Chapter 3072 Something went wrong, unknown rod-shaped object

Since Xiao Yi won't be harvesting new weapons, Jiang Yuntian naturally doesn't have much interest.

As a fighting maniac, Jiang Yuntian only cares about weapons!

When we came to the restaurant, everyone started discussing again while eating breakfast.

"I feel too peaceful recently. Have the rules of the world fallen asleep?"

"If it really fell asleep, then I hope it never wakes up."

"Yes, it's not bad to just calm down like this!"

"Yeah, I don't have to worry about food or drink, and there's no problem with safety. That's it, it's good!"

"I also hope to live peacefully like this, but it's simply impossible!"

"However, it is indeed strange that there has been no new test of the world's rules for so long."

"The rules of the world won't make you sick, right?"

"Sick? You have such a big imagination. How can you get sick according to the rules of the world?"

"I'm just making random guesses!"

"Don't get sick according to the rules of the world. If the rules are messed up, our survival will be more difficult!"

Hearing everyone's discussion, Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

There was no prompt from the island monument for such a long time, and no other further tests appeared, which made him feel a little uneasy.

"Island Master, will there really be a problem with the world's rules?" Du Kang asked quietly from the side.

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly. He still remembered the person who saved his life in the first stage. He knew that there was indeed someone behind all this.

That man was extremely powerful and had erased the memories of other people.

Could there be something wrong with the person who controls the rules of the world?

Hope not!

No matter what, they survivors can only continue to follow the existing rules.

"Stop thinking so much and work hard to improve yourself. No matter what happens in the future, your survival rate will always be higher." Xiao Yi said.

Du Kang nodded: "I understand, I'm just curious."

Xiao Yi spread his hands: "Actually, I'm also curious, but at this stage we are still unable to access the level of world rules."

"Forget it, I don't want to think about this anymore. Today I have to help Blue Star transform the planet." Du Kang said with a smile, "Yesterday the scientists on Blue Star even doubted our transformation speed. We have to prove it to them!"

Xiao Yi was a little helpless: "It's not necessary. Just do it step by step. The facts will always dispel their suspicions."

"That's not okay. My favorite thing is to be slapped in the face." Du Kang chuckled, quickly drank the soy milk in the cup, stood up and left.

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly.

Jiang Yuntian on the side asked: "Island owner, are there no actions from the pirates?"

Xiao Yi looked at Di Yi and said, "This question should be asked to her."

Di Yi was now able to communicate in Xia Mandarin. After hearing Xiao Yi's words, she immediately spoke: "The Pirate Alliance branch of the Ross Galaxy is currently not making any moves, and no high-level pirates have been found coming in or out."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "From now on, you will share with Brother Jiang every day about matters related to the Pirate Alliance."

"Okay, Island Master!" Di Yi responded.

Jiang Yuntian smiled and said, "Just share it with me when you report to the island owner."

Di Yi nodded.

At this moment, Xiao Yi received a call from the laboratory.

"Island Master, we found some very special rod-shaped objects at the edge of the chaotic galaxy." Yang Jin said in a deep voice.

"Send the picture over immediately!" Xiao Yi quickly finished his breakfast and turned on his phone.

A photo of a rod-shaped object comparable to a Dragon Shuttle battleship was sent. "Is there another invasion by a more advanced civilization?" Jiang Yuntian looked at the picture and frowned.

"Not sure, we still have to observe." Xiao Yi shook his head, "We need to get closer."

"Isn't this too dangerous?" Jiang Yuntian said.

"Let our spy satellite move closer first." Xiao Yi ordered.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian turned and left the restaurant.

Xiao Yi also immediately returned to his office in the City Lord's Mansion.

He watched on his computer as the spy satellite of the Yiranpin Alliance approached the rod.

The spy satellite was close enough to the unknown rod, but the other party didn't react at all.

Xiao Yi can also see the opponent's form more clearly.

"What are these? Mechanical arms?" Xiao Yi looked at these rod-shaped objects, and there was a long tentacle extending out from some locations.

Jiang Yuntian said to Xiao Yi in the group: "Island Master, the opponent seems to have no attack power. Do you want to continue to get closer?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Control our spy satellite and continue to approach!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded.

At this time, Du Kang and others who went to Space 5 to help Blue Star transform the planet also received the news, and they returned to the alliance headquarters one after another.

"Island owner, I heard that a high-level civilization is coming?" Du Kang said to the group as soon as he returned to the headquarters.

"We're not sure yet. Take a look at the live broadcast in the group. Our spy satellite is approaching the other party and has not been attacked yet." Xiao Yi replied.

Du Kang and the others looked at the live broadcast in the group.

Even Bai Yu learned the news and rushed over.

They put the live broadcast directly on the big screen in the city lord's office.

Visible to everyone in the office.

Seeing Bai Yu coming from behind, Du Kang immediately pointed to the unknown object on the screen and said: "Bai Yu, come and take a look, this looks like your Dragon Shuttle battleship!"

Bai Yu looked at the thing on the screen and nodded: "It is indeed very similar, but there are still quite a few differences. You can see that our Dragon Shuttle battleship looks like a shuttle as a whole, with both ends tapered. This one is completely different. It More like a cylinder.”

Du Kang and others nodded.

At this time, the spy satellite was only one thousand meters away from the unknown object.

But there was still no reaction from the other party.

"Isn't this some kind of celestial body?" Sun Gudao's imagination was wide open.

"Shouldn't celestial bodies be round?" Zhu Wu said with some uncertainty.

The main reason is that the world is too wonderful, and he dare not conclude that all celestial bodies are round.

At this moment, the unknown object that the spy satellite was approaching suddenly started to move.

The strips around it that resembled mechanical arms also began to shake.

One of the spy satellites couldn't dodge and was hit. In everyone's surprised eyes, the spy satellite was beaten into a pile of parts.

"Wancao, is this attack so powerful?" Du Kang swore directly.

"So it shouldn't be a celestial body." Xiao Yi walked out of his office at this time and said.

"Is it really an advanced civilization?" Du Kang looked at the moving rod on the screen in confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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