Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 523 The sky-high price key, take out the master key to rent

Chapter 523 The sky-high price key, take out the master key to rent

"Yes, with a return stone, the manpower mobilization will be much faster, and life can be saved at critical moments!"

"But it's too expensive. It's not worth buying a key for 250 cornerstones!"

"Don't worry about it, it's already been bought!"

"Sure enough, there are still people who can see the value of this key!"

Seeing that someone really bought the key he hung up, Xuanyuan Wuwei thought about it, and immediately put up a deal.

"[Treasure Chest Key]*1 is traded for [Corner Stone]*500."

"Crazy, all crazy, someone hangs up a key and sells 500 yuan cornerstone!"

"Fuck me, I'm going to grab one for two hundred and fifty! Now it's doubled!"

"What should I do? Can I make a move?"

"Now I don't have so many cornerstones, and I don't have a chance to make a move!"

Xiao Yi just received feedback from Su Wan that someone had hung the key to the treasure chest, and he didn't notice the news in the group.

"Taking advantage of the fire? No matter who you are, I'll stop you!" Xiao Yi sneered.

"Brothers and sisters in the group, don't buy the key. I have the key. I will hang it in the group later. Everyone can use it freely!" Xiao Yi immediately sent a message.

When everyone saw Xiao Yi's message, the whole group fell silent for a while.

Taking advantage of the quiet moment when everyone was quiet, Xiao Yi hung up his master key.

"[Master Key] (SSS level) 5-second usage authority transaction [Cornerstone]*30."

This price was decided by Xiao Yi after some thought, and it was considered a benefit for Yi Tianqun.

At the same time, Xiao Yi thinks that since the pirate treasure chests appear in large quantities, the corresponding keys will definitely appear. If the price is too high, the business may not be very good. It's better to make small profits but sell more!
Of course, if it is rented out in the future, it will not be at this price.

The number of cornerstones in a pirate treasure chest is 50 yuan, so everyone who does not have a key will be willing to rent it.

This rental price is not only not a loss, but also can be used in advance to return to the city stone.

"Lying grass, there is such a thing! The boss really can get everything!"

"Yeah, this makes us still expect how the people who open the keys to ordinary treasure chests can live!"

"According to the existing information, the pirate treasure chest can get 50 cornerstones, even if you pay 30 cornerstones, you can still have 20 left, not to mention there is a manufacturing map and a city return stone in it! It is much better than the [-] cornerstones in the trading hall. Already!"

"Yes, the people who used it in the front are stupid, but there are still a lot of people queuing up behind!"

The island monument on Xiao Yi's side kept reminding: The transaction was successful, and the material cornerstone*30 was obtained!

After Xuanyuan Wuwei heard the news, he was furious!
"Ma De, this Yi Ranpin is deliberately against me!" Xuanyuan Wuwei scolded, "One day I will kill you!"

"Young master, don't be angry. The alliance islands around us have also started to encounter pirates. These keys are more useful!" Uncle Chen comforted.

Xuanyuan Wuwei nodded, his face still gloomy.

And when Bai Qi and the others were playing in the entertainment city of the resort, the phone on his body rang.

"Sir, we have discovered a pirate ship!" reported the Aboriginal Hui who stayed on Alliance West Island.

Bai Qi replied immediately: "Assemble the team and take down that pirate ship!"

"Yes!" The other party responded.

"If you encounter any problems, report to me in time!" Bai Qi warned, and then hung up the phone.

When he hung up the phone, he found that Feng Menglong, Sun Yao, and Wei Bo had also just hung up the phone.

"Have you met pirates too?" Bai Qi asked curiously.Feng Menglong and the three of them nodded together and said in unison: "Yes, you too?"

Bai Qi/nod.

Qiu Sheng took out his talker and said, "Why don't we have one in Northeast Island? Have you been targeted?"

"It seems that this world has started to be a monster again!" Bai Qi said, "Send a representative to speak to the island owner!"

"Well, it's just you!" Feng Menglong and the three pointed at him together and said.

Bai Qi shook his head helplessly, then walked out and called Xiao Yi.

"Jingle Bell!"

Xiao Yi picked up the phone, glanced at it, and said after connecting, "What's the matter, Bai Qi, what's the matter?"

Bai Qi replied: "Island owner, we have just received news that pirates have been found on the four islands in the east, south, southwest, and west of the alliance. Does this mean something else?"

"Well, I've seen it in Yi Tianqun. Not only our alliance, but many other alliances have encountered pirates!" Xiao Yi replied, "It's not very difficult to fight pirates, you should get the pirate treasure chest first! As for other Yes, let’s wait and see what happens!”

"Yes!" Bai Qi replied.

Hanging up the phone, Bai Qi walked back to the entertainment city, and the rest of the people looked at him curiously.

Bai Qi said: "The island owner said, get the pirate treasure chest first, and wait and see what happens. We should eat, drink, and play!"

The crowd nodded.

In less than 10 minutes, Bai Qi and the others received the news that the four pirate treasure chests were directly traded to Xiao Yi.

Looking at the five pirate treasure chests on the side, Xiao Yi secretly said: "It shouldn't take too long to open it!"

The master key that Xiao Yi rented out in the group almost never stayed.

Some people opened it very quickly and even returned it in three seconds. One hour is enough to open 720 treasure chests

For the next three or four hours, the group was discussing the manufacturing plans they got from the pirate treasure chest.

"I sent it! I actually opened this thing! [Repeated Crossbow Template] (C-level)*1."

"Damn, why am I so unlucky that I only come out with a template for a double bed!"

"This is not bad either, it won't be crowded if two people sleep together!"

"Made, I'm still single, I really don't need it!"

"Haha, look what I drove! [Catapult Template]*1."

"I'm jealous, I'm [Plough Template]*1 here."

"The one upstairs is good. We are in the farming society, and this thing is very useful!"

"Yes, you don't necessarily need weapons. The weapons on our island should be able to cope with the attacks of the natives!"

"Our alliance finally encountered pirates!"

Sure enough, someone will always be later!

Others are discussing the contents of the treasure chest, and someone just met it!
Find everything from pirate chests, from living utensils to combat utensils!
And the biggest advantage is that they are all templates, so you don't have to find a manufacturing drawing every time you make it!
At nearly five o'clock in the afternoon, the rental of master key had brought Xiao Yi 86700 cornerstones!
"Sure enough, it's still a monopoly to get money quickly!" Xiao Yi said with emotion.

Now the six alliance sub-islands don't need to be divided into who comes first, let's expand to [-] square meters together!
Xiao Yi picked up the walkie-talkie and called Anyue: "Uncle An, now we can expand the six alliance sub-islands to [-] square meters, and take the cornerstones that are not enough from me!"

Anyue also knew about the master key rental, so he was not surprised, and replied with a smile: "Okay, now they don't have to fight over who will expand it first!"

(End of this chapter)

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