Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2802: The planet is opened to the outside world, and everyone is looting it

Chapter 2802: The planet is opened to the outside world, and everyone is looting it
Xiao Yi nodded: "It's indeed beyond my expectation!"

"If it can reproduce itself as it says, can our intelligent robots and other ship weapons be equipped with this anthropomorphic intelligent program?" Jiang Yuntian thought for a while and asked.

"It's most likely possible!" Xiao Yi replied, "Let's wait until it completes its self-examination!"

"Well, then I'm going to go on a patrol first." Jiang Yuntian got up and walked out.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, took out the Three Yis, and prepared to continue studying.

But his phone rang again.

Du Kang liked him in the internal group chat of Yiranpin Alliance.

"Island Master, the planet in Space [-] has been transformed. Is it open to the outside world?" Du Kang asked.

Xiao Yi was slightly startled: "Did the transformation happen so quickly?"

"Yes, maybe because Wang Yang already has experience." Du Kang replied, "Now that Feng Menglong is still in the trial space, someone from the marketing department asked this question."

Xiao Yi pondered for a moment and asked: "Are there any buildings built on that planet to receive the survivors who boarded that planet?"

"I took a look at the transformation report sent by Wang Yang. Part of it has been built. There should be this transformation report in your mailbox. The specific transformation situation is very detailed in the transformation report." Du Kang replied.

"In this case, let's open it to the outside world to a certain extent!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly and continued to give instructions, "Delimit an area and prohibit them from exploring other areas, and at the same time arrange for a few awakened superpowers to maintain control there. order."

"Roger, I understand!" Du Kang responded, and then immediately left the city lord's palace, driving the miniature spaceship to the space of the second independent planet.

At this time, everyone in the public chat room was discussing this matter.

"I see that the planet has been transformed. When will the Yiranpin Alliance be opened to the outside world?"

"Yes, I saw the pictures broadcast, and buildings have been built on them!"

"I have to say that the Yi Ranpin Alliance is transforming the planet so quickly!"

"I really want to go up there and stay for a few days. I feel so insecure floating in space all day."

"We can only live with our eyes. If anyone really goes up there, don't forget to take a video and show it to us."

"Yeah, who told us not to be in the same galaxy as Mr. Yi Ranpin?"

"We strongly recommend that the Yi Ranpin Alliance open this planet to other galaxies!"

"So what if it's open? Can you get to the Yiranpin Alliance headquarters?"

"I can't make it there, but the Yi Ranpin Alliance can come over!"

"That's right, when a small group of undead troops appeared in our Domire galaxy, the Yi Ranpin Alliance used the independent planet space to pick us up. The big boss can help us achieve inter-galactic travel."

"Yeah, how could I forget this! I hope the Yiranpin Alliance can come to our galaxy and let us experience the space of an independent planet."

At this time, Yiranpin Alliance issued a notice.

"Hello everyone, survivors from all galaxies!"

"We have finally lived up to expectations and transformed the planet in the independent planet space. Now we have designated an area to receive everyone."

"Any survivor who chooses to log in to this planet, please read the following instructions carefully!"

"First, you can only move within the designated area and are prohibited from exploring other areas; second, you must obey the command of the on-site order personnel and must not disobey; third, you must not initiate combat in an independent space..." "Finally, those who log in to the planet The price is one hundred yuan per day.”

After reading this notice, all the survivors in the Chaos Galaxy became excited.

"Great, the Yi Ranpin Alliance has finally opened the planet, I want to sign up, I want to go up!"

"Already signed up, we will enter the independent planet space in a moment!"

"You're too fast!"

"It's not fast enough. I'm worried that I won't be able to grab it. Since the Yiranpin Alliance has demarcated the area, it means that the space open to us is limited. The limited space means that not everyone may be able to go up at the same time!"

"You guessed it right, the reservation channel has been closed now! I haven't fucking signed up yet!"

"No, it's so popular. It costs one hundred yuan a day. It's not cheap! Are there so many rich people?"

"Yes, I have always said that the situation is not good, but once there are such luxurious goods or services, you snatch them up in an instant! It seems that the situation is not good, just for me!"

"Add me!"

"@伊Ranpin, boss, can you give us some quotas in these galaxies? We also want to experience it."

At this time, Xiao Yi had already thrown the phone away. If the phone was aside, he would not be able to study the Three Yis wholeheartedly.

Du Kang saw everyone's demands and had no choice but to speak out: "Everyone, please be patient. Our alliance is also studying the charter to open independent planet space to other galaxies. After all, moving between galaxies still consumes a lot of energy!"

Seeing Du Kang's reply, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then started discussing again.

"Yes, you just want to enter the space of independent planets, but you must also consider the energy consumption of moving between galaxies!"

"The energy consumed by moving from one galaxy to another in such an instant is estimated to be astronomical."

"But since the Yiranpin Alliance said it is studying it, it means there is definitely a chance. We just need to wait patiently!"

"That's right, Yiranpin Alliance has never let us down."

"We are temporarily unable to enter the independent planet space, so we can only play in the trial space."

"But I still have no way to enter the real trial world, and the speed of improving my mental power is still a bit slow."

"I can only rely on the violent pills from the Yiranpin Alliance every day. After eating the mental power provided by the first three waves of wild monsters, my own cultivation has barely improved."

"Most survivors should be like this, but if you can have the violent pills provided by the Yi Ranpin Alliance, you can have fun secretly. Think about those galaxies that don't have violent pills. Wouldn't you feel better?"

"It seems so. I really can't imagine a galaxy without violent pills. How can they improve their mental power?"

"How else can I improve? Just rely on practice and slowly improve!"

"The speed is probably much slower!"

"So we should be thankful that we at least have a way to use the Violent Pill to quickly increase our mental power."

"By the way, how many survivors in our five galaxies have entered the real trial world?"

"Who knows? Even the Yiranpin Alliance only knows the situation within its own alliance. It's hard to say whether other survivors have entered the real trial world."

(End of this chapter)

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