Chapter 3090: Selling power stations, popular science

Ji Batian laughed when he saw the survivors of the Bobon Galaxy making this request.

"It seems there are additional gains!"

Ji Zhentian nodded and immediately replied to everyone in the public channel: "Since everyone has a request, our Chamber of Commerce will definitely do our best to meet everyone's request! Now we have a high-end power generation equipment on hand. Let's take a look first. If not If you are satisfied, we can look for something more advanced!”

After speaking, Ji Zhentian sent up the power generation equipment at this station.

"[Cold Nuclear Power Plant] (SSS Level)*1."

"Wucao, it's actually a cold nuclear power plant? Even our home planet has not broken through this technology!"

"This power generation equipment is already very advanced. I just want to ask how much does it cost?"

"Yes! Don't make it too expensive, otherwise we won't be able to afford it!"

Ji Zhentian replied: "We will definitely strive for the cheapest price for everyone, but everyone knows that such high-end items still require some costs."

"Thank you, boss! I heard what the boss said just now. It seems that there is more advanced power generation equipment. Can you open our eyes?"

"Yeah, even though I may not be able to afford it now, I always want to see those high-end products!"

"I didn't bring any samples here today, but I can tell you that a nuclear fusion power station has appeared in that galaxy!" Ji Zhentian said with a smile, "The nuclear power station above uses nuclear fission."

"Wucao, you're so powerful! What's the difference between nuclear fusion and nuclear fission?"

"Damn, you don't even know the difference, you're so dumb!"

"Let's put it this way, most nuclear power plants on the survivor's home planet basically use nuclear fission to generate electricity. Nuclear fusion technology is more difficult to control!"

"To give a simpler example, stars are producing nuclear fusion! The energy of a galaxy comes from the nuclear fusion of stars. Do you think nuclear fusion is powerful?"

"Oh! Although I don't understand it, it feels great!"

"Don't worry too much. If you have a nuclear fusion power station, you basically don't have to worry about energy."

Seeing the discussions among these survivors, Ji Batian shook his head slightly.

The vision of these survivors is still a little low. The advanced ships, weapons and equipment that will appear in the future will all consume large amounts of electricity. The nuclear fusion power station of the first-level civilization is still not enough!

"Why are there so many discussions? All I want to know now is the price of a cold nuclear power plant!"

"Yes, boss, can you tell us the price first, so we can save money!"

Looking at the inquiries from the survivors on the public channel, Ji Zhentian looked at Ji Batian: "Brother, what do you think is the appropriate price for us?"

"This kind of cold nuclear power plant is basically on the verge of being eliminated over here. No one will buy it for 5,000 yuan, but it is a scarce product here. Let's sell it for 50,000 yuan to make less money." Ji Batian said in his tone. It actually feels like a loss.

Ji Zhentian nodded slightly, then frowned and said, "I just don't know if the Yiranpin Alliance still produces this thing?"

Ji Batian smiled and replied: "As long as there is a template and raw materials are provided, it can be produced. The Yiranpin Alliance will not make any money!"

Ji Zhentian nodded slightly: "Then I will reply them with this price!"


Ji Zhentian immediately said in the public channel: "Based on internal discussions within our chamber of commerce, the price is tentatively set at 50,000. If everyone needs it, collect resources as soon as possible!"

"Fifty thousand? Isn't it? So cheap!"

"Where's the bargain?"

"Isn't this cheap? The cornerstone brought from the first stage is more than 50,000!"

"That is, if you can't even come up with 50,000 yuan, then you should reflect on it. Have you collected resources properly?"

"Made, haven't I dedicated all the resources I collected to the escape cabin? I have exhausted all my resources for this shelter. What else do you want from me?"

"Stop talking! Start collecting from now on. Fifty thousand can be collected quickly, especially with the smart collector provided by Jifu Chamber of Commerce, the collection will be even faster!"     "Mader, there are really corrosive substances!"

"Brother upstairs, are you still skeptical about the Jifu Chamber of Commerce? Everything so far proves that the information about the Jifu Chamber of Commerce is very correct."

"This is not a suspicion, I just want to confirm how powerful the corrosive substance is?"

"You know now?"

"I know, the outer wall of our escape cabin can't hold it at all."

"Not only can the outer wall of the escape capsule not be able to withstand it, but also spaceships and battleships can't withstand it!"

"That shouldn't be the case. The spaceship must be a level higher than our escape capsule. Can't it handle this?"

Ji Batian ordered: "Zhentian, please forward the video sent by Yiranpin Alliance here!"

"Okay!" Ji Zhentian immediately went to another island monument and forwarded the video saved on it.

This island monument was on the ship where they jumped. They had previously received videos about Bacteroidetes in the Domire Galaxy.

After seeing this video, the survivors of the Bobon Galaxy started talking again.

"Is this real or fake? It's not a computer-generated video, right?"

"Other survivors don't have this kind of leisure!"

"It's just, who would make this kind of video with nothing to do? It doesn't make any sense at all."

"If this video is true and the spaceship is so big, are there survivors who have upgraded to a large spaceship?"

"Thinking about the high-end items we have purchased recently, it is not surprising that other galaxies are more developed than ours, right?"

"It's not surprising, but having a large spaceship is a bit excessive! Most of us are still in escape pods!"

"What you said, do you think other people should wait for you when they develop?"

Ji Zhentian watched their chat and decided to drop another bombshell.

"The ship in the video you saw is not a large spacecraft."

"Isn't that what a large spaceship is?"

"It seems that the size of the spacecraft we upgraded is beyond our expectations!"

"What type of spaceship is the one in the video?"

Ji Zhentian paused deliberately and continued: "The ship in the video is a stellar-class battleship!"

"Star-class battleship? What class is this?"

"Yeah, why have you never heard of this level?"

"Boss, tell us quickly what a stellar battleship is?"

"Please educate me!"

Ji Zhentian explained with a smile: "The upgrade route of the aircraft we are flying is escape cabin, micro, small, medium, large, super large, and super large and above are satellite level, planet level, star level."

After hearing his explanation, all the survivors in the Bobon system were stunned.

The co-author is not four levels ahead of them? But level eight!

(End of this chapter)

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