Chapter 3104: Breakthrough, can two be left?

Xiao Yi controlled dozens of flying swords to fly around him. As long as he was close to those bacteroid organisms, the flying swords on his body would continue to attack.

But he soon discovered that it was difficult for his flying sword to break through the outer shell of the bacteroids.

When Jiang Yuntian attacked Bacteroidetes before, he had discovered that their defenses were very powerful and ordinary laser weapons could not attack them at all.

Xiao Yi controlled the mecha to fly near a Bacteroidetes creature and observed it carefully.

Logically speaking, if they are all biological tissue, whether it is a laser or a flying sword controlled by Xiao Yi, they should be able to break it easily.

But the creature in front of me felt invulnerable.

At this time, a voice suddenly appeared in Xiao Yi's communication channel.

"Island owner, ladies and gentlemen, hello everyone! I am Buhai. I just heard that everyone has come to kill those bacilli-like organisms. I have a guess here and I need your help to verify it."

"Just tell me what you think!" Xiao Yi responded immediately.

"Yes, Island Master! The cell walls of these bacteroid organisms are very hard, so if you want to break them with the minimum force, you have to find the corresponding breakthrough. According to our observations, if these organisms are really similar to the bacilli we discovered before, The microorganisms are of the same type, so their flagella may be the breakthrough!" Buhai analyzed.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "You mean to let us focus on attacking the location of the flagella of these Bacteroides organisms?"

"Yes, we need you to verify our speculation." Buhai replied in a deep voice.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Okay, we understand! We will focus on attacking the flagella!"

"Thank you, Island Master!" Buhai continued, "Island Master, I have one more request."

"But it doesn't matter." Xiao Yi replied.

"I saw this sudden appearance of the team in white. They are very efficient in killing these Bacteroides organisms. I'm worried that they will kill all these organisms, so can we keep a few of them?" Buhai hesitated. .

After hearing Buhai's request, Du Kang shouted immediately.

"Wucao, are you crazy? It's too late for us to hide from this thing now and you actually want to keep it?"

"Without living bodies, our research cannot proceed at all." Buhai said helplessly, "If we miss such a strange creature this time, we don't know if we will have the chance to encounter it again."

Buhai's tone was full of regret. He was also a scientific research madman. He finally encountered a giant creature that he had never seen before, and he wanted to thoroughly study it.

"It's not that we don't want to keep it for you, but these scavengers will kill all the Bacteroidetes before leaving." Jiang Yuntian replied, "We can't control these scavengers now!"

Hearing this, Buhai was a little disappointed, but he also knew that what Jiang Yuntian said was true.

"It will take some time for the scavengers to clean up these bacteroid organisms. Let's wait and see. Let's verify your speculation first!" Xiao Yi said.

"Okay!" Buhai responded.

Xiao Yi immediately flew towards the flagellum of the bacteroid creature in front of him, and he controlled his flying sword to immediately stab at the root of the flagellum.

At this moment, the bacterium-like creature's flagellum started to swing wildly. It seemed that Xiao Yi's action made it very scared?

Is this thing still conscious?

This thought flashed through Xiao Yi's mind, but the flying sword he controlled hit the root of the flagellum accurately without any hesitation.

Xiao Yi clearly felt his flying sword piercing the body of the Bacteroidetes creature.

"Their weakness is indeed here!" Xiao Yi secretly thought. At this time, everyone else had also successfully broken through the defenses of the Bacteroides organisms.

"Island Master, I succeeded! It turns out that the root defense of this flagellum is the weakest." Du Kang shouted.

Du Kang is a wood-type psychic. He just used the laser weapon on the mecha to attack the root of the flagellum of the Bacteroidetes creature. It took three attacks before he hit.

After hitting, it directly broke through the opponent's defense.

"I also succeeded here!" Zhu Wu reported back.

Others also reported that they were successful.

"It seems your guess is right!" Xiao Yi said.

Buhai nodded: "If the speculation is correct, it means that this creature is really related to the microorganisms found on our home planet!"

Because Buhai's speculation was based on the properties of microorganisms.

Xiao Yi pondered for a moment and ordered: "The alliance will keep four living bodies for you and place them in Space 4. You can study them slowly!"

Hearing this, Jiang Yuntian immediately objected: "Island Master, you must not do this! If these bacteroid organisms fully multiply in Space 4, we will have no control at all! What's more, they will also secrete corrosive substances. By then I’m afraid I won’t even be able to enter Space 4, let alone do any research.”

After hearing Jiang Yuntian's words, others also started to persuade him.

"Yes, what Brother Jiang said is very reasonable. We can't waste an independent planet space in vain!" Du Kang agreed.

Zhu Wu also said: "It is better not to put such dangerous things into the independent planet space, otherwise you will hurt yourself!"

"Island owner, think twice!"

Xiao Yi smiled and replied: "Don't worry, I won't let them multiply. Besides, aren't the undead afraid of such corrosive substances?"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

These core members all know that there are a large number of undead placed in Space 4.

"Island owner, do you mean to use those undead to control the reproduction of Bacteroidetes?" Jiang Yuntian asked with a frown.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Yes, and let our own undead come into contact with the bacteroids. Maybe they can also collide with some sparks, just like the bone soul."

Jiang Yuntian pondered for a moment, then said: "I'm worried that they will continue to release corrosive substances during the reproduction process. In this case, there will be no way for people to enter our No. 4 space!"

"Then let the undead elders in Space 4 use their spiritual power to control corrosive substances within a certain range." Xiao Yi replied, "And I believe that as long as Buhai and the others are given time, they will be able to study it. Figure out how to deal with that corrosive substance. Am I right? Buhai."

Hearing Xiao Yi greeting him, Buhai hurriedly replied: "Of course, please give me a month, no, half a month, the island owner, and I will definitely work out a plan to deal with that corrosive substance!"

In order to allow Xiao Yi to leave a few living bodies for them, Buhai was already trying his best.

(End of this chapter)

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