Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2901 The Zerg are abnormal, find the pirates, and attack

Chapter 2901 The Zerg are abnormal, find the pirates, and attack
"Yes, the Zerg showed signs of filling up our entire chaotic galaxy before, but now it feels like there is not enough stamina."

"Are there fewer wormholes for the Zerg race?"

"I've only seen one, so I can't judge whether there are more or fewer wormholes."

"Is it because the undead invaded in a large scale that the Zerg did not dare to invade our galaxy with all their strength?"

"It's also possible. Anyway, I feel that the undead's restraint on the Zerg is very obvious."

"So, can't we destroy all the undead?"

"Keeping them in check and balance will help us survive better."

"This is hard to control!"

Seeing the discussion among the survivors, Xiao Yi frowned slightly, and then asked in the internal group chat: "Aren't the Zerg not as crazy as before recently?"

Jiang Yuntian, who was in charge of security, immediately replied: "That's true. After we eliminate the Zerg in an area, it will take a lot of time for that area to be filled with the Zerg that comes with subsequent support."

"How is the situation over there in the Zerg wormhole?" Xiao Yi continued to ask.

"The Zerg wormhole is still filled with all kinds of bugs. We can't directly observe the wormhole, but the speed of the bugs coming out has indeed slowed down." Jiang Yuntian replied.

Xiao Yi thought for a moment and then ordered: "Brother Jiang, after you deal with the pirate team, arrange for the team to test the Zerg's wormhole and see how the Zerg reacts."

"Yes, Island Master!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

"Brother Jiang, is there any news about the remnants of the undead in the Dinosaur Galaxy?" Xiao Yi suddenly thought of the bone souls of the undead elders in the Dinosaur Galaxy.

Jiang Yuntian shook his head: "There is no news at the moment, and no other survivors have reported encountering the undead."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

At this time, Du Kang interrupted: "The survivors in the Dinosaur Galaxy have discovered a lot of energy stones."

"Then let the person in charge of the Dinosaur Galaxy buy more. Now that we have opened the inter-galaxy transfer service, we still need to accumulate more energy stones." Xiao Yi continued.

"Don't worry, island owner, we have already warned the person in charge over there!" Du Kang responded.

"Well, you guys should be busy and let me know if anything happens." Xiao Yi ended the chat and picked up the book beside him.

At this moment, a soldier ran up to Jiang Yuntian and saluted: "Report to the instructor, we have discovered the pirate team."

A few days ago, Jiang Yuntian led the team to repel the pirate coalition near Munken Star.

Jiang Yuntian did not pursue these pirates at that time.

These pirates drove out for more than ten hours and stopped when they found that no one was pursuing them.

Having lost so much here, they, like the Louis Pirates, were unwilling to leave just like this.

So they were going to stop here and wait for the more advanced pirates from the Interstellar Pirate Alliance to come over, and then drink soup together.

Based on the feedback results from the dark matter detection device, Jiang Yuntian followed the traces and searched for nearly sixteen hours before finding them.

After hearing the soldier's report, Jiang Yuntian immediately stood up, walked to the monitor, and asked, "Are those three pirate teams together?"

"Together, but distinct from each other." The soldier pointed at the three teams on the monitor and said.

On the monitor, the three teams looked about five kilometers apart from each other.

Jiang Yuntian took a closer look and found that the highest-level ship among the three teams was the stellar class.

And these star-class ships are at the technological level of a third-level civilization.

The stealth battleship driven by Jiang Yuntian and others belongs to the fourth level civilization.The three pirate teams have a total of only eight stellar-class warships of the third-level civilization, which can definitely be fought!
After measuring each other's combat power, Jiang Yuntian immediately ordered: "Stealth battleship No. [-] and No. [-], attack the pirate team closest to us together. After we launch the attack, stealth battleship No. [-] appears to attack the other two. .”

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

Stealth Battleship No. [-] immediately approached the pirate team further away.

After the No. [-] battleship arrived at the predetermined position, Jiang Yuntian no longer hesitated and ordered: "Attack immediately!"

Stealth battleships No. [-] and [-] immediately aimed at the star-class battleship in the nearest pirate team and started shooting!
Jiang Yuntian had captured one of this pirate's warships before, and the Yi Ranpin Alliance had already studied the other side's warships very thoroughly!

Therefore, Jiang Yuntian's attacks were aimed at the location of the opponent's energy cabin.

The sudden attack broke the peaceful life of the pirate fleet.

The captain immediately shouted: "Enemy attack!"

All the pirates rushed into battle.

The captain looked at the star-class battleships that suddenly appeared near his fleet and roared: "Are all our scouts stupid? The enemies are all attacking, but we don't have any reaction at all."

"Report, report to the captain, we really didn't see them, they seemed to appear suddenly." The scout was already stuttering in panic.

"Drip drip!"

A shrill siren sounded from their battleship.

"The battleship bulkhead is damaged, please repair it in time!"

"The energy cabin is under attack, please protect yourself!"

"Warning! The energy capsule has been damaged. Repair it as soon as possible. Activate emergency energy!"

"Mader, where is our counterattack?" the captain roared.

"We fought back, but we couldn't hit the opponent at all. The opponent's agility was higher than ours! And not even a little bit higher!" the captain in charge of the battle replied in panic.

"We are also a star-class battleship. How can the opponent's battleship attributes be much higher than ours?" the captain asked with his eyes widened.

The captain cried in his heart: "You ask me, who am I asking? I fucking want to know too!"

But he could only complain in his heart, he would never dare to say it out loud.

Seeing the bitter look on the captain's face, the captain took a long breath and ordered: "Ask for help immediately!"

Just when this pirate team was suddenly attacked, the other two pirate teams also saw it.

They were also exchanging messages of shock.

"Why did two stellar-class battleships suddenly appear? Did you notice it?"

"No, we only found out after they attacked."

"It's so close to us that we can't even notice it. The opponent's warship must be more advanced than ours."

"Then shall we retreat?"

"The opponent only has two ships. We have eight ships and we can still give it a try! If we escape, it is very likely that we will be defeated by the opponent one by one."

"Yes, since the opponent's warships are more advanced than ours, it will be easy to hunt us down!"

At this time, a request for help from the pirate team under attack also came through.

(End of this chapter)

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