Chapter 3119 Masked Star has advanced genetic medicine

The survivors in the Bayio Galaxy began to plead with Xiao Yi.

"Boss, our galaxy was disconnected from the Internet before, so we missed such an important thing. Now can you come up with some advanced genetic medicines for sale?"

"Yes, although I may not be able to grab it, you should always give me a chance to try!"

Xiao Yi was slightly startled when he saw the request from the survivors of the Bayio Galaxy.

At that time, he really had not considered the Bayio galaxy.

But now we can no longer take out high-level genetic medicines. After all, we have said before that there is no method for making high-level genetic medicines yet.

Xiao Yi pondered for a moment, and then immediately replied: "Dear survivors of the Bayio Galaxy, we really don't have any excess high-level genetic medicine on hand at the moment, but our research is progressing quite smoothly, and I believe it will be produced soon. "

"It seems that there is really no more, Mad, the Masked Star Fleet coming here is really delaying things!"

"Yes! If the Masked Star Fleet hadn't come over, we would have had a chance to grab the advanced gene potion."

"Wait! Don't blame the Masked Star Fleet first."

"If you don't blame the Masked Star Fleet, then who is to blame?"

"Yes, if it weren't for them, I would really have a chance to get the advanced genetic medicine."

"No, I suddenly thought of a question. Since the Masked Star Fleet is at the pinnacle of the fourth-level civilization, they should also have advanced genetic medicines on their hands, right? Maybe they can produce it!"

"Wucao, it seems to be true! The survivors of the Bayio system can directly ask the Masked Star Fleet. Haven't you already made a deal with them?"

"I've asked and they haven't given me an answer yet."

On the Masked Star Fleet, Manx was stunned for a moment when he heard the report from his subordinates.

"These survivors actually need advanced genetic medicine?"

Rhett on the side nodded and asked: "Captain, shall we sell it to them?"

"Of course, it would be good to get some resources from these survivors." Mansk replied with a smile.

"But how to determine the price?" Rhett frowned.

"Then let's keep the price the same as the price on the Yiranpin Alliance network market first!" Mansk thought for a moment and replied, "Then we will adjust the price based on market reaction."

"But the high-end genetic medicines sold by the Yiranpin Alliance are all sold through auctions. If they are priced based on the auction transaction price, it is estimated that it will be difficult to sell them!" Rhett said with some worry.

Mansk was stunned for a moment, and then said: "In this case, then sell it at ten times the price of the intermediate genetic medicine!"

"Yes!" Rhett responded, then walked to the island monument and began to reply to those private messages.

"We do have high-level genetic medicines, which are currently priced at ten times the price of mid-level genetic medicines. The price standard is temporarily based on the price of Yiranpin Alliance, but we do not accept the virtual currency of Yiranpin Alliance here, only resources. Genetic Medicines The price may be adjusted later.”

The private chatters became excited when they saw the reply from Masked Star Fleet.

"Wucao, the Masked Star Fleet really has advanced genetic medicine!"

"Yes, I also responded here. The price is ten times the price of the intermediate genetic medicine in the Yiranpin Alliance!"

"It doesn't seem expensive!"

"Of course it's not expensive. The ones that Yiranpin Alliance took out before were all sold through auctions, so the prices will definitely be a bit high."

"It's true! Brothers from the Bayio Galaxy, can you buy one for me? I'll increase the price!"

"I also want!"

Survivors from other galaxies began to request. This survivor in the Austrian Galaxy suddenly felt that he was very lucky!

Just now I was regretting that I didn't catch up with the Yiranpin Alliance to sell advanced genetic medicines.

Now everyone is begging them to help purchase high-grade genetic medicine.

The change happened so fast that they couldn't react.

"Everyone, I suggest that the price of purchasing agents should be doubled, so that we survivors in the Bayio system should not compete internally."

Survivors from the Bayio system immediately put forward their suggestions in the public channel of the island monument.

Other survivors responded one after another.

"That's right, if everyone sets prices randomly, in order to purchase more products, the price of purchasing agents will most likely be lowered and lowered!"

"As long as we are unified, there will be no internal friction, and everyone can earn some resources through this!"

The survivors of the Bayio Galaxy discussed it in the public channel of Island Monument and could not make a decision.

Then they immediately announced the news on the Yiranpin Alliance network.

When the survivors from other galaxies saw the news, they immediately started talking.

"Wucao, the price has doubled! Isn't it a bit too expensive?"

"No wonder they all want to be scalpers! Is it so profitable?"

"Make it cheaper! Make it cheaper, and we can buy a few more here."

"Everyone, high-end genetic medicines are very rare now. Even if we double the price and sell it to you, it will still not be as high as the previous auction price. It is still much cheaper!"

"To be honest, at present, the price of high-level genetic medicine is indeed not high. If it is really too high, let's wait until the Yiranpin Alliance develops it!"

"Oh, God knows how long it will take for Yiranpin Alliance to develop it!"

"It doesn't have to take too long. You see, it only took a few days for the Yiranpin Alliance to break through network security technology. This shouldn't take too long."

"Yes? If he waits three to five years, even if he develops it, what's the use? I don't even know if I can survive until that time!"

"That's right, it's better to get one first and use it for yourself later!"

"By the way, haven't you considered going to the Bayi'ao galaxy to buy it yourself? After all, the Yi Ranpin Alliance has inter-galactic transfer services."

"Yes! We can definitely go there and buy it ourselves!"

"It's true that you can go there and buy it yourself, but have you considered safety issues?"

"If the fleet of the fourth-level peak civilization encounters one, only one will die."

"It's okay. A galaxy is so big, it's difficult to encounter them. Besides, even if we encounter them, we are still invisible. What are we afraid of?"

"The cost of inter-galactic transfer service is not high, you can really give it a try."

"I just don't know if the Yongpin Alliance agrees with us doing this?"

Seeing this, Xiao Yi immediately replied: "First of all, the Yiranpin Alliance supports free trade. As long as you do not violate our rules, you can trade with confidence. Secondly, you can purchase high-level genetic medicines, which will greatly improve the overall improvement of our survivors." Strength is beneficial, why should I object? Finally, I would like to remind everyone to pay attention to safety. Although the rules of the world are protecting us, the rules of the world have been invisible for a long time recently!"

"Boss Yi Ranpin is awesome!"

(End of this chapter)

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