Chapter 2849: True speculation, opportunity
While Xiao Yi was searching for the ruins map and trying to find the advanced genetic potion, in the trial space, Canxue and Feiwa had already met Liang Wu, a villager from Liangjia Village who had returned.

Both Canxue and Feiwa are superpowers, and they can travel much faster than ordinary people.

About ten hours after Liang Wu left Qinjia Village, the two of them had already met him.

"Two adults, why are you here?" Liang Wu asked in surprise.

"Master Mu is worried about your safety, so let's come over and take a look." Canxue replied, "I see you've walked back, have you discovered something?"

Xiang Zhen gave herself a new ID called Qiu Mu, so she asked others to call her Mu-sama.

This is also to prevent Xiao Yi from being aware of her existence.

Liang Wu nodded slightly: "I found a village in the middle of the night yesterday. That village was much larger than our Liangjia Village."

Canxue was a little surprised, and then asked: "How far is that village from us?"

"I walk about ten to twelve hours every day, and it takes me four days to get there." Liang Wu thought for a while and replied.

According to the traveling speed of a normal person, it is about five kilometers per hour, but the people in this trial world are in slightly better shape and can walk about eight kilometers per hour.

According to this calculation, about one hundred kilometers per day, the distance between the two villages is about four hundred kilometers!
Residual blood thought about it for a while, and then continued to ask: "Do you understand the basic situation of this village clearly?"

"I just communicated with them and got a bit of understanding." Liang Wu immediately told Canxue all the information he got.

After listening to Liang Wu's introduction, Canxue was stunned for a moment.

He did not expect that the village Liang Wu encountered could also refine elixirs.

"Do you think this Qinjia Village is related to the Yiranpin Alliance?" Feiwa suddenly said.

Residual Blood was slightly startled, then shook his head.

There were so many survivors, and he was not sure if there were other forces that could also make elixirs.

"Since we have found other villages, let's go back first. After reporting to Master Mu, let's see her decision!" Canxue thought for a while and said.

Next, Canxue and Feiwa took Liang Wu and hurried to Liangjiacun.

The speed of going back is faster than the speed of residual blood and the others.

The two of them directly used their powers and took Liang Wu back to Liangjiacun.

It only took over two hours to get back!

At this time, Xiang Zhen did not leave the trial space, because in reality, the native she captured had the ability to stand alone.

Back in Liangjiacun, Canxue immediately took Liang Wu to report to Xiangzhen.

After listening to Liang Wu's report, Xiangzhen frowned slightly: "This Qinjia Village is most likely the stronghold of the Yi Ranpin Alliance in the trial space."

"Why are you so sure, sir?" Canxue asked doubtfully.

"Because there are very few races that know how to make alchemy!" Xiangzhen explained, "Look, the Yi Ranpin Alliance has connected so many galaxies together. Which survivor in the galaxy knows how to make alchemy?"

Canxue was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

Feiwa said with deep approval: "I don't know about other galaxies. Anyway, no one in the Bayio galaxy knows how to make elixirs. Otherwise, when the Yiranpin Alliance launches elixirs, there will definitely be survivors who come out to talk about this." thing."

After the Yiranpin Alliance entered the Bayio system, all the survivors were extremely surprised when they saw the pills on the alliance market.If there were any survivors who knew about elixirs, they would definitely be able to show off!

"Then what should we do now? Cut off contact with Qinjia Village?" Canxue asked with a frown.

He knew that the relationship between Xiang Zhen and Yi Ranpin Alliance was not that good.

Xiang Zhen thought for a moment, then smiled and shook his head: "No, we have to keep close contact with them! The most dangerous place is also the safest place!"

Canxue was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Flying Frog gave a thumbs up: "Sir, you are so good at it. The Yi Ranpin Alliance would never have thought that you would make such a choice."

Xiangzhen continued to give instructions: "From now on, residual blood will be the top leader of our Liangjia Village, and you, Feiwa, will be our deputy."

"Yes!" Canxue said with his hands raised.

Village chief Liang Guang said at this time: "Then how can we continue our transaction with Qinjiacun this time?"

Xiang Zhen replied: "Liang Wu should go over and ask them to put the trading place outside. Let's do this tomorrow. I will follow you there!"

"Yes!" The crowd responded in unison.

"Everyone has worked hard, go back and rest!" Xiang Zhen said while looking at everyone.

After giving all these orders, Xiang Zhen left the trial space, and Fei Frog naturally did not stay long.

"I didn't expect you to be able to refine elixirs in the trial space." Xiang Zhen squinted his eyes and muttered, "Then can I study in the trial space?"

In the first stage, Xiang Zhen regretted not reading about elixirs.

The current trial space is an opportunity for her to learn about elixirs.

Regardless of whether the opponent is from the Yiranpin Alliance or not, as long as she can learn the knowledge of alchemy, she will have a chance to practice elixirs in reality.

"It seems that if we restore their stumps next time, we will need to ask for higher rewards." Xiang Zhen decided.

Now the beasts in the Sunset Forest in the trial space are getting stronger and stronger, so it is inevitable that the original villagers will be injured, which provides Xiangzhen with enough opportunities.

After thinking about things in the experimental space, Xiangzhen began to pay attention to the information in reality.

Her people helped her collect some more important information, and she just had to browse it.

When she saw the effect of the intermediate genetic potion, she was shocked.

"Is this genetic potion so powerful?" Xiang Zhen said with emotion, "I wonder if the Yiranpin Alliance sells it?"

Thinking about Xiang Zhen, he opened the alliance network market. After some searching, he found that there was no intermediate genetic medicine for sale.

"It seems that they will still put this kind of killer weapon in their own hands!"

Xiang Zhen opened the public chat room, where people were also asking when the Yiranpin Alliance would sell intermediate genetic medicines.

The Yiranpin Alliance also responded: "Sorry, currently the Yiranpin Alliance does not have the ability to mass-produce intermediate genetic medicines. The intermediate genetic medicines used in previous experiments were also purchased from Bayi'ao Star, so for the time being, It will not be sold to outsiders.”

When the survivors saw the reply from the Yiranpin Alliance, they immediately started searching for the Aoteba star!
"@Bayiao, are your intermediate genetic potions for sale? I want to buy one!"

(End of this chapter)

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