Chapter 2759: Escape or stay, the other party asked
Flying Frog doesn't dare to stay here now. If a fight really breaks out, his escape cabin won't be able to withstand an attack from either side!
When Flying Frog fled quickly, Xiao Yi ordered: "Brother Jiang, take the teleportation spacecraft and retreat back first. Once the other party launches an attack, you will immediately open the wormhole in Space [-]. We Evacuate immediately."

"My mental strength is relatively weak now, and I need to leave the cabin to open the wormhole. So you'd better retreat to the back and be ready to open the wormhole at any time." Jiang Yuntian shook his head.

Xiao Yi was slightly startled and warned: "Pay attention to safety!"

Xiao Yi's mental power is stronger, and he can open the wormhole faster.

Xiao Yi decisively boarded the teleportation spacecraft, which broke away from the medium-sized space battleship and retreated behind.

Flying Frog, who was escaping, saw that the teleportation ships of the Yiranpin Alliance fleet were evacuating backwards. He had no intention of staying and continued to fly away.

At the same time, Feiwa said in the public channel of Island Monument: "It's over now. I didn't expect the advanced civilization in our galaxy to be so powerful!"

The other survivors saw the message sent by Flying Frog and asked curiously.

"Flying frog, what happened over there?"

"Yes, tell me quickly, did the advanced civilization bring in a lot of spaceships?"

"Don't speak only half of your words, or you'll get beaten easily."

Fei Frog continued: "Yes, that advanced civilization did indeed mobilize a lot of ships, and the ship types are larger than those of the Yiranpin Alliance, and the number of ships is also greater!"

"Does this advanced civilization have to be so fierce?"

"Didn't the Yiranpin Alliance send a few spaceships to the other party?"

"You still have time to chat with us on the public channel now? Shouldn't you flee the scene now?"

"I am indeed fleeing the scene, but I don't need to use my strength. I just want to talk to you."

"I would like to ask weakly, are the Yi Ranpin Alliance team also in a hurry to escape?"

"You are overthinking. If the Yi Ranpin Alliance is also escaping, Fei Frog won't have to flee."

"Yes, Flying Frog will definitely not be able to escape. Now that he can chat with us so easily, there is a high probability that it is the Yi Ranpin Alliance, dragging the fleet of the advanced civilization behind!"

Flying Frog said with a smile: "You are right. The Yiranpin Alliance team did not escape. Instead, they were waiting for the advanced civilization fleet to approach. They just reminded me to escape as soon as possible. They just said that they would fight. Can’t take care of me.”

"No, can the Yiranpin Alliance really compete with this advanced civilization?"

"Since they dare to stay, they must have two brushes."

"Then why don't you stay where you are and watch them fight?"

"Are you kidding? If I stay where I am, the aftermath of their attack will wipe me out!" Flying Frog replied, "As long as I have a miniature spaceship, I will stay and take a look!"

"That's right, anyone who makes such a suggestion is either stupid or bad!"

"We might as well think about it, if the Yi Ranpin Alliance team cannot defeat that advanced civilization, Fei Frog, do you think you can escape?"

Fei Frog was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Then it depends on how long they fight. If they fight longer, I still have a chance to escape."

"The speed of their ship is more than four times that of your escape pod. Do you really think you have a chance? Now you are not protected by the rules of the world. Your escape pod is not invisible. As long as they know your approximate location, they will I'll find you sooner or later."

Fei Frog was stunned again: "Then, what do you want to express?"

"It seems that you agree with this statement. Now, if the Yi Ranpin Alliance can defeat that advanced civilization, as long as you stay a little further away, there will definitely be no danger."

"I understand. What do you mean is that there is no need for me to run away anyway?" Fei Frog replied.

"Yes, that's what I mean. If you can observe the battles of those high-level fleets, it will be beneficial to you in the future." "It seems to make sense!"

"I don't think so, I think we should escape as soon as possible!"

"That's right, everything depends on man-made things. As long as you escape danger temporarily, there will always be changes in the future!"

"Of course, this is just my personal suggestion. It doesn't make any difference to me whether you stay there and watch or not, and you can't record the video for us to see."

Although most of the survivors on the public channel still agreed with Flying Frog to escape, Flying Frog himself was a little shaken at this time.

That's right, he doesn't want to escape now, he just wants to watch the battle between the Yi Ranpin Alliance and the advanced civilization.

"Made, if you do it, your damn eggs will fall into the sky and you will not die for tens of millions of years!"

Flying Frog made up his mind to stay!

He parked his escape capsule behind the Yi Ranpin Alliance team, about ten kilometers away, and looked at the Yi Ranpin Alliance team from a distance.

Xiao Yi naturally saw his actions and shook his head helplessly.

The person who should be reminded has already reminded the other party. If the other party is unwilling to leave, then there is nothing he can do.

Soon the fleet of the advanced civilization approached the Yi Ranpin Alliance team.

But the other party was very restrained and stopped at a safe distance.

Jiang Yuntian said doubtfully: "What do they mean?"

"Don't worry, the other party will definitely make their next move, just wait and see." Xiao Yi replied.

At this time, the Bayiao star fleet was also asking Bai Yu for instructions.

"Feather God, the opponent's escape capsule has escaped far away, but the other four ships are still staying in place. What should we do next? Please give instructions."

Bai Yu thought for a moment and replied: "Send a message directly to the other party and ask them who they are and where they come from?"


Jiang Yuntian, who was wondering, suddenly received a reminder from his subordinates: "Instructor, they sent a message!"

Jiang Yuntian raised his eyebrows and ordered: "Decode it as soon as possible!"


"It seems that this advanced civilization has no intention of starting a war with us." Xiao Yi said.

Jiang Yuntian shook his head: "God knows, maybe they are confusing us!"

The Yiranpin Alliance's signal transceiver analyzer has also been upgraded to the second level civilization. In addition, the information from the Palestinian-Israel star is not encrypted, so it is very fast to decipher.

"Please identify yourself and where you are coming from."

Seeing the deciphered message, Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "This advanced civilization is quite polite!"

Anyway, adding the word "please" before speaking will at least make people less disgusted.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Reply them, we are survivors thrown here by the rules of the world, and we don't know the rest."

(End of this chapter)

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