out of the bathroom. The whole island monument was still ringing non-stop, so he stepped forward suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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