Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 364 The decision to kill the god, another island is occupied

Chapter 364 The decision to kill the god, another island is occupied
Killing God also frowned when he heard his younger brother's inquiry.

Now that he has transferred the island monument to the ship, it will take at least a year to transfer the island monument again.

It also means that they need to develop at sea for a year before returning to land.

For the three of them, this time was a bit too long.

The three Killing Gods lived inland in the previous world, and it was okay to float on the sea for a period of time, but if they kept floating all the time, they might not be able to bear it.

Of course, being able to survive in this world is already a great blessing, and there is no room for everyone to pick and choose!
But Killing God has another choice, which is to choose an island of survivors to attach to the past, so that it can continue to develop on land.

If this method is chosen, the killing god will not be able to use the cornerstone in his hand to expand the island.

You can only hand over the cornerstone to the owner of the island to which it is attached, and let the other party help you expand the territory!

At present, the prerequisite for expanding the island with cornerstones must be that the island monument is on the island.

The island monument is like the most basic part of the entire island. Without this foundation, no matter how many cornerstones there are, it is impossible to expand the land on the sea or beside the boat!
This is something that has been verified by many survivors who choose to develop at sea!
After thinking about it, Killing God sighed, and said, "One year is too long, and we will not be able to keep up with everyone if we only develop in the sea! I'll ask the boss if he wants to take us in!"

Hearing Shashen's words, the two younger brothers were extremely happy. If it wasn't for Yi Ranpin who had never recruited younger brothers, they would have gone to Yi Ranpin a long time ago!

Killing God thought for a while, and sent Xiao Yi a message on the Yacht Island Monument.

"Boss, I have an idea, do you think it will work?" Killing God said, "We want to defect to you, but we need to draw an area on your island equal to the number of cornerstones I handed over to you to give us free development. "

After finishing speaking, Killing God nervously waited for Xiao Yi's reply.

Xiao Yi replied decisively: "Impossible!"

Carve out someone else's territory on your own island?This is no different from the loss of power and humiliation of the country's cession of compensation!

Although it is not the first time that I have communicated with Shashen, I have a good impression of each other.

But there is nothing to discuss about the development of your own island!
"If you want to defect to me, I welcome it, but the prerequisite is to use the contract card. Without this prerequisite, don't talk about anything else!" Xiao Yi thought for a while and added, "But I can promise that after signing the contract, I can give you the greatest freedom To develop your own territory, but the premise is that the territory is still mine, and when your development direction is contrary to the development of the entire island, you must follow mine!"

After saying this, Xiao Yi sent another sentence: "Think about it carefully, you can find other survivors and see if they are willing to agree to your conditions!"

Seeing Xiao Yi's reply, Killing God smiled wryly. He also knew that his request was a little too much, but he had to fight for it.

Killing God was a little depressed, he thought he was developing well, at least better than most of them.

But now he is forced to seek refuge with others, the world is really unpredictable!
After coming here for more than a month, his addiction to cigarettes is gone, but at this moment he really wants to smoke a cigarette to relieve the depression in his heart.

Standing on the deck of the yacht and looking at the sky that has gradually darkened, Sha Shen felt that his future was like this night, and he couldn't see the way ahead!
Half an hour later, Killing God breathed a sigh of relief, walked back to the Yacht Island Monument with resolute eyes, and sent Xiao Yi a message!
"Boss, I agree with your request, I hope to join you!"

Xiao Yi was also in front of the island monument at this time, nodded, and said, "Okay, just come here with your yacht."

Killing God finally decided to join Xiao Yi.

"The whole journey is about 14 kilometers and takes about [-] hours. I wish everyone a happy journey!" Xiaoyou said immediately after the God of Death ordered to drive to Xiao Yi Island.

Killing God was slightly stunned: "[-] kilometers? Isn't that because the battery is insufficient, isn't the maximum cruising range of the yacht just [-]?"

"It seems that the time is wrong. According to [-] kilometers per hour, [-] kilometers should take [-] or [-] hours!" The younger brother on the side also said doubtfully.

"In order to ensure safety, we will drive along the route, which has a 20% speed bonus, and it is precisely because of this bonus that the original cruising range has also increased by 20% accordingly." Xiaoyou explained.

The simple understanding is that it is inconvenient to sail for an hour, but now the speed has increased by 20% out of thin air, and the total mileage has naturally increased!

"No wonder, this route is really amazing!"

The three God-killers suddenly realized!
After finishing chatting with Killing God, Xiao Yi fell into deep thought.

The development of this killing god is already good, but it was still forced to leave the island by the indigenous people holding firearms!
What about the other survivors?

If you meet a native of this level, you will have to surrender directly!
Although those firearms are useless, the survivors are still a little afraid of the formed team holding firearms to attack the island's defense line!

"I hope only this group of natives got firearms!" Xiao Yi lay on the bed and prayed.

The next day, Xiao Yi got up early and came to the island monument. There was another island being attacked by indigenous people holding firearms.

This time the survivor could not escape the clutches of the natives.

Although he begged for mercy in the group, no one could help him, and it was impossible for everyone to teleport there in an instant.

It's useless even if you rent out a powerful weapon, that man is the only one on his island.

How can one person defeat dozens or hundreds of natives? Unless he can get a machine gun, he can still try!

Now let alone machine guns, even crossbows are not common!
That person only asked for help in the group for five or six minutes, and then there was nothing to say, and at the same time, the number of Yi Tianqun decreased by one person again!
"It's scary, I want to go home, can anyone help me!"

"This is completely incapable of resisting! Fuck you!"

"I shared the location of my island. Whoever is closer to me, tell me quickly, and I will rush to merge immediately. Multiple people have multiple strengths, and one person really can't fight!"

"That's right, I also share it. I suggest that those who are close to each other quickly merge together, otherwise we will really be defeated one by one by the natives!"

"Is merging really useful? As long as the number of indigenous people reaches a certain number, and your island is not big enough, there is no way to fight!"

"Yes, if the island is big enough, you can trade space for time and fight in detours with the natives. It's really going to be over now!"

"So the rules of the world mean, let more of us merge together?"

"It can be understood that the more people there are, the larger the island is, and the safer everyone will be!"

(End of this chapter)

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