Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2902: One branch left, the reaction of the Pirate Alliance

"Requesting support! We can't hold on any longer!"

Seeing the news about the player, the other two pirate teams no longer hesitated and immediately prepared to approach the battlefield over there.

At this moment, several attacks suddenly appeared and were fired at the stellar battleships in the two teams.

The sudden attack frightened the two pirate teams who were preparing to rescue!

They were unable to dodge and were hit accurately.

At this time, they discovered that there was a stellar battleship nearby.

"No, the opponent has more than two stellar-class battleships!"

"Yes, they seem to be invisible. There are many ambushes around us, so we should retreat quickly!"

"Evacuate! Evacuate separately! Whether you can survive or not depends on your luck!"

The two pirate teams were frightened by the sudden appearance of a stealth warship and fled.

All this was within Jiang Yuntian's expectation. He ordered in a deep voice: "No need to pursue, just eat this pirate team first."


The No. [-] stealth battleship that had attacked the other two pirate teams in the past and the No. [-] and No. [-] battleships joined together to besiege the remaining pirate team.

Seeing another invisible warship joining the battle, the pirate captain said desperately: "Everyone, please run for your lives!"

Following the captain's order, the pirate team surrounded by Jiang Yuntian immediately dispersed like birds and beasts.

Jiang Yuntian has marked all their large ships and above, and if those small and medium-sized ships escape, they will escape. There is no need to pursue them.

"Mainly attack their energy cabins and try to stay as much as possible." Jiang Yuntian ordered in a deep voice.


The frightened pirates no longer had the courage to resist and just fled away.

Soldiers from the Yi Ranpin Alliance used them as live targets to practice their shooting skills.

"These pirates are too weak, which is the level of simple enemies in our game cabin."

"It's really not that good. It's too easy to deal with them!"

"Don't be careless. These pirates are licking blood on the edge of their swords. Be careful of their desperate counterattacks."

"Captain, don't worry, they have no chance!"

While talking, the Yi Ranpin Alliance had already paralyzed two star-level battleships and three planet-level battleships from the other side.

"No. [-], No. [-], you pursue two more planet-class battleships. Stop after you defeat them!" Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice.


Stealth battleships No. [-] and [-] immediately pursued them.

With their speed, they quickly caught up with the planet-class battleship and paralyzed it in just ten seconds.

The strength gap between planet-class battleships and stealth battleships is even greater, and they are completely unilaterally crushed.

When all the battles were over, Jiang Yuntian opened the No. [-] independent planet space.

Pull all these paralyzed ships into space one.

Sufficient teams had been arranged there to receive the prisoners.

"Instructor, should we continue to chase them?" asked the soldier on the side.

Jiang Yuntian shook his head: "No more chasing. Now they have become frightened birds and will not stop. Although our stealth warship is faster than theirs, it will still take a lot of time to catch up."

Just now, Jiang Yuntian deliberately arranged a stealth warship to attack two other pirate teams.

It was just to give those pirates the illusion that the Yi Ranpin Alliance had enough stealth warships.

Jiang Yuntian's strategy was very successful and instantly scared away the other two pirate teams.There are only three stealth warships in the Yi Ranpin Alliance. It is too difficult to keep all three pirate teams.

So Jiang Yuntian was prepared to take down a team of pirates and scare the others away.

"Everyone, please enter Space [-]!" Jiang Yuntian ordered.

Jiang Yuntian led all the stealth warships into the independent planet space No. [-].

Teleported to Munken Planet through the portal in Space [-], leaving an invisible battleship behind, Jiang Yuntian returned to the alliance headquarters.

But those pirates who escaped did not dare to stop at all and continued to fly outside the Munken Galaxy.

"Boss, when do we stop?"

"Stop? No, we can't stop! The other side's invisible warship might be following us!"

"That stealth battleship is too powerful. Let's not talk about its stealth capabilities. I feel that its attack power is stronger than our star-class battleships."

"Yes, is this stealth warship of theirs a fourth-level civilization?"

"There is a high probability that it seems that busy Ke Xing is not as simple as it seems."

"Made, who investigated this information related to Munken Star? It's completely untrue!"

"Yes, a planet that can even bring out ships of a fourth-level civilization, but the intelligence shows that it is a second-level civilization. This is so fucking nonsense!"

"Then shall we pass this news back to the Pirates League?"

"Of course, we all have lost so much and we can't let Munkin Star have it easy."

The two pirate teams that escaped invariably reported their encounter with this new stealth warship.

They believe that there will definitely be high-level pirates interested in this kind of warship.

The Interstellar Pirate Alliance was stunned for a moment when they received the news they passed on.

The Interstellar Pirate Alliance has modified the planet Munken to a suspected level three civilization, and now a ship from a level four civilization has appeared.

The Pirate Alliance asked the two pirate teams for detailed information and requested video of the battle at the time.

Seeing the invisible warship appearing out of thin air at a very close distance, the alliance had to admit that this kind of technology could only be achieved by a fourth-level civilization.

"Why does a planet with a second-level civilization have ships with a fourth-level civilization?"

No one can figure this out.

Although they couldn't figure it out, the Pirate Alliance still posted this information.

Soon, many pirates saw the news.

"A true stealth battleship?"

"Yes, with this kind of battleship, we can carry out sneak attacks without any scruples."

"Is this Munken Star so powerful?"

"There must be some adventure, or there may be a level four civilization standing behind it."

"Definitely not. If there really is a level four civilization behind him, none of the pirates before would be able to escape."

"Yes, since those pirates can escape, it means that the other party is not a force of level four civilization."

For a true fourth-level civilization, dealing with these pirates is as easy as crushing an ant.

It is even less possible to let them harass Munken Star.

"So Munken Planet may only be a second-level civilization, but it just encountered some adventures and acquired some ships of a third-level or fourth-level civilization?"

"This is the greatest possibility!"

"So, isn't Munken Star just a piece of fat?" (End of Chapter)

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