Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2996: Asking for information, shocked, unable to defeat

The survivors under discussion have applied to enter the Alliance Entertainment City.

The current entertainment city space has been expanded, and there is no problem in accommodating 10 people at the same time.

So their application was approved quickly.

After getting on the ferry, they arrived at Alliance Entertainment City smoothly.

They came to Alliance Entertainment City not to play, but to squat at various entrances.

Seeing the Blue Star people in the Longsuo battleship being transported one after another, the survivors started talking again.

"This looks like a survivor from the Yiranpin Alliance?"

"Yes, I have seen survivors from the Yi Ranpin Alliance, and they look so similar!"

"Are these people from Boss Yi Ranpin's home planet?"

"That shouldn't be the case. Aren't all the people on our home planet drawn here to be survivors?"

"I wonder if I can just go up and ask and I'll find out! Is there any use in making wild guesses here?"

"That makes sense, then go and ask!"

"Just ask!" The survivor stood up and walked towards the group of Blue Star people.

Those Blue Star soldiers just came in and didn't know where to start. They saw an intelligent creature from another race walking over.

"Hello! Are you from Yi Ranpin's home planet?" the survivor asked straight to the point.

The Blue Star soldier was slightly stunned, and then replied in Xia Mandarin, which he was not very proficient in: "I'm not, I'm a Blue Star person. Our planet has a deep cooperative relationship with the Yiranpin Alliance."

The Blue Star people have all completed their awakening. They made an emergency attack on Xia Guoyu for two days. In addition, Xia Guoyu is very similar to their Dragon Guoyu. Now there is no problem in completing basic communication in Xia Guoyu.

Hearing this, the survivor was stunned for a moment, and then continued to ask: "Are you a civilization from a nearby galaxy?"

"I guess so!" The soldier said vaguely.

"I see, then are you also a second-level civilization?" the survivor asked curiously.

"Level [-] civilization?" The soldier smiled and shook his head, without saying anything, and walked forward.

Judging from the soldier's reaction, the other party must be more than a second-level civilization.

The survivor returned to the crowd with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Brother, how are you? Did you ask anything?" A survivor asked impatiently.

The survivor immediately repeated the conversation between himself and the soldier.

"They are really not from Big Brother's home planet! Why do they look so similar?"

"The universe is full of wonders, so there is no need to worry about them looking alike!"

"It seems that the Yiranpin Alliance has found a new collaborator."

Because the soldier said he was from Blue Star and did not mention their relationship with Bayio Star, they thought this was another new collaborator of the Yi Ranpin Alliance.

"And this collaborator is very likely to be a level three civilization!"

"No way, isn't it said that advanced civilizations are very rare? Why do you feel like there will be an advanced one soon?"

"When I asked them if they were a second-level civilization, his eyes were full of disdain."

"But it doesn't make sense. If the other party is a third-level civilization, why should it cooperate with the Yi Ranpin Alliance of a second-level civilization?"

"Who told you that the Yi Ranpin Alliance is a second-level civilization?" "Isn't it true? After the undead invasion ended, the rules of the world helped them upgrade to a second-level civilization. It's only been a few weeks now, and there's no way they can Upgrade to level three civilization?"

"I'm not sure if the Yiranpin Alliance is a third-level civilization, but there have been third-level civilizations that have cooperated with them before. Don't forget about Bayi'ao Star!"

After his reminder, everyone immediately understood.

"According to general cooperation, it should be a strong alliance, at least at a similar level. After all, there is no need for other high-level civilizations to cooperate with a low-level civilization. There is no gain!"

"So I speculate that although the Yiranpin Alliance is only a second-level civilization, it is very likely that its combat power has reached a third-level civilization. Only in this way can it be possible to cooperate with a third-level civilization."

All the survivors around him swallowed.

"Is the Yi Ranpin Alliance so strong?"

"They are already very strong. Whether they are level two or level three, they are the ones we look up to."

"That's right, the stronger the Yiranpin Alliance is, won't we also benefit from it! I feel this is a good thing!"

Everyone nodded.

"I'll go chat with those Blue Star people again and see if I can get some more information."

"I'll go too, I saw them going to the snack street."

While the survivors in Space [-] were inquiring about the Blue Star, Xiao Yi was cleaning the battlefield in the Munken Galaxy.

Of course, the work must be completed by Jiang Yuntian. He is not in quadruple state now and will not touch the ship of the Locust Pirate Group.

After Jiang Yuntian arranged his work, he came to Xiao Yi.

"Island Master, the combat effectiveness of this Blue Star fleet is really strong!" Jiang Yuntian said with emotion.

Xiao Yi glanced at him and asked with a smile: "What? After watching others fight, you give up?"

Jiang Yuntian immediately replied: "It is impossible to admit defeat! There is no word "admittance" in my dictionary. I just didn't expect the soldiers of Blue Star to be so experienced in operating ships and battles!"

"Then if you need to fight them now, are you confident that you can win?" Xiao Yi continued to ask.

Jiang Yuntian frowned slightly: "Although I can't win, I will definitely make them pay a heavy price."

Jiang Yuntian is not arrogant enough to defeat the Blue Star fleet, because the battle just now has shown that the Blue Star fleet is indeed very powerful.

Especially the operation of the ship was absolutely meticulous. He never thought that Blue Star soldiers could operate a huge ship so meticulously!
Xiao Yi laughed: "Don't worry! If we fight with them, they may not be able to get any benefits. Of course, they won't fight with us!"

Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment and asked: "Why is the island owner so confident?"

"Then do you know why their operations are so meticulous?" Xiao Yi asked without answering.

Jiang Yuntian frowned and shook his head.

"It's very simple. They rely on Bai Yu's intelligence capabilities." Xiao Yi explained.

"Intelligence capabilities?" Jiang Yuntian was still a little confused.

"To put it simply, Bai Yu can clearly see all the opponent's movements. He knows where you want to fight and where you want to escape. If you also know this intelligence information, you can also operate very well!" Xiao Yi replied.

Hearing this, Jiang Yuntian's eyes widened: "Can he see this information?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Bai Yu said this to me personally!"

"How can you have such ability? Isn't this invincible?" Jiang Yuntian felt too unbelievable.

Xiao Yi smiled and shook his head: "Do you still remember that Bai Yu said that his intelligence ability will be useless when he encounters us?" (End of Chapter)

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