Chapter 3089: Selling Level Weapons, Rental Price

Ji Batian was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted.

There are still very few forces like the Yi Ranpin Alliance. If there are no forces like the Yi Ranpin Alliance in other galaxies, how can they deal with such bacilli?

"You mean the rules of the world will provide other solutions?" Ji Batian frowned and said.

Fuma nodded: "Yes, but this is also my personal guess."

Ji Batian began to think deeply.

After a while, he spoke: "Based on the current reaction of the island monument, it is not certain whether there will be a solution in the future, but the Bobon galaxy is very important to us, and there is no room for any mistakes! So let's talk to Yi Ranpin first Let’s contact the Alliance about weapons!”

"Yeah!" Fuma nodded.

At this time, Ji Zhentian had returned to the Domire Galaxy and communicated with Dora, the head of the Yiranpin Alliance.

"Hello, we have found Bacteroidetes in the market now, so we would like to discuss with you about purchasing or leasing Level 3 civilization weapons." Ji Zhentian put forward his request straight to the point.

After Dora received the news, she was slightly stunned, and then immediately reported it to the headquarters.

"It seems they are really worried about our alliance entering their market!" Xiao Yi sighed after listening to Feng Menglong's report.

Feng Menglong nodded: "Should we borrow it or not?"

"Don't borrow it, sell them three sets directly!" Xiao Yi said directly.

"Isn't it a bit unsafe to directly sell weapons from the third-level civilization to them?" Feng Menglong frowned.

Xiao Yi smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, as the laboratory digests Blue Star's technology, our weapons will be upgraded to level four civilization. Even now, many of our ships are equipped with them Level 4 civilized weapons.”

Feng Menglong was stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately.

He felt that the Yi Ranpin Alliance was developing too fast, and his concept still stayed between the second-level civilization and the third-level civilization.

He didn't expect that just Blue Star's surrender would allow them to directly enter the fourth level civilization.

"Okay, I understand!" Feng Menglong responded, "What if other people also want to buy Level 3 civilization weapons? Will they all be sold?"

"Control it with price." Xiao Yi replied, "At the same time, remind other survivors that the energy consumed by Level 3 civilization weapons is also very huge. Let them also think about whether there is any problem with their energy supply!"

"Yes!" Feng Menglong nodded, turned around and walked out.

After receiving the order from above, Dora immediately replied to Ji Zhentian.

"We can sell you three sets of third-level civilization weapons, but the price is high! At the same time, I also want to remind you that the energy consumed by these third-level civilization weapons is very huge, and you must consider the energy supply."

Seeing Dora's reply, Ji Zhentian's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked: "How much does a set cost?"

"Five hundred thousand." Dora quoted the price given to him by Feng Menglong.

Ji Zhentian did a rough calculation in his mind and found that the price was enough for them to rent it for a year.

But the rental time is limited, and they can use it as they please after buying it.

More importantly, they can also earn some money by buying them back and renting them out.

After thinking about it for a while, Ji Zhentian made a decisive decision: "Okay, we want three sets!"

Dora was a little surprised at Ji Zhentian's cheerfulness.

But she was surprised. Since the other party was willing to buy it, she had no objection at all.

After getting the three sets of third-level civilization weapons, Ji Zhentian immediately jumped back.

Seeing Ji Zhentian coming back so quickly, Ji Batian frowned slightly and asked, "Isn't the Yi Ranpin Alliance willing to rent it to us?"

"It's true that there was no lease, but they sold us three sets of weapons from the third-level civilization." Ji Zhentian replied with a smile. Ji Batian was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed: "Really?"

Ji Zhentian nodded.

Ji Batian asked hurriedly: "Where's the price?"

"One set costs 500,000 yuan. I won all three sets!" Ji Zhentian replied.

Ji Batian nodded slightly: "Well done!"

Although the price of 500,000 yuan is indeed high, it is definitely not a loss if you can get a set of weapons from a third-level civilization.

"Then let's start leasing here immediately!" Ji Zhentian continued.

"Well, it's one hundred yuan for five minutes, and it can't be rented continuously." Ji Batian nodded slightly and responded.

Fuma on the side felt a little emotional.

"The business of a monopoly is good. You can set the price at will, and it will make others feel that they are taking advantage!"

Ji Zhentian immediately put the rental of third-level civilization weapons on the shelves.

At the same time, Ji Batian promoted it on the public channel of pouring cups.

"Hello, fellow survivors, we are the Jifu Chamber of Commerce. We have specially rented Level 3 civilization weapons from other galaxies for everyone to use. If you find Bacteroidetes, you must eliminate them as soon as possible, otherwise, our galaxy will If they are completely occupied, everyone will have to flee this galaxy and wander!"

Seeing this news, the survivors in the Bobon system were stunned, and then immediately started talking.

"Wucao, is Mr. Fu Quan so powerful that he can actually obtain level three civilized weapons?"

"This is the gap! I haven't even reached the first level of civilization."

"Not just you, there are probably no survivors in our galaxy who have developed to a first-level civilization!"

"I looked at the rental price and it seems a bit expensive, but it's still acceptable."

"It's not bad. It's okay to use some resources in exchange for five minutes of usage rights!"

"Made, this type of bacilli divides too fast! In just a short while, it has become eight!"

"Then what are you still talking to us about here? Hurry up and rent weapons to destroy them!"

"Already rented, now let's start fighting!"

"I found it here too!"

"Wucao, are the weapons of this third-level civilization so powerful? In just one minute, I killed all eight Bacteroides organisms!"

"Is it that fast?"

"Yeah, my original weapons can't hit them at all, and the rented level three civilized weapons can't hit them one at a time!"

"It's so awesome! Then I'll rent it and experience it too!"

"Brothers upstairs, this weapon is used to kill Bacteroidetes. Can you please stop causing trouble here?"

"What do you mean by adding chaos? This is called familiarizing yourself with weapons in advance. How do you know that Bacteroidetes will not appear here?"

"You don't need to be familiar with this weapon, it's all intelligent! However, it consumes a lot of energy. After eight rounds, all my power has been consumed!"

"That means you already have a lot of power! I only fired one shot and the power was gone!"

"I wonder if the Jifu Chamber of Commerce can get higher-end power generation equipment?"

(End of this chapter)

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