Chapter 2848 Acquisition of ruins map
The survivor hurriedly kowtowed and said, "Thank you for not killing me. This situation will never happen in the future!"

The power of Bayio's ship, coupled with Bai Yu's mental power, had completely made this survivor unable to resist.

Bai Yu nodded slightly and said, "Okay, go down and do what we ask."

"Yes!" The survivor responded.

From beginning to end, Bai Yu never asked the survivor's name.

Of course, all the communication between them is done by the island monument, which relies entirely on the island monument's translation.

The survivor returned to his island monument, and the Bayio star soldiers on the side pointed at his island monument and asked him to occupy it.

He was a little confused, he could still own the island monument?
"Hurry up, don't waste time!" the soldier on the side urged.

The survivor immediately followed the soldier's request and reoccupied the island monument.

Then he was provided with more advanced equipment for collecting resources and asked him to collect them in the nearby meteorite area.

"If you get the map of the ruins, tell us as soon as possible." The soldier warned.

The survivor was stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately.

"It turns out they came here for the ruins map!" the survivor thought to himself, "No wonder they left me behind!"

But he soon became confused again. He had also dug up the ruins map, and it seemed that there was nothing good about it.

But he didn't think much about it because he didn't need to think about it so much.

In order to make himself live better in the fleet of Bayio Star, he thought for a while and directly suggested to the soldiers beside him: "If we really need the ruins map urgently, we can buy some on the trading channel. , as long as we show enough sincerity, we will definitely receive a lot of ruins maps."

Hearing this, the soldier nodded slightly and then reported the matter to Bai Yu.

Bai Yu was slightly startled: "Don't other survivors use the ruins map directly after harvesting it?"

The survivor immediately explained: "Everyone used it at the beginning, but after digging some ruins, I found that there was nothing very good, and I still had to face the ruins guardians, so some survivors stopped using the ruins map."

After hearing the survivor's explanation, Bai Yu nodded slightly, and then asked: "What do you think can be used in exchange for a ruins map?"

"I think a water circulation system should be enough." The survivor thought for a while and replied, "If there is a more advanced power generation device or gravity device, it can definitely be replaced!"

Bai Yu thought for a while and said, "Okay, I understand. Your suggestion is very good. What's your name?"

"Sir, my name is Booker." The survivor immediately replied.

In any case, I finally told this adult my name. This can be considered an improvement!

"Work hard. As long as you follow our requirements, you will have a better living environment." Bai Yu replied and ended the chat.

Booker was extremely excited. Bai Yu's words meant that he should have embraced this advanced civilization.

At this time, Bai Yu sent another message to Xiao Yi.

"Leader Xiao, I heard that survivors can harvest something called a ruins map. I am going to buy some on the trading market. If you want to buy it too, be careful to keep the price consistent!"

Seeing Bai Yu's news, Xiao Yi was slightly startled, and then replied with a smile: "Okay, I understand."

Bai Yu must have captured alive the survivor who took the initiative to attack the Bayio fleet. Perhaps this acquisition was also the survivor's suggestion!

But Xiao Yi was not prepared to buy the ruins map because it was too unstable and difficult to price.If you give too much, you feel like you are losing money; if you give too little, the other party won't sell!

It is better to harvest these ruins maps by collecting resources yourself.

Bai Yu posted a transaction on the trading channel.

"[Water Circulation System] (Level I)*1 Trade [Civilization Relics Map]*1."

When he decided to follow Xiao Yi to explore the Jeppian galaxy, Bai Yu prepared many first-level civilization items specifically for trading with those survivors.

When the survivors of the Jeppion Galaxy saw this deal, they immediately started discussing it.

"It's actually a first-level civilization's equipment!"

"Yes, I just saw a lot of SSS-level equipment from the Yi Ranpin Alliance, and now there are first-level civilization equipment. Is the development of our galaxy going to be accelerated?"

"But it feels like a good deal to exchange a ruins map for a first-level civilization's water circulation system!"

"It's not just a profit, it's a huge profit! There are no good things in those civilization ruins, and they might even be eliminated by the ruins guards!"

"Who said that? I found something good in the ruins of civilization, a damaged miniature spaceship."

"Then, did you take this spaceship home? Has it been repaired?"

"That's not true. When I met the ruins guard, I ran away."

"In other words, even if you encounter something good, you may not be able to take it away, isn't it still the same as having nothing!"

"I just retorted to you that there are no good things in the ruins. I didn't say that we can get good things from the ruins. Do you understand?"

"Okay, everyone, stop arguing. Those who have the ruins map in their hands can go and exchange for good things. This saves them from having to find it themselves and have to face the ruins guards."

"I just collected a map of the ruins, it just happened to be changed!"

"If I had known I wouldn't have used the ruins map before, I would have suffered a big loss now!"

Bai Yu had just put this transaction on the trading channel, and three transactions were completed in an instant.

"It seems that everyone really has a lot of ruins maps in their hands!" Bai Yu sighed with emotion, and then ordered, "Immediately follow the coordinates on the ruins map to excavate these ruins, and take Booker with you!"


Bai Yu was worried that they would not be able to find the ruins when they were digging for them as indigenous people. After all, the ruins map was prepared for survivors.

The Bayio fleet immediately formed a treasure-digging team, taking the ruins map and Booker on the road to treasure hunting.

And Xiao Yi also saw the situation in the trading channel.

"I didn't expect that the survivors in the Jeppien galaxy actually have some ruins maps in their hands. I hope Bai Yu can gain something!"

Whether it is the Bayi'ao Star side or the Yiranpin Alliance, as long as they find high-level genetic medicines, they will share them.

As long as there is an advanced genetic medicine, the research progress of both sides will become very fast.

As long as they can develop a method to mass-produce advanced genetic medicines, they can quickly create a large number of superpowers with over a thousand mental powers!
This will greatly enhance their strength, which is why Bai Yu comes to the Jeppian Galaxy!

(End of this chapter)

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