Louis IX nodded slightly, and then continued: "In addition to seeing how they respond, we may also have a chance to see if we can reap the benefits."

"Yes, that's what I mean." Louis VI replied with a smile.

The Louis Pirates hid themselves in a nearby meteorite belt.

The video was sent by the Street Louis Pirates of the Interstellar Pirate Alliance. They immediately checked and verified the video itself to determine that it was not a special effect production, and then put it on the information market.

In the Pirate Alliance, any information is valuable, and they don't say it is free here.

After the information about the Pirates of Louis is sold, the proceeds will be converted into pirate coins and transferred to the account of the Pirates of Louis.

As soon as this video was released, many pirate forces chose to buy it.

Because it involves stellar ships, portals, and controllable wormholes, the value of this video is relatively high.

Of course, those pirates with a relatively high level of civilization still have a lot of money in their hands, so buying this video is a no brainer.

When they saw the portal and the controllable wormhole, all the pirate groups became excited.

"If we have this portal and wormhole, then from now on we can just grab it and run away. No one can catch up!"

"Yes, this thing is very useful to us."

"Putting it on the Munken Star is simply a waste of resources. No, I have to set off quickly and capture the Munken Star first!"

"We purchased the jump service and have arrived in the Munken System."

"You guys are moving too fast!"

"You actually bought the jump service just for this. It's a bit wasteful. If you can't get the portal and wormhole, wouldn't you be in a big loss?"

"That's right, our pirate group is preparing to sail over slowly, you guys take the lead first!"

"Sail here? By the time you sail here, we will have taken down Munken Star."

"If you take it, take it. Let's treat it as a trip to the Munken Galaxy."

At this time, the Munken galaxy has ushered in three waves of pirate groups.

These three waves of pirate groups all purchased the jump service and jumped over directly.

They didn't dare to jump to the vicinity of Munken Planet. After all, it seemed that Munken Planet was still a bit weird at the moment.

They jumped to the outskirts of the Munken galaxy, and then slowly approached.

At the same time, a large number of spy satellites will be released to detect the Munken Star and obtain more detailed information.

The pirate fleet that appeared in large numbers this time was accurately captured by the invisible intelligent nanomachines released by Jiang Yuntian and the others.

When the intelligence department reported this situation to Sun Hong, Sun Hong was stunned for a moment, and then reported the matter to Xiao Yi in a panic.

Seeing the message from Sun Xun, Xiao Yi frowned: "How come there are so many strange fleets? Didn't your astronomy bureau detect any signs in advance?"

Sun Hong shook his head helplessly: "Indeed not, these fleets seem to have appeared suddenly!"

"Pay close attention to the movements of these fleets. I will ask Brother Jiang to bring an instrument later." Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

Now those fleets are still on the outskirts of the Munken system, and it will take some time for them to reach the Munken star.

So now they have to calm down and not panic.

Sun Hong was stunned for a moment, and then responded: "Okay!" Although he didn't know what the instrument Jiang Yuntian brought, Xiao Yi actually spoke, indicating that this instrument should be very useful.

At this time, Jiang Yuntian also came out of the trial space.

This time he entered the trial space and gained nearly 1000 meters of spiritual power.

In reality, the Palestinian-Israeli star fleet followed Xiao Yi to the Jeppian system, and last night the Munken star was also attacked again by the Louis pirate group. Jiang Yuntian was still a little worried about the safety of the real world.

So after he took the villagers back to Qinjia Village, he immediately chose to leave the trial space.

After returning to the headquarters, Jiang Yuntian came to Xiao Yi immediately.

"It just so happens that I have something to ask you!" Xiao Yi said immediately when he saw him.

Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment and asked, "Did something happen?"

"We encountered three more unfamiliar fleets on the Munken planet!" Xiao Yi replied.

"What? Didn't we just defeat the Louis pirate group last night?" Jiang Yuntian was a little surprised.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Yes, Sun Xun just sent a message, and they discovered that three strange fleets appeared on the outskirts of the Munken Galaxy, and these fleets seemed to appear suddenly, without any signs beforehand. "

Jiang Yuntian was stunned again: "Do they also have a portal?"

Xiao Yi shook his head: "There is currently no sign of a portal appearing. Maybe they have other ways to transfer teams over long distances!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded.

"Get ready here. Go to Munken Star and release more invisible intelligent nanomachines and spy satellites. At the same time, bring the signal interception analyzer there to see if you can intercept the call between them!" Xiao Yi continued.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded, then turned and left.

Jiang Yuntian came directly to the Munken planet through the portal, then opened the No. [-] independent planet space and drove out the battleship equipped with the signal interception analyzer.

Upon learning that Jiang Yuntian was coming, Sun Hong also came to his ship immediately.

"Instructor, what should we do next?" Sun Hong asked with a frown.

Jiang Yuntian pointed to an instrument on the battleship and said, "Use it to eavesdrop on the information between them first!"

"Eavesdropping?" Sun Hong was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said, "Is this the instrument that the Star Master asked you to bring here?"

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly: "It's the signal interception analyzer that her island owner just harvested."

"Can this thing really intercept the opponent's signal?" Sun Hong was a little worried, "Those fleets are at least level three civilizations."

According to the images fed back by the invisible intelligent nanomachines, these three fleets basically have stellar-class battleships.

The video information provided by the Louis Pirate Group shows that Munken has stellar-class ships, so these pirate groups have arranged for stellar-class ships to come over.

Jiang Yuntian spread his hands and replied: "I have to give it a try. What if it is intercepted?"

Sun Hong was stunned for a moment, then shook his head helplessly.

While talking, someone will be arranged to launch the receiving part of the signal interception analyzer tomorrow.

It is impossible for a signal interception analyzer to be placed on the Munken star and intercept the signals from the outer reaches of the blind galaxy. Especially the connections between the fleets are most likely to be sent in a directional manner.

If it is a non-directional omnidirectional transmission, their signals can also be received on Munken, but this is unlikely. (End of chapter)

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