Su Wan nodded slightly. After she logs off normally here, she will be here next time she goes online.

If Jiang Yuntian wasn't waiting for him here, it would be very dangerous for her to walk through such a large sunset forest alone next time.

Amelia Su returned to reality and immediately sent a message to Xiao Yi.

"Island owner, Brother Jiang has arrived at the scheduled location."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, he happened to be in the Jeppian galaxy now.

"Okay, I know!"

"Zhu Wu, let Tuwa enter the trial space in an hour." Xiao Yi found Zhu Wu and ordered.

Zhu Wu was startled for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes!"

Xiao Yi returned to his main island monument and chose to enter the trial space.

After entering the trial space, he immediately rushed towards Jiang Yuntian.

If he were not present, the power of the contract would become very weak after Tuwa entered the trial space. As long as he resisted, Jiang Yuntian would definitely not be able to defeat him.

So Xiao Yi had to come here in advance to help Jiang Yuntian obtain Tuwa's spiritual power.

Xiao Yi traveled very fast alone and arrived at Jiang Yuntian's side in less than half an hour.

Seeing Xiao Yi coming, Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment.

"Island Master, why are you here? Shouldn't Natu Wa come in first?"

Xiao Yi had already explained his worries, and Jiang Yuntian suddenly realized.

"Indeed, I only thought about getting Tuwa's spiritual power before and didn't consider this issue."

"Wait a moment, he will come in soon." Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

An hour passed quickly. Zhu Wu came to where Tuwei was being held and directly ordered him to enter the trial space.

Because Xiao Yi had ordered Tuwei to obey Zhu Wu's command beforehand.

Therefore, Tuwa could only enter the trial space according to Zhu Wu's order.

As soon as he entered the trial space, dozens of metal swords flew towards him.

He immediately mobilized his mental power to form an armor of earth on his body, and at the same time raised several earth walls in front of him!

"The reaction speed is quite fast!" Xiao Yi smiled slightly, and the earth walls, including the earth armor on the earth tiles, dissipated instantly.

All those dozens of metal swords were pierced into Tuwa's body!
He didn't even react and fell here!

A huge amount of spiritual power poured into Jiang Yuntian's body.

The mental power that was originally only a little over 400 meters suddenly increased to more than 900 meters!
Feeling the surge in mental power, Jiang Yuntian became excited.

"It's cool!" Jiang Yuntian shouted!

"You can take your people back first and come back tomorrow. I'll log off here!" Xiao Yi ordered.

Hearing that Xiao Yi was going to log off here, Jiang Yuntian no longer hesitated, nodded and left with the villagers.

With Xiao Yi here, Amelia Su doesn’t have to worry about safety issues when she goes online.

Tuwei has entered the trial space today and cannot enter again. The next time will have to wait until tomorrow!
Xiao Yi did not hesitate, and directly chose to go offline, and then came to the location where Tuwei was detained in the Jeppian system.

Zhu Wu was slightly relieved when he saw Xiao Yi appear.

Because after being killed once in the trial space, he was not sure whether the power of the contract still existed.In case it no longer exists, even if Tuva is killed once and loses nearly half of his mental power, it is not something that a superpower like him, whose mental power has not yet exceeded [-], can compete with!

"There's nothing going on at Tuwei, right?" Xiao Yi asked in a deep voice.

Zhu Wu shook his head and replied: "He was just shouting, and I couldn't understand his bird language."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, went to the cabin where he was detained, and once again strengthened the undead contract on Tu Wa.

He paid no attention to Tuwei's shouting.

"Did we collect resources and get a map of the ruins?" Xiao Yi asked again after leaving Tuwa.

Zhu Wu shook his head: "Not yet."

"It seems that the explosion rate of this ruins map is not high!" Xiao Yi nodded helplessly, "You can watch from here, I will go back to the headquarters first."


At this time, the Louis Pirates, who had been running wildly for eight hours, were already very far away from the Munken Star.

"Master, I didn't collect the information well this time. Please punish me." Louis IX apologized.

Louis VI shook his head: "It's not your fault, it's also my fault for being too rash. However, it's really strange that Munken, a second-level civilized planet, can get a stellar-class ship!"

Louis IX nodded: "Yeah, how on earth did they get the stellar space battleship? And the wormhole suddenly appeared before, how on earth did they do it!"

In their understanding, only level four civilizations can use natural wormholes, and level five civilizations can create artificial wormholes.

But after these two battles, it can be seen that the Munken Planet can obviously control the wormhole.

But the Louis Pirates are very sure that they are definitely not a fourth or fifth level civilization.

Because if Munken Star is really a level [-] or level [-] civilization, they will never be able to escape!
Louis VI shook his head, he didn't know the answer to this question.

"Then what should we do now?" Louis Nine asked with a frown.

Louis VI thought for a moment and asked, "Is your level-[-] civilization spy satellite still over there on the Munken planet?"

Louis IX was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "When the opponent's stellar-class ships appeared, I immediately withdrew the spy satellites of the third-level civilization."

"Well done, immediately edit the footage captured by the spy satellite to highlight the opponent's portal and the actions to control the wormhole!" Louis VI ordered.

"Master, what are we going to do?" Louis Nine already had some guesses in his mind, but he still asked.

"Since we can't defeat them, there are always pirates who can capture them!" Louis VI said coldly, "We have suffered such heavy losses, so we can't make it easy for them, right?"

Louis Nine's eyes lit up, then nodded, and replied: "Leave this matter to me!"

He immediately arranged for the team to start editing the previously captured footage.

After the editing was completed, Louis IX placed the edited video in front of Louis VI and asked him to review it.

"The editing is good, just send it to the Interstellar Pirate Alliance!" Louis VI said with a smile.

"Yes!" Louis IX responded.

"Give me the order to stop advancing and sail to one side!" Then Louis VI issued this order.

Louis Nine was stunned for a moment: "Master, if we stop now, the other party will probably catch up."

"If they wanted to chase, they would have caught up long ago." Louis VI replied with a smile, "We actually sent the news back to the Interstellar Pirate Alliance, so we will wait here to see how Munken responds." (This chapter over)

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