Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2801 The eunuch seems to live a long life, island servant

Chapter 2801 The eunuch seems to live a long life, island servant
Feng Qingluan already knew the situation at that time through other people's stories.

If the island owner Xiao Yi hadn't arrived in time, she would have been ruined by these two scumbags.

Feng Qingluan has no sympathy for such a scumbag.

Another full-force kick, and the people around him vaguely heard the sound of breaking eggs again.

Ozawa screamed, rolled his eyes and fainted!
For Noda, Feng Qingluan did not perform the egg-breaking operation, but punched and kicked him until he was dying, and then walked out with satisfaction.

Feng Qingluan knew that if they fell into the hands of the Noda trio, their end would be even worse.

At this time, the two village guards watching from the side began to discuss in low voices.

"I thought these adults were quite kind before, but I didn't expect them to be so cruel!"

"Yeah, it feels like they have a big grudge!"

"However, you should be so cruel to your enemies. You didn't see me on the city wall yesterday. If the adults hadn't arrived in time, these two people would have performed a live erotic show."

"I've heard that if you don't arrive in time, not only the master just now will suffer, but we will also suffer. These three people don't look like good birds!"

"Actually, what I'm more curious about is, why didn't you just kill these three people? Wouldn't it be more convenient?"

"I heard that if you kill them directly, they can be resurrected in another world, so I decided not to kill them, but to torture them slowly."

"This is too miserable!"

"Do you still sympathize with them?"

"Not sympathy, just describing their current situation."

At this time, Feng Menglong also rushed over. As a madman who cares for his sister, he must come in the same shift as Feng Qingluan.

Hearing the screams coming from the room where the Noda trio were imprisoned, Feng Menglong seemed to be able to imagine the situation of the Noda trio.

"Sister, you have to be careful here, don't torment them to death." Feng Menglong couldn't help but remind him.

Feng Qingluan glanced at him and replied: "You can't die. There are so many eunuchs in history, and they all seem to live a long life!"

Feng Menglong twitched the corner of his mouth. He wanted to say that many eunuchs died during the purification process.

But there is no need to argue with my sister about this issue now.

"You watch here first, I will replace you at noon." Feng Menglong said.

Feng Qingluan waved his hand, and Feng Menglong left helplessly.

In reality, Xiao Yi is working with Jiang Yuntian to verify the power of the anthropomorphic intelligence program harvested today.

Xiao Yi took out the anthropomorphic intelligent program from the system space, and a prompt immediately appeared on the island monument.

"It has been detected that you have harvested [Anthropomorphic Intelligent Program] (Level II)*1, please select the implantation location."

In fact, many ships appeared later, including the space city where the Yiranpin Alliance headquarters is located.

Xiao Yi naturally did not hesitate and directly chose to be implanted in the Yi Ranpin Alliance headquarters.

"Implanted successfully!"

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in the central control room of the Space City in the Alliance Headquarters.

"Hello Master, I am an anthropomorphic intelligent program, and now I need to take over this space city. Do you agree?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this voice.

Xiao Yi was also stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Agree."

The staff in the central control room immediately discovered that they could no longer control the instruments on the Space City!
"What's going on? Has our system been hacked?"

"What did that voice mean just now? Take over this space city? Does he need our consent to invade?" "It's over, we can't control this space city at all."

Just when everyone was in chaos, Xiao Yi hurriedly made a broadcast.

"Don't panic, everyone. This is the anthropomorphic intelligence program I just got. Next, the space city at the headquarters of the Yiranpin Alliance will be fully taken over by it. All you need to do is cooperate with it."

Hearing Xiao Yi's voice, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"It turns out that the island owner installed a new smart program!"

"Didn't our alliance originally have intelligent robots? It seems that the intelligent robots have limited intelligence!"

"This should be different from the previous artificial intelligence robots!"

"It's definitely different. The things the island owner comes up with are definitely getting more and more advanced."

"If this system is particularly advanced, wouldn't we all be unemployed?"

"It's okay. As long as the Yiranpin Alliance headquarters can ensure safety, if you lose your job, you will lose your job. You can find other jobs when you go back."

"Yes, can a living person be choked to death by urine?"

Xiao Yi is talking to the anthropomorphic intelligent program.

"What can you do?" Xiao Yi asked straight to the point.

"You can think of me as an intelligent life. The only difference from you is that my carrier is a machine, and you are the body!" the anthropomorphic intelligent program replied, "I can do everything you can do."

Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows: "Then can you have children?"

"Okay, I just need to copy my program and implant it into other ships. The other ships will be equivalent to my children."

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, then nodded and asked again: "So, my alliance headquarters doesn't need anyone else to control it here?"

"You can say that!" the anthropomorphic intelligent program replied, "Of course I will make mistakes, but the probability is extremely low!"

"Then I will keep the staff here first." Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Master, I gave myself a name, island servant, what do you think?" the anthropomorphic intelligent program asked.

"Anything is fine, as long as you like it!" Xiao Yi replied nonchalantly.

At this time, Jiang Yuntian asked: "Since you are so powerful, can you also use it to fight the enemy?"

"Theoretically yes, but I also need training! Just like your soldiers have participated in a lot of training." The island servant replied.

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly: "So, as long as you receive enough training, you can control ships to fight like those soldiers who have experienced hundreds of battles."

"That's right." The island servant replied.

"In this case, let's train quickly!" Jiang Yuntian urged.

The island servant paused for a moment and asked, "Aren't you afraid that I will replace the soldiers of the Yi Ranpin Alliance?"

"It's best to replace them all. As long as you keep this program, you won't really die, and those soldiers are all flesh and blood!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

The island servant responded: "Okay, I understand! If there is nothing else, I will start the first self-examination, which will take a day!"

"Okay, you can start self-examination!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Yes, Island Master!"

Jiang Yuntian said with emotion: "I didn't expect this anthropomorphic intelligent program to be so smart. It feels like chatting with a real person!"

(End of this chapter)

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