Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 365 Public Restroom Template, Xiao Yi's Suggestion

Chapter 365 Public Restroom Template, Xiao Yi's Suggestion

Watching everyone's discussion, Xiao Yi sighed slightly in his heart. Although these natives currently have no way to break into his island, watching other survivors' islands being broken into, it is inevitable to feel a bit sad.

"We still need to speed up the development!" Xiao Yi sighed, and then said in his heart, "System, sign in!"

"Successful sign-in, get a reward: public restroom template*1."

Xiao Yi frowned, shouldn't the system give me some weapon rewards now?
For example, muskets and the like, how to return such things?

"Public Restroom Template: With this template, you can build unlimited public restrooms as long as you provide enough raw materials!"

Although Xiao Yi needs this thing more, there are more and more people on the island now.

When Fuxi brought back all the people in his tribe, there were even more people on the island.

In this way, we must pay more attention to public health, otherwise it is easy to produce germs, infectious diseases and the like.

Xiao Yi sighed, used the public toilet template, and then built several public toilets near the stone houses in four directions.

But this public toilet is only of ordinary level, there is no way to directly transfer the feces produced to the biogas digester inside the wall, and it will still need to be done manually in the future!
Xiao Yi approached Anyue and said, "I built toilets near the four stone house groups, but because the grade is too low, the feces need to be disposed of manually!"

Anyue nodded and said, "Well, I understand. I will explain this matter to the natives and let them arrange the personnel!"

Now that there are more people on the island, Anyue, as a manager, is preaching things that are only common sense to him almost every day!
The indigenous people are not yet completely civilized and do not understand many things, so they can only rely on being taught over and over again.

Those natives also love learning very much and are very interested in these advanced civilizations.

They are so excited every time they learn a new skill!

Xiao Yi returned to the island monument and continued to pay attention to the group to see if any other survivors encountered indigenous people with firearms.

"Where is the location of the survivor who was attacked by the natives yesterday? Did he share it?" Xiao Yi asked in the group.

"Hello boss, he shared it and should be promoted by our chat, I'll find it!"

"Hello, boss, can we survive? It feels like the progress of the indigenous people is too fast, and we can't keep up at all!"

"Don't panic, everyone. Although the natives do have the upper hand now, we must not get into trouble!" Xiao Yi said, "What you discussed before is very correct. If possible, try to hug as many survivors as possible to keep warm! "

"The boss is right, but I don't seem to find any companions near me who can merge, what a pity!"

"There are five or six near me!"

"The people upstairs are so happy. There are so many. If we merge them quickly, we can have a fight with the natives!"

"That's what I said, but we didn't discuss whose island to go to, and the issue of the contract. I'm arguing all day long. I'm crazy!"

"It's already this time, you guys are still arguing about this!"

"That's right, do you still want to live? Then throw this away quickly, gather together, don't use contract cards, just to survive!"

"But everyone doesn't trust each other, what should we do?"

"Then don't merge and wait for the natives to beat you down one by one!"

Xiao Yi was also helpless, he didn't need a contract card, and he wouldn't let other people come to his island, he could only rely on them to discuss it themselves!

Soon, the person who helped Xiao Yi find the location of the survivor who was captured yesterday sent a location.

Xiao Yi roughly looked at it, and thought to himself: "It's still in the general direction of Zhengxi! Could it be the same one?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi immediately said in the group: "I just looked at the location of the survivor island that was attacked last night, and found that it is consistent with the location where the God of Death was attacked!" At this point, Xiao Yi took a screenshot and marked it Get out of the God of Death and the location of the island that was just captured.

"You see, these two islands are not far apart. They are both located in the western part of the Xia Kingdom's survivor islands. I have reason to suspect that these are the same group of natives!" Xiao Yi continued.

When the people in the group saw Xiao Yi's screenshot, they immediately started discussing it.

"Yeah, these two locations are so close!"

"It should be the same indigenous tribe!"

"Doesn't that mean I'm safe now, far east?"

"Made, I'm near those two points, you won't find me!"

"I'm here too, so panic!"

"Boss, you said that the Killing God was also attacked, so did the Killing God block it?"

Xiao Yi replied: "No, he escaped and is still floating on the sea!"

"Lying grass, I remember that Shashen developed quite well, why can't he hold it?"

"It looks like it's really doomed, even the Killing God can't handle it, I'd better lie down!"

"In my opinion, this has nothing to do with development. As long as the natives have slightly better ships and the weapons in their hands are not too primitive, they can use the human sea tactic to seize islands that are not large enough!"

It seems that there are still some people who see it more clearly.

This remark made the whole group quiet for a while, and then discussed again.

"Huh? It has nothing to do with growth. Then I have to lie flat. No matter how well developed I am, I can't withstand the attacks of the natives!"

"You can't be so pessimistic, as long as the area is big enough!"

"I'm not even [-] square meters fucking, get an airplane!"

"Everyone be quiet, I have an idea, but it's a bit risky, I don't know if you want to try it!" Xiao Yi said.

"Boss, tell me quickly, if there is no good solution, I will lay down as grass!"

Xiao Yi continued: "Since the other party may be the same tribe attacking us, we can unite!
Especially the survivors nearby, you form a fleet and take the initiative to attack! "

"That's a good idea! This way we don't have to argue about the contract. We can just fight the natives together, and if we win, we'll get the spoils!"

"That's right, we must take the initiative to attack, sitting here is waiting to die!"

"I agree. I'm near here. Let's discuss a location and set off together."

"Yes, don't be afraid, if you are afraid not to fight, you will surely die if you stay on your own island!"

Seeing everyone's eager response, Xiao Yi immediately said: "Wait a minute, there are prerequisites for this alliance!"

"First of all, everyone's ships must be medium-sized sailboats or above, don't go with small boats, it's useless, the other party is likely to be a large sailboat!"

"Large sailboat? Isn't that faster than a medium-sized sailboat? In this case, if you are targeted by him, wouldn't you be unable to run away?"

(End of this chapter)

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