Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2758: There are blueprints for the teleportation array, and they are about to meet

Chapter 2758: There are blueprints for the teleportation array, and they are about to meet
"Why can't the teleportation array be teleported across the stars?"

"Because I had a teleportation array in the first stage, and the teleportation distance is limited."

"Wucao, the boss upstairs actually owns a teleportation array! I've never seen it before!"

"Perhaps after reaching the second stage, the teleportation array has also been upgraded!"

Seeing that everyone had been discussing this matter, Bai Chen explained directly: "Our alliance's teleportation array is only a galaxy-level teleportation array and can only teleport within one galaxy."

Seeing Bai Chen's response, all the survivors were stunned again.

"Wucao, there is actually a teleportation array within the galaxy."

"Awesome! I really don't know how they got the teleportation array!"

"Can you teleport at will within a galaxy? The range of a galaxy is only one light-year. Can you teleport at will with this teleportation array?"

"One light-year in an instant, which is much faster than the speed of light!"

"What a shame, it would be great if we could move across galaxies!"

"It's enough to have a teleportation array that can be easily transferred within a galaxy. Don't ask for too much!"

"Correction, even if there is a teleportation array, you cannot move casually. At least the location you want to transfer to must have a teleportation array!"

"Yes, that's why Yiranpin Alliance wants to cooperate with Feiwa."

"That's true, but we survivors have a natural advantage. We have Island Monument, a trading platform that ignores distance!"

"So, doesn't the Yiranpin Alliance have at least two teleportation arrays?"

"Definitely, otherwise they will definitely not be able to teleport to Flying Frog!"

"Does this mean that the Yiranpin Alliance has a template for the teleportation array?"

"There is a high probability that if it is just the manufacturing diagram, the possibility of harvesting two teleportation array manufacturing diagrams is very small."

"That's not necessarily true. The Yiranpin Alliance can receive the teleportation array manufacturing plans from other survivors through acquisition!"

"That's right, with so many high-end items, it's very simple to change the manufacturing diagram."

"There shouldn't be any survivors who would sell the teleportation array manufacturing plans, right?"

"Why not? If you think about it carefully, even if you harvest a teleportation array manufacturing diagram, would it be useful to you? If this manufacturing diagram can be replaced by a small spaceship, would you replace it?" Fei Frog immediately retorted.

"Exchanging a manufacturing diagram for a small spaceship? Are you kidding me? A small spaceship is worth much more. The teleportation array is really useless, and I don't have any companions here."

"So, it is still possible for the Yiranpin Alliance to receive the teleportation array manufacturing diagram!" Fei Frog said with a smile.

"But the Yiranpin Alliance is not stupid either. He certainly won't trade a small spaceship for a manufacturing diagram, right?"

"Yes, a small spaceship is now almost the top ship among survivors. Who would use it to exchange for the construction plan?"

Feiwa saw this and said with a smile: "Top ships? You underestimated Yi Ranpin's alliance too much. This time they used a small spaceship and three larger spaceships came over. According to my observation, It should be medium-sized or even larger.”

"Wucao, isn't it? Is the Yiranpin Alliance so rich?"

"We just went to investigate the reconnaissance satellite, so we dispatched such a high-end ship?"

"Yi Ranpin Alliance is so awesome, I want to hold on tight!"

Seeing their discussion, Bai Chen curled his lips and muttered: "Are medium-sized battleships advanced?"

But he still responded to another question from the survivors of the Bayio Galaxy, and even made an advertisement by the way!

"We have the drawings of the teleportation array, and we will also open the teleportation array to everyone for sale in the future. If you are interested, you can buy it yourself when the time comes!" "Wucao, there really is a template!"

"Look carefully, it's not a template, it's a drawing!"

"Yes, the drawings are different from the templates. The drawings need to be constructed and manufactured by someone, while the templates can be made directly using island monuments."

"I want to buy a teleportation array. How many resources are needed?"

"I want to buy it too. If it's acceptable, I'll buy one too!"

Bai Chen responded: "According to the rules of our alliance, it's all raw materials plus a part of the manufacturing cost!"

"That means we have to collect the raw materials ourselves and then give them to you, plus the manufacturing cost?"

"Yes, that's it!" Bai Chen responded.

"This is good, but will the manufacturing costs be paid with resources?"

"No, it's using our alliance's virtual currency!" Bai Chen explained with a smile.

"Virtual currency?" Everyone was stunned.

"Yes, any resource can be exchanged for virtual currency." Bai Chen replied.

"Exchange resources into virtual currency, and then use the virtual currency to purchase items. Then why not just use resources to exchange for items? Isn't this just taking off your pants and farting? It's unnecessary?"

"This is not unnecessary. Did your home planet gradually have currency from the era of barter? If you still don't understand, then go back and study history and economics."

"Damn, I really wanted to go back to study, but it's a pity that I can't!"

"The Yi Ranpin Alliance has big plans!"

"However, they have the strength!"

With the support of the Yiranpin Alliance team, Feiwa stopped directly and faced off with the reconnaissance satellite of Bayi'ao Star.

The reconnaissance satellite also stopped.

Half an hour later, a large space battleship came over with a dozen medium-sized space battleships.

At this time, Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian had already arrived in the Bayio galaxy. After all, they were going to meet the advanced civilization here. In order to ensure the safety of the alliance team, they both teleported here.

Seeing the huge fleet approaching in the distance, Flying Frog turned around and ran away!

He thought that the Yi Ranpin Alliance was already very powerful, but he did not expect that the other party's ships were larger than those of the Yi Ranpin Alliance.

This is a shame, so run away quickly!

But Feiwa suddenly noticed that the Yiranpin Alliance team did not escape immediately.

"Are you scared out of your wits?" As soon as this thought came up, Fei Frog denied himself, "Probably not. Could they still be able to defeat such a fleet?"

Thinking this, Fei Frog slowed down his speed and prepared to watch from a distance.

"@飞虎, I'm not sure whether the other party will attack in a while, I suggest you leave first, otherwise we won't be able to protect your safety in a while!" Xiao Yi reminded directly on the public channel of Dao Bei.

Seeing the news, Feiwa had no choice but to turn around and leave again.

There is no way, he has only a cooperative relationship with Yi Ranpin Alliance, and Yi Ranpin Alliance has no obligation to protect him.

At this time, Feiwa felt a little bit that he was too weak. If he had the strength, he could watch their battle nearby, but now he can only escape!

(End of this chapter)

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