Chapter 3073 Finally opened, corrosive substance

"Probably not." Jiang Yuntian shook his head and denied it.

Du Kang looked at him doubtfully: "Brother Jiang, why do you say that?"

"If the other party is really an advanced civilization, they will not let our spy satellites get so close." Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice.

Du Kang was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "What if the other party's civilization level is too high and they think this spy satellite cannot threaten them, so they don't care about it?"

Jiang Yuntian was stunned by this sentence.

"It is possible, but the probability is relatively low." Xiao Yi replied.

"Look!" Sun Gudao suddenly pointed at the big screen and shouted.

Everyone looked at where he pointed.

The spy satellite parts that had just been smashed were all adsorbed on the tentacles of the suspected robotic arm.

Then, in full view of everyone, he disappeared on the tentacle.

"Is it 'eating' parts of a spy satellite?" Du Kang asked in surprise.

But no one could give him an answer.

"Keep a safe distance and avoid the opponent's tentacles!" Jiang Yuntian immediately issued the order.

The spy satellites that were originally close to the unknown object all retreated and distanced themselves.

Jiang Yuntian thought for a while and said to Xiao Yi: "Island Master, I think we should take the initiative to test each other."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and gave instructions: "First arrange for the unmanned spacecraft to try to attack, so that our team is always ready to withdraw to the independent space."

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian turned and left. He wanted to carry out this order himself.

The location of the alliance headquarters is still a long way from the edge of the chaotic galaxy. If the unmanned spacecraft is allowed to fly there by itself, it will take a lot of time.

This situation requires Jiang Yuntian to use the portal to send the unmanned spacecraft to a nearby location.

There were several spy satellites following the unknown object, so Jiang Yuntian could easily obtain the other party's location coordinates.

Jiang Yuntian came directly to the vicinity of the object through the portal of the alliance headquarters, opened the No. 1 space wormhole, and three unmanned spacecraft flew out.

At the same time, a star-class battleship flew out, and the soldiers who controlled these three unmanned spaceships were on the star-class battleship.

"Attack immediately!" Jiang Yuntian ordered.

The three unmanned spacecraft aimed at different parts of each other and immediately fired lasers.

The three laser beams accurately hit the unknown object, but to Jiang Yuntian's surprise, the three laser beams did not break through the opponent's defense, but pushed the opponent away!

Xiao Yi and others naturally saw this scene.

"What kind of defense is this? Is it so hard?" Du Kang's eyes widened.

"Ordinary celestial bodies are not so hard, right?" Zhu Wu was equally surprised.

Xiao Yi did not speak but stared closely at the unknown object.

He wanted to see how the other party would react if he was attacked!

The result surprised him!

The unknown object did not fight back, but continued to move.

"Island Master, do you want to continue the attack?" Jiang Yuntian frowned slightly and then asked.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Increase our firepower and continue the attack."


The three unmanned spacecraft immediately changed to more advanced weapons and started attacking.

"It feels like it's hiding from our unmanned spacecraft." Bai Yu said with some uncertainty.

"It can move and knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. This should be a civilized force, right?" Du Kang analyzed.

"If it's a civilized force and we attack it, why doesn't it show any intention of fighting back?" Zhu Wu looked puzzled.

"The devil knows!" Du Kang shook his head.

When the firepower of the Yiranpin Alliance unmanned spacecraft was increased to its highest level, it finally broke through the opponent's defense.

After breaking through the opponent's defense, Jiang Yuntian did not see any creatures inside! "What the hell is this?" Jiang Yuntian frowned.

Xiao Yi's voice came over: "Use unmanned spacecraft and intelligent robots to go in and investigate."

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded.

The three unmanned spacecraft responsible for the attack returned to the star-class spacecraft, and took the intelligent robots to fly towards the unknown object again.

As the opponent's defense was broken, the opponent also stopped, and the tentacles similar to the mechanical arms stopped swinging.

The unmanned spacecraft quickly entered the interior of the object from the position they broke through.

Inside is a huge cavity with some unknown substances.

"The space inside is so big. If this was turned into a spaceship, the defense would be very good!" Du Kang said with emotion as he looked at the situation inside.

Everyone around nodded.

"It has been detected that the outer wall of the unknown object is composed of phospholipids, proteins and polysaccharides." The intelligent robot quickly fed back the preliminary detection results.

"Discovery of supercoiled circular DNA, RNA..."

After hearing the preliminary test results of the intelligent robot, Xiao Yi and others were stunned again.

"Is this really an aircraft? Have intelligent creatures survived in it?" Du Kang couldn't believe it.

"Probably not. There are no living facilities here. How can intelligent creatures survive here?" Zhu Wu held a different opinion.

Du Kang was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Xiao Yi continued to order: "Let us collect it with the collector."

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian immediately arranged for the collector to fly towards the remains of the items at that location.

At this moment, the intelligent robot suddenly sounded an alarm.

"Warning that corrosive substances have been found and you need to evacuate immediately!"

Upon hearing this alarm, Jiang Yuntian immediately replied: "Evacuate immediately!"

"The power system is damaged and evacuation is no longer possible. All data has been uploaded to the server..."

There was a burst of murmur behind it.

The intelligent robot was corroded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The unmanned spacecraft that flew in was not spared either.

Jiang Yuntian stopped the collector in time.

"Island owner, do you want to continue collecting?" Jiang Yuntian asked for instructions.

Xiao Yi shook his head: "Don't collect it yet, wait and see."

Before Xiao Yi finished speaking, an alarm came from the spacecraft where Jiang Yuntian was located.

"The outer wall of the battleship is corroded. Please remove the corrosive material and repair it in time!"

Hearing this alarm, Jiang Yuntian was shocked and immediately ordered: "Retreat immediately."

The pilot of the stellar battleship immediately flew back, and Jiang Yuntian immediately repaired the battleship with the island monument.

"Brother Jiang, what happened just now?" Du Kang asked curiously.

Jiang Yuntian shook his head: "I don't know what the situation is! It is most likely related to the unknown object we broke!"

"It should be that the object will release some corrosive substances after it is broken by us, and we have no way to monitor these substances for the time being." Xiao Yi speculated.

Everyone nodded, it only made sense.

"Then what should we do now? If that thing is broken by us, will it continue to spread into the interior of our galaxy?" Du Kang suddenly asked.

(End of this chapter)

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