Chapter 522 Martin's Propaganda, There Are More Pirates
Xiao Yi looked at Hua Lang who was looking forward to, and deliberately said with a straight face: "What's going on? I don't understand any rules!"

Hua Lang immediately shrank back in panic, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Xiao Yi has always had an image of being unassuming and relaxed towards his subordinates, that's why Hua Lang dared to ask this question directly by taking the opportunity of toasting.

Sun Gudao immediately stepped forward and said, "Island Master, calm down! He..."

Unexpectedly, before Sun Gudao finished speaking, Xiao Yi smiled and winked at him, and he knew that the island owner did it on purpose.

So Sun Gudao didn't go on talking, Hua Lang didn't dare to raise his head, but he couldn't hear his boss speak, so he was even more panicked.

The rest of the people could see Xiao Yi's expression clearly, and they all held back their laughter.

Hua Lang felt a lot of pressure, and the surroundings became quiet: "Is the boss going to give up the little one?"

Raising his head slightly, Hua Lang saw that Sun Gudao was looking at him helplessly, while the others also looked like they were watching a show.

Hua Lang had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "Island Master, I don't know the rules. I will accept whatever punishment you have for me!"

After finishing speaking, Hua Lang raised his head and saw Xiao Yi's half-smile face.

Finally someone couldn't hold back anymore and laughed, and the whole living room laughed.

Xiao Yi said: "The resort is originally for fun, why do you have to report to me, what's more, the person in charge of each of your islands can decide on this matter, as long as the work on the islands is arranged, how do you plan to play It's your own business, if you ask me like that, Sun Gudao will be sad!"

"Yes, yes, what the island owner said is true, I wrote it down!" Hua Lang already knew that the island owner had made a joke with him, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "However, the island owner, the resort is now open to the public. , shall we stagger with them for a while?"

Xiao Yi shook his head and said, "No, you can play as you want, you are the masters, you must have the image and etiquette of the masters!"

Everyone nodded.

"In addition, you can also communicate with them more, maybe there will be something different from what you get on the island monument!" Xiao Yi continued.

"Thank you, Island Master, I'll make good use of their words!" Hua Lang replied.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and said to everyone: "Although there are foreign enemies around, everyone should relax and relax, don't be so tight; of course, we should tighten up in terms of development."

"Yes!" The crowd responded in unison.

After lunch, Sun Gudao and the others headed to the resort collectively, they all came to rest, they must relax!
Anyue has already arranged for someone to clean up the mess in the villa.

Just as Xiao Yi walked back to his villa, Su Wan, who had come back one step ahead of schedule, said, "Island owner, Martin spontaneously publicized our translation on the public channel."

Xiao Yi was slightly startled, and then said with a smile: "Martin is not bad, and he can be regarded as a person who knows how to repay his kindness."

"But after Martin made such a publicity, our translators were in short supply immediately. I have seen many people buy translation services from us on the public channel." Su Wan said with a frown.

Xiao Yi smiled slightly, and replied: "We have the initiative, so there's nothing to worry about. The lack of staff is a big deal so we can't sell translation services. By the way, we can raise the price. Rare things are more expensive!"

Su Wan was also stunned for a while, and replied with a smile: "That's right, but I will try my best to train more translators here!"

Xiao Yi nodded, walked back to his island monument, and saw the foreign language in the public channel, all @his information had a word translator.

Xiao Yi thought for a while, and immediately said on the walkie-talkie: "Su Wan, please send me a message on the public channel, saying that we are coordinating on the translation issue, and let them wait for two days!"

"Yes!" Su Wan replied, and immediately sent out the news in Xia Guoyu and seven foreign languages ​​on the public channel.

Xiao Yi no longer paid attention to the reaction on the public channel. Anyway, I said you have to wait.He switched to the Yi Tian group and found that many people were discussing one thing.

"Haha, today I met a team of pirates, I have successfully solved it, and got the pirate treasure chest!"

"Hey, me too, did the pirates refresh collectively today?"

"Damn, I thought I was blessed by the heavens, but it turns out that everyone has met pirates!"

"No way, why didn't I meet pirates, is this looking down on our alliance?"

Seeing these people's chats, Xiao Yi frowned and thought, "What's wrong with the rules of this world? Do you want every island to have its own return stone?"

"Haha, that means your alliance is out of luck. Three islands in our alliance have encountered pirates. Now we have three pirate treasure chests, but we don't have the keys!"

"Fortunately, someone in our alliance has opened the key before, and has opened a pirate treasure chest, which contains a cornerstone, a manufacturing map, and a return stone!"

"Sure enough, the boss's return stone came from the pirate box!"

"In this case, it will be much more convenient for everyone to go to each other's islands. Doesn't that mean that the next attack will be even crazier?"

"Yeah, the world rules have increased the refresh rate of pirates, and it's definitely not just for our convenience!"

"In that case, isn't our alliance very dangerous, and we haven't encountered a single pirate yet."

"Pirates are not a problem now, the problem is that there are not enough keys!"

"Yeah, someone collected the key to the treasure chest in advance, so they probably know what's in the treasure chest!"

"If you lag behind in the information, you will be beaten. Hey, did someone sell the key to the treasure chest?"

"In this situation, no one is willing to sell the treasure chest key!"

Xuanyuan Wuwei also received this information, he sneered, and immediately hung up a deal in the trading hall.

"[Treasure Chest Key]*1 is traded for [Corner Stone]*250."

Although this price is much more than the cornerstone in the treasure chest, Xuanyuan Wuwei believes that someone will definitely buy it.

Because the city return stone is really powerful, especially because there is a charging tool on Yiranpin, this thing is even more useful!
This transaction was quickly discovered by everyone, and they were stunned.

"Fucking grass, everyone, hurry up and see the transaction where someone hangs a treasure chest key in the trading floor!"

"What! You have to grab it quickly, this is the only thing you need!"

"Grab it? You go and see the price, is it worth it!"

"Made, who hung this up, 250 cornerstones? I think he himself is [-]!"

"Yeah, are you crazy about the cornerstone? It's so expensive, only a fool would buy it!"

"You can't say that, after all, the city return stone is too important, plus the charging tool of Yi Ranpin, it is simply a magic weapon!"

(End of this chapter)

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