Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2997 Reactions from all parties, Sun Xun was surprised

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Jiang Yuntian was stunned again: "Island Master, do you mean that his intelligence ability is ineffective against our fleet?"

"It should be like this, Bai Yu told me personally." Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Jiang Yuntian pondered for a moment and asked, "Is it possible that he is lying to you?"

"Yes, but the probability is extremely low." Xiao Yi repeated his analysis.

Mainly because Bai Yu issued a reward for information about himself and challenged them.

"If his intelligence capabilities were effective for us, there would be no need to do these things." Xiao Yi concluded.

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly.

At this time, a soldier ran over and reported: "Island owner, instructor, all ships have been sorted out, but they are all damaged to varying degrees."

"Send them all to Space [-] first." Xiao Yi ordered.


Jiang Yuntian frowned and said: "The previous construction of the space scientific research city consumed almost all the raw materials. It is estimated that the repair of these ships will take some time."

"There's no rush. If we take down a level [-] pirate this time, the Interstellar Pirate Alliance should be a little more comfortable. Level [-] pirates shouldn't be particularly interested in what we have," Xiao Yi replied.

"That's true. So many pirates have come before but failed to capture Munken Star. They will definitely be more cautious." Jiang Yuntian nodded.

Just as they were sending the ships of the Locust Pirate Group to Space [-], the pirates hiding in the corners on the outskirts of the Munken System were dumbfounded when they saw the battle they had photographed from a distance. .

"That fleet just now must be the Locust Pirate Group, right?"


"But aren't they a fourth-level pirate group?"

"Yes, judging from the news from the Major League, they are indeed a fourth-level pirate group."

"Then this fourth-level pirate group was completely wiped out?"

You must know that the pirate groups that came to attack Munken Planet before were all level three and below. Although they all failed, they could at least retain some ships.

It's like this Locust pirate group was completely dumped, and not a single ship escaped!
"It seems that the special ships that appeared this time have not been seen before?"

"Fortunately, we haven't seen it before, otherwise, we would be the ones to be wiped out!"

"This Munken planet is not simple. Our regiment has withdrawn, and we have accepted the losses here."

"We also withdrew the fourth-level pirate group and couldn't defeat Munken Planet. Why are we still here?"

"We still stay. We are a little unwilling to lose so much. I believe that there will definitely be a higher-level pirate group coming. Although we may not be able to drink the soup, I want to watch the destruction of Munken Planet."

"Stay here, do you have enough supplies?"

"If it's not enough, let someone send some over. Anyway, I'm wasting time with him!"

"Why bother? There are so many targets outside waiting for us to rob, why hang ourselves on this tree?"

At this time, the Louis pirate group was also discussing.

"What should we do?" Louis Nine frowned and asked, "This Munken star's trump cards are stronger than the last. I really don't know how many trump cards he has left?"

Louis VI was also a little entangled. They had already wasted too much time and resources in the Munken system, and they were really unwilling to leave like this.

After pondering for a while, he said: "Louis IX, go to the Interstellar Pirate Alliance intelligence website and see if there are any other galaxies nearby that can be robbed." Louis IX was stunned for a moment, then immediately nodded: "Okay. Yes, I’ll check it out right now.”

"Munken Star, I will not let you go easily!" Louis VI squinted his eyes and murmured as he looked at the Munken Star team cleaning the battlefield on the monitor.

At this time, the news of the defeat of the Locust Pirate Group had spread to the Interstellar Pirate Alliance.

"He actually lost!" Skua, the director of the Interstellar Pirate Alliance branch, was a little surprised.

According to the analysis of their intelligence network, the civilization behind Munken Planet is at most a third-level civilization, but the Locust Pirate Group is a fourth-level pirate!
"It seems that the forces behind this Munken Star are not simple!" Squaw narrowed his eyes and said, "Someone, please pass the news of the defeat of the Locust Pirate Group to the headquarters."


At this time, Sun Xun was extremely excited on the planet Munken.

"Star Lord, we actually have such a powerful fleet!"

Xiao Yi glanced at him, shook his head and replied: "That fleet is not from our alliance, it just came to support us."

Sun Xun was stunned: "That's not our fleet? It seems to have reached the level of a fourth-level civilization. So isn't the one supporting us a fourth-level civilization?"

"Yes, they should be considered a fourth-level civilization." Xiao Yi nodded.

Hearing this, Sun Xun frowned: "Then will they eat us?"

"Don't worry, the cooperation between us is very pleasant, and they didn't ask for any of the spoils of this battle, they gave them all to us." Xiao Yi knew his worries and replied with a smile.

Sun Hong was stunned again: "You don't want any of the spoils? Then what are they trying to do?"

Jiang Yuntian on the side interjected: "Important of our island owner!"

"Huh? Island Master?" Sun Hong was completely confused.

"Hahaha, to put it simply, I was impressed by the charm of our island owner." Jiang Yuntian continued.

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes: "Our alliance has the advanced genetic medicine they need."

Sun Xun suddenly realized: "So that's how it is. Isn't it possible that a fourth-level civilization can't create advanced genetic medicine?"

"In this regard, they have indeed not reached the fourth level civilization, but their combat effectiveness has definitely been reached." Xiao Yi explained.

Sun Xun nodded. He had already seen the combat effectiveness of the Blue Star Fleet.

Dealing with the Locust Pirates was just a joke, and they definitely had the strength of a fourth-level civilization.

"It should be quiet here for a while, but you can't let down your guard." Xiao Yi continued, "Di Yi from the Interstellar Pirate Alliance will be keeping an eye on it. If there are any problems, he will notify me in time."

"Yes, Star Master, I will be careful here." Sun Xun responded in a deep voice.

"The ships captured in this battle are all damaged, so they need to be repaired before they can be put into use. At that time, some will be arranged for you." Xiao Yi said.

"Thank you Star Master!" Sun Xun said excitedly.

He never thought that Xiao Yi would put those ships from the fourth-level civilization to him.

Xiao Yi waved his hand: "Currently, you are the only one who may encounter level four pirates. Such high-end ships are not available in other places for the time being. Okay, Brother Jiang and I are going back first. If anything happens, please contact us in time!" "


Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian had just returned to the Space Research City when Yang Jin, the director of the research institute, came to find them. (End of chapter)

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