Chapter 3105 Arrangement of Space , Disadvantages

Now all the survivors knew nothing about the corrosive substance, but Buhai had issued a military order to conquer the corrosive substance in half a month.

He is not a survivor. Without the bonus of world rules, he can only do research normally.

Issuing this military order means that he will fight tooth and nail!

Xiao Yi shook his head: "Just ensure your own health and safety and do your best research! I don't need you to work hard, you can only make more contributions while you are alive!"

Hearing what Xiao Yi said, Buhai burst into tears of gratitude: "Thank you, island owner, for your understanding and concern. Please rest assured, island owner, we will definitely study the characteristics of this corrosive substance as soon as possible!"

"Well, Brother Jiang, you will also arrange for a team to be stationed near the wormhole in the fourth space. I will open the wormhole in the fourth space in the second space." Xiao Yi ordered, "You need to ensure that you are not dead. The clan is not allowed to come out of Space 4, and the number of Bacteroidetes must also be monitored!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded in a deep voice.

After giving these instructions, Xiao Yifei returned to the safe area, opened the No. 4 space wormhole, and flew in.

After entering, I told the undead elders there to control the number of bacteroid organisms and the spread of corrosive substances.

"Remember that as long as they proliferate, you must kill them as soon as possible to ensure that their number does not exceed ten!" Xiao Yi warned before leaving.

"Yes!" Deadpool responded.

As the manager of Xiao Yi's undead clan, the elder Deadpool has become Xiao Yi's confidant.

After arranging the undead side, Xiao Yi left Space 4 again, then approached the bacteroids and opened a wormhole in Space 4 nearby.

Xiao Yi first used his mental power to isolate the surrounding corrosive substances, then used attacks to force the four Bacteroides organisms into the fourth space, and finally closed the wormhole immediately.

The undead elders in Space 4 were startled when they saw the huge Bacteroidetes creature.

Deadpool immediately reacted and said, "Let's all do it together and move them to the corner first!"

The other undead elders all responded.

Outside, Xiao Yi called Shang Jiang Yuntian and Bu Hai and his group.

"Brother Jiang, you go arrange the team; Buhai, I have brought four Bacteroides organisms to the fourth space. You go into the independent planet space to do research. It is still a bit dangerous here."

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded, then immediately flew back to the safe area and began to make arrangements.

Only then did Buhai react: "Island Master, do you mean that we can study Bacteroidetes in an independent planet space?"

"Of course!" Xiao Yi replied, "Didn't I tell you already? It's in the fourth space!"

Previously, Xiao Yi was so excited that he agreed to leave living bodies for them to study, but he directly ignored the location of these living bodies.

"Space Four? Island Master, do you mean we have several independent planet spaces?" Buhai asked in shock.

They were all scientists on the original Blue Fleet. They knew that the Yi Ranpin Alliance had room for independence, but they didn't know that there were several of them!

"That's right, but there are some undead in Space 4, who are also our own people. I have already told them that they will not hurt you!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

Bu Hai breathed a long sigh of relief: "Okay, I understand, thank you island owner! However, I would like to leave some more people here to continue observing these bacteroids."

"Okay, you can arrange this yourself!" Xiao Yi nodded.

Buhai rearranged the test personnel, and then led some of them to follow Xiao Yi back to the safe area.

After returning to the safe area, Xiao Yi immediately opened the No. 2 space wormhole. Xiao Yi flew in with Jiang Yuntian and Buhai's team. Arriving deep in the second space, Xiao Yi opened the fourth space wormhole here.

Buhai flew in with his team, while Jiang Yuntian arranged guards inside and outside the wormhole entrance.

After all, it was the first time for Buhai and the others to come to Space 4, and Xiao Yi also followed them.

When Buhai and the others saw the densely packed undead inside, their scalps felt numb.

Buhai looked at these undead curiously: "Island Master, are all these undead alive?"

Xiao Yi was slightly stunned, he didn't know how to answer this question.

Are these undead alive? They are undead, with only a ball of soul fire controlling their bodies.

Say they are dead? They can also complete the work ordered by Xiao Yi.

"It's hard to say, I feel like they should be considered another kind of life!" Xiao Yi replied.

Buhai nodded slightly: "Island Master, after I finish studying Bacteroidetes, can you let me study them?"

Xiao Yi was stunned again. Others would avoid the undead when they saw them. Unexpectedly, Buhai wanted to study them!

"Of course. After you conquer the Bacteroidetes, you can study these undead." Xiao Yi replied with a smile, "But now you must focus all your energy on the Bacteroidetes!"

"Don't worry, island owner, we know the priorities." Buhai happily agreed.

"Deadpool 1, restrain all the undead and don't disturb them from doing research!" Xiao Yi warned again.

"Yes, Island Master!" Deadpool responded.

After arranging all this, Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian returned to the Dinosaur Galaxy again.

At this time, the bodies of scavengers and bacteroid organisms were everywhere in the Dinosaur Galaxy, and the temperature of the entire galaxy became higher.

"It feels like the scavengers have met their opponents this time!" Jiang Yuntian said with a frown as he looked at the bacteroids that were still proliferating.

"Yes, when we fought the undead before, it seemed very easy!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly, "Let's continue."

Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian once again devoted themselves to the cause of killing Bacteroidetes!

The warships of the Yi Ranpin Alliance can only kill Bacteroidetes organisms from the periphery. People with special abilities like Xiao Yi use their mental power to block those corrosives, and can go deep into the Bacteroidetes organisms and kill them.

But people's mental energy will be exhausted. After killing for a while, they have to quit and rest for a while.

"It feels like this is even harder than hunting those demonized beasts in the trial space!" Du Kang complained helplessly.

"Isn't that certain? Is it possible to not be tired by using mental power to wrap your mecha all the time?" Zhu Wu said helplessly.

"Isn't this a good opportunity to exercise our mental power?" Xiao Yi said in the call channel, "This way your mental power will grow faster!"

"That's true. I feel that after a battle, my mental strength can be improved by ten or twenty meters!" Du Kang nodded and responded.

"Island Master, something is wrong!" Jiang Yuntian suddenly said.

(End of this chapter)

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