Chapter 3120 Purchase restrictions, ready to open

"Don't be too exaggerated. Did you see the last point the boss said?"

"Yes, the boss still thinks that there is some danger in the Bayio Galaxy."

"Wealth is found in danger! I'm ready to go!"

"Forget it, listen to others and eat enough! I still won't go there and stop talking. I'll go to the brothers in the Bayio system to order one."

"Let's go together!"

In the Bayio system, on the Masked Star Fleet, Reid also saw the survivors discussing the pricing of advanced genetic medicines in the public channel of the island monument.

He frowned and reported to Mansk, and then asked: "Captain, they are using our advanced genetic medicine to make money, should we control it?"

Mansk frowned and pondered for a while, then shook his head helplessly: "But we don't seem to have any way to control it! No matter how we increase the price, they only need to increase the selling price accordingly."

Rhett nodded: "In this case we will limit the quantity that each person can buy. At least we can't let them easily become scalpers!"

Mansk was slightly startled and asked: "How to limit it?"

"It's very simple. When each survivor buys the first high-level genetic medicine, the price is ten times the price of the intermediate genetic medicine, the second one is twenty times the price, the third one is forty times,..., and so on. !" Rhett replied.

Mansk nodded slightly: "This is a good idea! Maybe it can attract more survivors to our galaxy."

Hearing this, Rhett's eyes lit up.

Each survivor's resources are definitely limited, and the number of advanced genetic medicines he can purchase is limited. As a survivor purchases more and more. The resources required are growing exponentially.

Although the Masked Star Fleet cannot control survivors as scalpers, doing so can at least allow them to sell less.

After all, the price is too high, and survivors will not buy from scalpers.

Once they can't buy it from scalpers, survivors from other galaxies will take the initiative to come to the Bayio galaxy!

The Masked Star Fleet still hopes to hunt down a few more survivors. After all, Mansk still wants to get more templates.

After Mansk agreed, Red immediately announced the rules for purchasing advanced genetic medicines in the public channel of Island Monument.

Once this rule was issued, all the survivors in the Bayio system were stunned.

"No! Masked Star Fleet, you can't play like this."

"Yes! Even if we are scalpers, you will make the most money. All of us want to get goods from you."

"The situation needs to be liberalized! Look at the Yiranpin Alliance, they have never objected to us being scalpers!"

"I have already ordered five of them. If you play like this, I will definitely not be able to afford them!"

No matter what the survivors of the Bayio system say, the Masked Star Fleet has no intention of changing this rule.

They had no choice but to tell the news to other galaxies in public chat rooms on the Internet.

"You don't give us any chance to be scalpers in this Masked Star Fleet, so I'm really sorry for the brothers who ordered high-grade genetic medicine from me before. If you still want it, the price will be doubled and doubled again..."

"Wucao, if the price doubles, forget it. Why don't I just go and buy it in person?"

"Yes, this Masked Star Fleet is too stingy!"

"I can't say that they are stingy, I can only say that most businessmen are like this. The Yi Ranpin Alliance is a wonder in the business world!"

"Yes, I have never seen such a benevolent businessman. Yiranpin Alliance is the first!" "Mader, isn't this forcing me to go to the Bayio Galaxy?"

"This must be the conspiracy of the Masked Star Fleet!"

"I won't be fooled yet! Anyway, I won't go to the Bayio Galaxy. I trust the boss's judgment!"

"I also believe in the boss's judgment. As far as I know, the boss's judgment has never been wrong."

"Don't say that. He seemed to have made a wrong judgment about the Bacteroidetes before."

"Um, it seems so!"

"Ahem, this was indeed a wrong judgment, but the boss immediately corrected his judgment!"

"It seems like there's no need to be so anxious to get your mental power over a thousand! Once the Yiranpin Alliance comes up with the research, the price will definitely come down!"

"That's right, I'd better wait a moment!"

"I can't wait any longer. One step ahead, one step ahead. That's what the big guys are like! If everyone raises their mental power to over a thousand, it will be difficult for you to survive in the trial space."

"It seems so! It's really confusing."

"No matter what, I will go to the Bayio Galaxy to explore the way for everyone! If I don't come back safely, it means that the Masked Star Fleet has taken action against me, so everyone goes there with caution!"

"But just because you're back doesn't mean that the Masked Star Fleet didn't attack you!"

"Yes, what if you and the Masked Star Fleet are on the same side?"

"What about the most basic trust between people?"

"This is about everyone's life, so we have to think more!"

Seeing everyone's discussion, Feng Menglong immediately suggested in the internal group chat: "Island owner, let's just open up the sale of advanced genetic medicines!"

"Yes! We can't let the Masked Star Fleet steal our customers." Du Kang responded immediately.

Jiang Yuntian also agreed very much: "We have injected advanced genetic medicine a few days in advance, and it can be opened to the outside world!"

In fact, Xiao Yi also considered this issue again. The most important thing is that twenty high-level genetic medicines were auctioned just a few days ago. Isn't it a little bad to take out a bunch of them in batches now?

"We just auctioned it, and if we let it go for sale now, will it have a bad impact on the reputation of our alliance?" Su Wan frowned slightly.

"We have explained it before the auction, and everyone knows and agrees, so there is no problem!" Feng Menglong replied.

Xiao Yi pondered for a moment and said: "Okay, let's open it up, we can't let the Masked Star Fleet take away our resources!"

"Island Master, let me make the announcement!" Feng Menglong continued.

"Well, let's give each of the survivors who took photos of our advanced genetic medicine an extra one as compensation!" Xiao Yi replied.

Feng Menglong was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

In fact, Xiao Yi didn't need to do this, but in order to make everyone have a better impression of the Yi Ranpin Alliance, he made such compensation.

"Good news! Our Yiranpin Alliance has completed the research on the advanced genetic potion and is ready for mass production! In order to compensate the survivors who just obtained this potion two days ago, each person will receive an advanced genetic potion as a gift!"

Seeing this news, the public chat room instantly became quiet!

(End of this chapter)

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